OverrideTexture compatible BF2 Stormtrooper

Started by tirpider, October 25, 2012, 05:08:32 AM

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OverrideTexture compatible BF2 Stormtrooper


tirpider - editing
Pandemic - source materials

A kitbash of the following:
SWBF2 imp_inf_stormtrooper.msh (Pandemic)
and the various tga's, .options, and lowres models that they came with.

- Rebuilt NDXL and NDXT tags for compatibility with my process. (only affects console munging, and should be fine.)
- Made OverrideTexture compatible
   - renamed MODLs.
- removed hidden pauldron and packs from lowres (they weren't mirrored in high res)

Possible future edits:
- Split interesting parts into individual SEGM's

To make use of the override texture, the following line needs to be in the unit's odf
(replace texturename with the name of your texture)
OverrideTexture  = "texturename"  // body, helmet

I left the filename the same as the original as it is meant to be used as a replacement.
It still requires the same tgas as the original


-tirpider (tirpider@yahoo.com)
visit http://www.swbfgamers.com/

You are amazing me with all these releases! Great job! I will add all of them to the database whenever I get a chance. I would like to see an override texture compatible Boba &/or Jango Fett. *hint, hint*  ;)
=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder

Quote from: Snake on October 25, 2012, 02:50:52 PM
You are amazing me with all these releases! Great job! I will add all of them to the database whenever I get a chance. I would like to see an override texture compatible Boba &/or Jango Fett. *hint, hint*  ;)
Id like to see a Commando Sev Override Texture. *cough*hint*cough*
Proud [Freelancer Consortium] Member! [FC]Leader.Helios

Thanks, Snake

Re: Boba &/or Jango Fett
Boba is comming soon as I finish up the BF2 Empire.

Re: Commando Sev
That would be a reskin. (I'm awful with skins) Unless there is a Commando model.  I think someone made one.. not sure.