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Messages - Samistheone

SWBF1 Modding / Re: Thread to Help Samistheone
November 13, 2014, 08:04:27 PM
Yes it did, the only thing that changed was the path for the file.

(Microsoft Visual C== Runtime Library

Runtime Error!

Program: C:\BFBuilder\DataTestMap1\zeroeditor.exe

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.)

By the way do you need to have the original SWBF disc in your computer for this to work, or just a SWBF disc?, I recently noticed, I haven't had the disc in for almost a full year now, wonder why I didn't notice. x-D
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Thread to Help Samistheone
November 13, 2014, 07:47:45 PM
I downloaded the new updated file, and extracted it to my C drive then copied BFBuilder out of the LucasArts folder directly to the C drive

Right after that I did the instructions on this page (, because I want to edit the Bespin: Cloud City map, and see if I can make a better greater version of the map, maybe even add a spiral stair case and stuff, but then after 0 BFBuilder Pro loaded the map and stuff I clicked edit map it starts up Zero Editor screen and right after that it terminates saying this.

(Microsoft Visual C== Runtime Library

Runtime Error!

Program: C:\BFBuilder\Databes10\zeroeditor.exe

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.)

This time this was on my Windows 7, I haven't tried the new one on my Windows XP Professional computer, because I don't have another backup drive yet. But it was basically saying the same thing even when I wasn't trying to edit the bes10 file.
Thanks Led! I'll try it out right now! Well.... actually in a little bit, I got some things to do first.

Sorry something must have happened so it sent 2 different times when I retried posting.


Okay I am still having problems with my Zero Editor (That I talked about on this forum page. but now I am trying on my Windows 7 computer, and I tried it with your updates, and it still saying the same thing. Does anyone have suggestions?!?!?! I so want to make these cool maps I have in mind in my head, I think you guys will like them!
Thanks Led, I will try it out right now! Well actually right in a few minutes, I got to take my shower I work in a more dirty job at a chicken hatchery.
Quote from: RepubliqueCmdr on March 12, 2014, 09:37:44 PM
Correct about the sound config.

Imperial 1.2 updates are /MSH/ and /ODF/ folder that you can find in battlebelks imp side builder (../Sides/IMP/MSH/ and ODF/)

And you will want to copy those two folders (and overwrite) to ../BFBuilder/Assets/Sides/IMP/
[spoiler]When you 'Create a new Side' or 'Import retail Side', the HTML application of BFBuilder takes the side assets from the BFBuilder assets folder to save loads of space instead of putting it in Datatemplate, which would put all the sides in every project you create.[/spoiler]

I doubt the MSH/models change in any game play altering way (from 1.2 at least), but you're copying those just to be safe. The ODF assets are what you really want though, because there are quite a few weapon and unit configurations that are changed with 1.2 update of SWBF.

So just those files no the others that came with it??

Quote from: Led on November 10, 2014, 06:10:03 PM
You should start with following them exactly.  If it works then you can try to re-install it on your other drive. 

I don't know what RC said.  The links in the post are for the 1.2 empire faction updates.  If you do not install them, you will have the 1.0 version of this faction for any new emp.lvl mods that you make.

It will not be possible to put those programs into the game menu.

Sam, I will work on making a new mod tools package for you that will have all of the updates already installed.  Ideally, you will just have to download it and uncompress it in the right spot. 

Please give me through the weekend.

Well I don't have the room on my computer for that my C: Drive it is literally 100% full

So as in I can't put it in the main window like where you hear Darth Vader or the other options it gives you like to click install or uninstall and stuff?

Okay thanks Led, that will be really helpful, mean while I'll try again, maybe I can try it on my Windows 7 computer I am on now but I think either the hard drive is about to go or its a few bad viruses causing the problems to make it look like its my hard drive failing.

Which is why I have the 3 terabyte drive now and a flash drive booter for my computer that the 3 terabyte drive made for me on one of my USB Flash drives x-D, Its a tower computer that would be expensive fix, it used to be my cousins, who worked at a computer place fixing and making computers.
Do I have to follow these directions exactly? or can I put the files in a different drive one that I bought its a 3 terabyte drive??? and run it all from there? also are these files in the Imperial 1.2 updates needed to be installed? or just the MSH and ODF folder that Republic Commando said?

Second is there away that we can put BFBuilder, and 0 BFBuilder Pro, and Zero Editor in to the Main Menu for SWBF? if so do you think you can make a mod for that for me and others Please?

If so Thanks!

By the way my Zero Editor is still not working.
Tech Support / Re: d3dx9_43.dll missing
November 09, 2014, 09:48:58 AM
The only DirectX  that I have used is the one that originally came from SWBF and I don't think it ever got updated, try using the original? but I have also heard that some games might not work on the original Windows 8, but lets face it in some ways I think the Windows 8 was a bad idea with some of the changes they made x-P, anyways I hope you are able to figure it out and fix it soon ShaZam!

Oh yea what about getting a program that runs Windows 7 on its own window so that you can run SWBF and other games on that??? or is that not possible yet?
Tech Support / Re: Zeroediter problems please help! x-P
November 09, 2014, 09:23:22 AM
Okay so now I ran in to a few more problems.

1. My XP was already at highest 32 bit.
2. What application is needed to run a .bat file??
3. when I found the original Zero Editor and tried to run it there alone it said this (Zero Editor Error:) ("config.ini" not found, unable to start.) and I couldn't find it in any other location when I was running the 3D analyze.

Do you have any other suggestions??

Oh yea and the folder I found it in was C:\BFBuilderbackup\Zeroeditor (Already extracted).
Tech Support / Re: Zeroediter problems please help! x-P
November 07, 2014, 10:09:32 PM
Quote from: MileHighGuy on November 07, 2014, 09:27:24 PM

If those don't work then I think you're out of luck.  You can still mod, you just can't make maps...

EDIT: BFBuilder was not included in any game disc. Its downloaded only..

3D-Analyze is an emulator program used for many things, but in the case, we'll be using it to emulate the TnL requirements of Battlefront 2

Found at:

Given that information that it simulates what happens when you start SWBF2, well I have tried SWBF2, ((SWRC) Star Wars Republic Commando), and other games alike and none of them started after I installed them, so with that given information would it mean that this suggestion will not work on any of the XP computers I fixed up correct??

I thought once upon a time I saw BFbuilder and or BFbuilder PRO in the main start up menu or options menu of SWBF though????

Not make maps?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!!!! But all the maps and maps ideas I have in my head, I have reason to believe could make me be one of the greatest if not the greatest map maker that could be seen on SWBF!!!!!

(I can't say the credits all mine though.)

How do you change your display Color Quality Settings to Highest 32 bit??
Tech Support / Re: Zeroediter problems please help! x-P
November 07, 2014, 09:09:19 PM
Zero Editor Runtime Error (XP, Vista, Windows 7/8)

Postby AceMastermind ยป Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:07 am

There is no single solution to get ZeroEditor working for everyone. In this post you will find a compilation of possible fixes collected around this site in an effort to keep information in one place for convenience. Some of these may or may not work for you, cross your fingers and read on.

There is a lot of inconsistency in who is able to get it to run and how they got it working, it just doesn't work for all users.
In order to put this issue to rest we need more feedback from those who have and have not gotten it to work.

Questions for Vista and Windows 7, 8.x users:
Please just post your answers to this questionnaire in this topic
•Does ZE work for you? (Yes/No)
•What edition of Vista or Windows 7/8 are you running? (ex: Vista Home Premium)
•What graphics card are you currently using? (ex: NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS)
•What's the current driver version of your gfx card? (ex: 186.18)
•Are you running 32 or 64 bit? (32/64)
•What version of Microsoft .NET Framework do you currently have installed?

1. (Given x-P No not really.)
2. Windows XP Professional.
3. I don't have a graphics card in the computer that I know of, I basically fixed the computer up out of 4 computers alike it that had different problems on why they didn't work, fans hard drive excreta, into this one working computer.
4. (gfx card = graphics card?) don't have one I guess.
5. 32-bit Windows XP Professional
6. (Microsoft .NET Framework??)

Found at

How do you change your display Color Quality Settings to Highest 32 bit??

Install it directly to C:\BFBuilder? or install it and then put it in C:\BFBuilder???

Edited at 12:13 AM Eastern Standard time. (By the way didn't BFbuilder and BFbuilder PRO originally come with the first SWBF gaming disc where you had 3 discs to fully install SWBF to your computer??? because I have the original.)
Tech Support / Re: Zeroediter problems please help! x-P
November 07, 2014, 08:48:48 PM
Yes I did several times, I'm not sure if it ever worked. Its been quite a while since I used BFbuilder, almost a year, actually maybe it was a year not sure. It was sometime around winter if I am correct.

I will check that link right now thanks.
Tech Support / Re: Zeroediter problems please help! x-P
November 07, 2014, 08:13:37 PM
Yes it does
Tech Support / Zeroediter problems please help! x-P
November 07, 2014, 07:53:51 PM
Hi I am having zero editing problems, when ever I start up BFbuilder or BFbuilder PRO and try to edit one of my projects ZeroEditer starts and the ZeroEdit start up screen pops up and right after words crashes right away. x-P

Does anyone know how to fix this???

I am desperate to get it working, I have a few maps that I have ideas for and want to edit and make.

I hope someone knows how to fix this!!

Edited at 11:00 PM Eastern (Also when it crashes there's no way I can manually close it, not even with Windows Task Manager. Also it is on my Windows XP, but if I recall it correctly it does the same thing on my Windows 7 computer.)
Is Taris from a Star Wars thing or is this going to be a map from some other movie thing or something like Halo or SG-1 like how they made a map for SWBF2 from one of the SG-1 series??

Link for the SWBF2 SG-1 Map that I am talking about:
You know if you just do alt tab you can get to your main screen anyways? it just minimizes the game? and I am guessing with this edit it would do what Star Wars Republic Commando does?

Can you also then make one that doesn't skip the introduction stuff in the window?

I wish in the opening window it would show a movie of actual SWBF players battling each other x-D I think that would be cool!