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Messages - Anyder

Quote from: Phobos on November 13, 2012, 10:43:02 AM
i can and will prove it for all future incidents. if i find out later that you aren't lying and it is somebody else (like sonny), i will revoke my accusation towards you. for now it stands.
i made an assumption that is possibly not.
Thats so funny, u cant prove its me, but u stand it even i can prove it wasnt me
Quote from: Phobos on November 13, 2012, 10:39:03 AM
Ok, well I don't have absolute proof it was you this time (but i do suspect you the most).
Quote from: Phobos on November 13, 2012, 09:48:21 AM
Anyone who crashes FC VLAN servers will be perm.banned.

Anyder is the first person to do this and he has been disqualified from CC hallway tournament as a result.

Learn to respect what little is left of the swbf community or get out. Stop crashing what few servers are left its pathetic the game is almost dead and you want it to die even faster?
Then u should ''quit'' all u said, as i can prove it wasnt me
This also means ure a LIAR and im not
Fine, i wasnt at home at that time cause i was on high school
I connected to PC at 18:39:55 -6:39:55 am/pm format- (Time i logged in into Tunngle) that stands for : 12:39:55 EST
So now ure saying that i was on high school and i say, lets install swbf in my class' PC and crash FC Servers + install Tunngle in that PC when the teacher is giving classes !

And LOL Always ? How can i if im banned ? XDD
U are right there, in ALL my life ive crashed FC Servers look at the number : JUST 2 TIMES
I crashed 1 server once and 2 servers another time.
Wonder why ? Ur lovely clanmate Kishan, hates by ALL clans, crashed TWA Server and sorry, but u cant do something and dont have a penality

So, Rage when did ur server crash ? Time
yeah Led, but no, im  special and when servers crash i have the fault
Even a FC server crashes at 9.00pm ESt i have the fault, even though im sleeping...
fine, ill wait here
then  prove that it wa ME and not ANYBODY else
who crashed ur server
stop being moron and think with logic, why would i crash a server
THAT 1st i join and play and 2nd that i want all old servers into VLAN
Actually i can also prove that u crashed my server: Anyder's-Opentrain-Server
It is cause i didnt crash any of ur servers
If u wonder who else can, go ask 21 | Scarecrow
There are many other people who can crash server but u can just say, oh server crashed --> ANYDER'S FAULT ! LETS WARN , HE IS A F*G, HE S*UCKS
Stop lying, bcuz u cant prove i crashed ur servers as i can show u it wasnt me, cause when i logged into Tunngle, first i did was upload the servers and that takes time, time that u say i spent crashing ALL (cause its not 1 as i saw [i saw all are down] its ALL)
SK I think he knows that.
We tried to do the port forward on his Mac, but we couldnt cause of a pw.
Welcome Center / Re: Hello Guys MonkeyAs_ is Here
November 13, 2012, 06:19:40 AM
welcome ;)
Which swbf version do u have (if u know)
General / Re: Gamespydev response :(
November 12, 2012, 03:00:28 PM
How will ppl recruit now ? :(
How will PLA get more members ? (Same for other clans)
Well I still remember the ''funny'' moment we had trying the port forward on ur PC x)
Yeeeeeee Kit, I hope u can finally do the port forward xD
Other Games / Re: SWBFgamers xFire List!
November 12, 2012, 02:38:57 PM
XD Its ok now, and yeah I meant that.
Congratz on becoming the new moderator :P
As we've been having some problems with Gamespy (u know the prob.) I havent noticed the ''promos'' on site :P.
Again, congratz :)