Steam farewell (?) event by AR

Started by {PLA}gdh92, February 25, 2024, 04:51:56 AM

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Ahead of the re-re-release, we're moving our March event up to Saturday March 9th in order to host another Steam event before the Classic Collection comes out. While steam MP is far from being perfect, it did bring a lot of new players and revived the game.

As always the event will start at 8pm CET/2pm EST.
To make this the biggest event possible we ask each and every one of you to spread the word and to come play of course.

All are welcome to join the discord and join us on steam or spy every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday or just for the event.

Thanks to everyone who joined yesterday's Spy event as well. 🙂
I play less now but I'll always be around, lets keep this site and battlefront going. :)

Nice event! Can't wait to see what's next after the Classic Collection release.  :cheers:
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