SWBFII Split Screen Toolkit

Started by SleepKiller, October 23, 2016, 11:22:37 PM

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My exe opens and then quickly closes again like instantly after launching through the splitscreenGUI form. idk why. I'm using the steam version with the SWBFSpy version of the exe, all replaced and renamed properly. Windows 10.

Sorry to hear it isn't working for you! This toolkit seems to be very much hit-and-miss. I think I know why some people have been having trouble getting it working and I should be able to fix it, I'll see if I can find an afternoon this weekend to fix it and put out a new version.

How can I make it run in full screen 1920 x 1080? Is there a config file?

I assume you mean how do you get rid of the black bars when playing with 2 or 3 players? The answer regrettably is you don't, the game doesn't support the aspect ratios needed to remove them.

I can't press the launch button off screen or see it. As soon as I launch a game from the gui I'm brought to a windowed mode and at the main menu, as you can see in this screenshot the Launch button is nowhere to be seen. What am I doing wrong?

Probably nothing, the tool just doesn't seem to behave well on everyone's machine. I really need to make a new version of it, I just haven't had time to yet.

Hey I'm getting a problem. Whenever I try to 'play' the command prompt does this
"Failure injecting SplitInject.dll
Unknown error in injected assembler code."

Is this compatible with mods? Other than that...AMAZING JOB, THANKS!

It works great nice job! Is there any way to config it to use mods/maps like that from the conversion mod? For example playing on Bespin with kotor era.

Nevertheless impressive job!

February 20, 2019, 01:12:10 PM #39 Last Edit: February 20, 2019, 01:15:05 PM by talos91
Wow this tool is amazing, I can not believe it is not more popular, it works perfectly even on the steam version with the SWBFSpy steam patch applied on Windows 10. Please dev make a comeback.

Quote from: SleepKiller on May 09, 2017, 07:48:36 PM
Are you trying to join an Internet server? If so this tool won't work because your game install only has one CD key and Internet servers require each client have a unique key.

Is there any workaround for this? like using a different cd key for the other windows? It would be incredibly awesome to play online with other 3 local buddies.

I am having the same problem as beachbum in that it fails to inject the SplitInject.dll extension. I have tried on both Steam and GoG versions of the game. When I run it in debug mode it say "SplitInject.dll could not be found" when the file is clearly there. Anyone know why it is doing this or how I can fix it?

Quote from: Moist_Seepage on March 03, 2019, 09:29:30 PM
I am having the same problem as beachbum in that it fails to inject the SplitInject.dll extension. I have tried on both Steam and GoG versions of the game. When I run it in debug mode it say "SplitInject.dll could not be found" when the file is clearly there. Anyone know why it is doing this or how I can fix it?

Steam and GoG are the same version now.  Try with the SWBFspy version (original non-Gog non-new steam exe).  Once the exe is recompiled, the locations of items get changed.

I believe this is it
Quote from: Abraham Lincoln. on November 04, 1971, 12:34:40 PM
Don't believe everything you read on the internet

Quote from: Led on March 04, 2019, 04:16:42 AM
Steam and GoG are the same version now.  Try with the SWBFspy version (original non-Gog non-new steam exe).  Once the exe is recompiled, the locations of items get changed.

I believe this is it

I'm getting the same error but I use the disk.

For anyone getting the "Unknown error in injected assemble code" or other errors:

right click your battlefrontII.exe and go to compatibility, set it to run in 640x480.

Whenever I launch it closes immediate. When running in Debug mode this appears. I have tried running as admin, compatibility mode, and changing the install location. Any help would be greatly appreciated. (I'm on windows 10 Build, i5-4460, and GTX750Ti, if that helps)

Playercount set to '2'
Player #1 name set to 'Player #1'
Player #2 name set to 'Player #2'
Server type set to 'Game Dedicated'
conreinforcements set to '100'
huntscorelimit set to '50'
assscorelimit set to '180'
ctfscorelimit set to '5'
autoexit set to '0'
Server commandline set to '/win /norender /nosound /autonet dedicated /resolution 320 240 /gamename SplitScreen /playerlimit 8 /playercount 1 /tps 30 /sideselect /noteamdamage /awards /heroes 1 /hrteam 3 /hrunlockvalue 10 /hrrespawn 90 /hrplayer 7 /bots 16 /difficulty 2 /lan /pregametime 0 /voicemode 2 /throttle 2048 /spawn 2 /netregion NA  yav1c_con cor1c_con dag1c_con dea1c_con fel1c_con geo1c_con kam1c_con kas2c_con mus1c_con myg1c_con nab2c_con pol1c_con tan1c_con tat2c_con tat3c_con uta1c_con'
Starting server process...
Attempting to inject SplitInject.dll into server process.
Library injected successfully.
Editing server memory...
Server started successfully.
Starting suspended game process for Player #1
Attempting to inject SplitInject.dll
Process started successfully.
Library injected successfully.
Waiting for process to resume..
Finding game window.
Setting game window as topmost.
Starting suspended game process for Player #2
Attempting to inject SplitInject.dll
Process started successfully.
Library injected successfully.
Waiting for process to resume..
Finding game window.
Setting game window as topmost.
Game process for Player #1 is no long running.
Calling TerminateProcess on server process.
Calling TerminateProcess on game process for Player #2.
Ending session.
Press enter to exit.