New Stormtrooper models request for SWBF2

Started by fouller, February 09, 2016, 07:09:15 AM

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hello all, it would be nice if someone could change de default stormtrooper models in bf2 with more realistic ones ones like in the new battlefront EA...the default models seems they dont fit the stormtroopers in the movies...i was looking for someone to help me at least make those new models playable in some original maps cause i have zero knowledge in modding =/


Gistech has been doing just that:
See here:
And here:

He has also released the actual Stormtrooper models from EA's battlefront converted to SWBF2:

But know the you should only use those for personal use and AT YOUR OWN RISK. DO NOT RELEASE A MOD WITH THEM.