Ideas for custom weapons for alien wars era here

Started by Phobos, October 27, 2012, 05:31:50 PM

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Anyone who wants to may post ideas they want to share here for custom weapons to be used in the alien wars era mod. please try to only share ideas for what can actually be modded, nothing impossibly difficult (i.e. teleporters). Example of a custom weapon idea: a vaporizer beam that kills enemy in one shot but has a very long recharge rate. balanced because it would be very useful for taking out a specific enemy but would be useless when surrounded. Balance is the key here we don't want any weapons or units to be overpowered.

If I like your idea(s) I may implement them (in some form) in the final mod, and you will be credited for contributing ideas.

I am almost finished with the scripting so the sides will be next sequential stage of development.

A custom rapid fire Sniper.
Proud [Freelancer Consortium] Member! [FC]Leader.Helios

Any of Sereja's weapons he used in his Nar Shaadaa, for the locals. All are extremly fun to play as/with and have really cool looking models. :cheer:

Quote from: Kit Fisto on October 27, 2012, 05:57:54 PM
Any of Sereja's weapons he used in his Nar Shaadaa, for the locals. All are extremly fun to play as/with and have really cool looking models. :cheer:

I wouldn't want to steal all of Sereja's awesome ideas now would I?  :tu:

I don't know how alien these are, but off the top of my head:
(sorry if some seem weak)

A web gun. Like the sonic blaster, but instead of a ring, it's a web. (cool if it could stun or immobilize, but I don't know if that's possible.)

Power slash sword that sends a shockwave blasting characters back like force push.

Not so much an alien weapon, but more of a troll mine. Mines that look like power-ups or a map prop.  Perhaps with a slightly different color (easy mode).

A weapon that pulses out 3 slow shots that knock the unit to the ground.  (damage optional)

Grenade that shoots sniper shots in several directions instead of a blast. (Meant to be thrown from behind cover.)

Grenade (or mine) that pulls nearby units to it's center and explodes. (force pull, then normal grenade) Don't know if that's possible.

Damagless grenade with a huge 'push' for nade jumping. (or flipping tanks?)

I'll bring more in if they come to mind.

thanks tirpider ill certainly look into developing some of those ideas.

the tank flipping nade could take a bit of testing

Oh! I have another suggestion, a Geonosian sonic blaster that is JUST LIKE THE MOVIES. SWBF stock sonic blaster sucks. It should fire really fast like the speed of a pistol bullet, and hurt them a lot with a pistol rate of fire. :XD:

Push does not affect vehicles. :/

I suggest a creatue launching weapon. It could fire things like the Alien larvae on Aliens vs Predators.

Also, maybe a green acid slime shooter. (Green slime is always related to aliens)
=AaTc= Forever


-Retired Modder

I know that the sudden spawn of an object (like a vehicle) can push another vehicle out of its place, maybe you can use that to flip tanks? Or maybe Like the gcw cantina map, you can despence BUILDING BLOCKS, and sometimes they push vehicles, maybe you can just add some velocity to them and change the msh to be a grenade?
I dono,... but nade jumping grenades that do not use damage are pretty simple.. and fun to use }: D

Anyways, green slime/oil weapon sounds neat! And maybe some sort of Black Hole despencer for ships, so if you're being followed, you despence one (from the ship)  and the ship following you gets sucked in (and destroyed)   Not sure if that is possible...  But it would be epic

It would be neat if you could get the slime to  "melt" the victem, I have no idea how to do this, or even where to begin.. But its an idea!

Detonating Projectile Launcher...

Works like the det-pack except it is fired like a missile, allowing you to detonate it mid-air.

October 28, 2012, 04:10:01 AM #10 Last Edit: October 28, 2012, 04:57:25 AM by Sereja
The only thing, missing in this list, it's "portal gun" :D.
Seriosly, we got realy not much choice. Most friendly ordance, to edit, it is "sticky" or "shell". So, you may add any geometry or effect for them. Just like flamethrower as example, it can be edit, and start shooting by webs, larvaes etc., or got fly acid effect. The sad issue is: most of weapons, can only push (infantry) and/or make damage. That's it. About explosions... I do not think, thay can turns back to ordance, and start shooting by lasers or missiles. They just create damage&push radius, may have some chunks and effects, but it is only a fake, and can't make some serious attraction to enviroment.


By the way, about portal (spawn) gun, I am seious: did you see my broom despenser, from Fairy Tale? So, those "broom" or whatever, can be command vehicle, and spawn ally  ;).
Beauty is, the way to perfection.

Glory to Ukraine!  :mf: