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Messages - Epifire

Quote from: Gold Man on April 22, 2015, 09:35:37 AM
Agreed, perhaps a deep blue/black would work. If we knew someone who was good at designing websites, perhaps we could have the theme geared towards an Imperial appearance (I'm talking like CSS coding really). If we want to go more for a seedy, outlander type of look, that might work too. Or just something unique entirely (akin to crime syndicates like Black Sun).

As for the webpages, some general info would indeed work. Nothing that would require membership, of course.

I know Weebly allows CSS template editing, so you can make your own webpage from the ground up with CSS if you really want to. Though in terms of all of this, I suppose we could start exploring options.

I think a kinda diffuse blue, with a dark grey (almost black) would be good for the colors. I'd also suggest trying to keep it simple with less clutter to start with. The thing about the colors is you want it to give enough contrast to the rest of the page that it gives enough definition (to what ever font you end up using), but not so much that people get blinded when reading it late at night.

For the actual layout I'd just try and give it basic organization (not too many subdivided topics) since you could add in more as needed. In short, my advice is to keep it simple and to the point as much as possible. Can always tack on more later as needed but then people wont get bogged down when arriving for the first time.
General / Re: SWBF1 Clan Confederation In EA's SWBF
April 21, 2015, 09:40:47 PM
Quote from: Led on April 21, 2015, 09:11:40 PM
In my opinion, players should do whatever they want to do, but if they post on SWBFgamers or a subdomain with public access, it needs to stay "clean".  You can do whatever you want in  SWBFgamers private clan forums as long as it doesn't break any laws or put the site at risk :)

Time will tell if there is any interest in the "super-clan" concept.  I am willing to provide the access to snake or anyone else that wants to try.

This was my point on this too. The only way people will agree to this system if they have freedom over their own clans. The idea is unifying the communication/organizational structure so that everyone has a common ground to meet on. I wanted to open this up to any clans (new or old). Because really this shouldn't even have to limit to any one group as long as they abide by the Syndicate's site rules as a whole. If it gets any traction it will also encourage fair play, as any clans that "play dirty" would basically be black listed by all the other clans.

Why does this idea remind me of the EU?  :XD:
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Animation Munge Error
April 21, 2015, 09:26:30 PM
So close! I actually took a look at the torture droid ODF and it was way simpler than I was thinking. Apparently no extra lines are needed to make it loop.

I just have this weird jiggle problem, otherwise it's all mint...

In XSI it looks and plays just fine, but I just wanna know what might be causing this. Once I can nail that down, this should be a piece of cake to roll out more animations in the future.
SWBF2 Modding / Re: sky dome
April 21, 2015, 01:22:28 PM
Quote from: Delta327 on April 21, 2015, 12:54:25 PM
So if you take a picture of a morning sky you can use it

Yeah but beware (in my experience anyway) using a single square image over the dome is a little rough. I mean I have one I'm gonna replace for my Kejim map, because even at 4096x4096 resolution it's lot that high res since it get's stretched horribly. You certainly can use a real image but chances are it's not gonna look as good in-game if just used whole sale.

I plan on getting a loopable panning image (like the one used for Geonosis since the horizontal resolution looks a lot better that way. So projecting a horizon in kind of a ring seems to help the inital look of it. Only thing is if you look straight up into the middle of the dome/sky it wont look all as good. So you may want to get some separate image to slot in for the middle. Blend the edges in with alpha transparency maybe. Just some ideas for you.  :cheers:
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Animation Munge Error
April 21, 2015, 12:33:19 PM
Quote from: -RepubliqueCmdr- on April 21, 2015, 10:25:55 AM
I saw a lot of stock models that didn't include a dummyroot (mostly props). I don't believe dummyroot does anything specific for the compilers, just another way to organize things.
Yes, you can hide it just like any other geometry. I think the thing is just that the geometry needs to exist.

* Here is to hoping it's just the compilers being picky *

Awesome that got it past the munge! Almost there, right now it plays halfway but stops while doing this odd jiggle. I did run 60 frames for the main animation (not sure if SWBF can do over 30) but I also want to loop it. My ODF is a little odd atm, as I'm trying to reference the carbon freezing chamber but it's set on an idle cycle rather than a loop. I wish I knew what all the ODF commands were for animations right now.
SWBF2 Modding / Re: sky dome
April 21, 2015, 12:30:50 PM
Yeah you can, what I usually do is edit/decompile an existing skydome from the game assets, and retexture it. Only reason I use the game's is because it's all correctly scaled but if I recall Pandemic's projections and geometry is really wonky so you may have some work in XSI to do before hand.

Otherwise yeah, just take a look at their stuff and if you swap it out in your world folder be sure to make sure the names calling up the dome in the sky file match and you should be good.
General / Re: SWBF1 Clan Confederation In EA's SWBF
April 21, 2015, 10:52:51 AM
Quote from: Syyy on April 21, 2015, 06:55:08 AM
I really like this idea, I doubt my friends from BW would want to join another clan because we're very much attached to our current independance and personnal forum. But having a community reuniting old SWBF players without requiring membership and dedication to another clan is something I'm interested in.

The Syndicate is a great name on its own. I'm not sure about parting ways with Led has done so much for the community I don't think it would be a great idea to abandon his forums. Maybe you ( Led ) could create a new board, just as you did for YAK ?

The only downside is that the Syndicate would not have a personnal interface / forum. Maybe we could have a basic html page with all the needed informations, and it would redirect to the forums ?

I think the Syndicate should more less be an area to facilitate clan interaction. There should be an option to setup a clan's own section in the site, or have a redirect like you said. This way you get this central kind of hub, which really could be based out of anything. It would make sense to have it as it's own web domain just to keep it simpler and more direct. My reasons for not wanting it based directly out of our community is so that it represents the clans as a whole (not just us).
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Animation Munge Error
April 20, 2015, 08:39:05 PM
Quote from: -RepubliqueCmdr- on April 20, 2015, 12:25:59 PM
It's been to long since I've read any of the tutorials, but if I remember right, the bone root should have some geometry with uv applied (I think sereja uses a cube in his tutorial for making a door). -- It looks like it's just a null you are using for bone_root. I don't know if that would cause such a huge problem though..
Edit, I think it's fine for the model to have bones that are just nulls, but I think the animation MSH has to have the bone_root (and/or dummyroot) as some small (hidden flagged) geometry, instead of an empty mesh.

Hmm, I may try and use the cube method. Does this cube/mesh need to be visible, or in this method can I hide it? Otherwise I'll just use that in replacement of the dummyroot. Ordinarily I don't even use a dummyroot, since everything is contained under the main mesh I use (and that's always worked fine).

At first when it said no skin model I thought it meant it couldn't find the envelope data. But if it's just this cube thing, that'd be a relief.
No UI shown yet but man I get the feels when I see this shot.

Honestly I feel the only other game that made the E-11 really cool was JK2: Jedi Outcast, and to me that shot really retains the cool factor (as well as correct scale).
General / Re: SWBF1 Clan Confederation In EA's SWBF
April 20, 2015, 11:29:33 AM
Quote from: Gold Man on April 20, 2015, 09:54:41 AM
I kind of like the idea of a political system involving all clans having their own business/state, and yet are merged under the same banner (in a way, very much like countries). :P Basically, I kind of like your second option, as it lets the clans have their freedom, and simultaneously we all "stand as one" in a way.

This is either going to be a major community in the new game, or it will be a small sect of a larger territory in the new game.

The trick is we as a site need to reach out to the other remaining clans and communities remaining (I'm looking at you Game Toast). We take this concept to them and discuss this early so we can have a plan of action in the works before the game comes out. If we unite the old player base (or at least it's oldest communities) when members start coming back they'll arrive into this new clan syndicate we've built. I think done right, this could be pretty big.  :tu:
Welcome Center / Re: =TPR=CaptCubbear has returned
April 20, 2015, 10:29:23 AM
I think I recall the name there.  ;) So welcome back!
SWBF1 Modding / Animation Munge Error
April 19, 2015, 07:18:58 PM
Hey guys! Thought I'd try animations after all and actually got pretty far this time before running into a problem. So I'm working on this Scanner Pylon with spinning little fins on the mast. The animation is enveloped to the two bones mid and top, looks fine when I play it in XSI. Been bouncing back and forth between FragMe and Sereja's door animation guide to get the idea of how the exporting and munging goes.

Getting this error in the console when I try and munge, so while I go and try to figure out what I did wrong I figured I'd also go and ask around.

WARNING: While correcting joint base pose matrices, no skin was found!
WARNING: Bone <bone_mid>may be a floating bone
ERROR: No Skin model in MSH?

After that it ZenAsset.exe crashes immediately thereafter. I think part of the problem may be in my bone hierarchy (as I mostly followed the FragMe tutorial). One difference in the tools I use vs the old method, is I usually don't make a dummyroot parent null by default, (since the Andewedget tools make one on export). I could be wrong but I've never had to actually use a dummyroot until this animation stuff, so that may be the problem.

Secondly I'm not sure if "Current frame as base pose" was supposed to still be checked on the second animation export (NOT the first basepose that's squished to frame 1).

Thirdly I moved the actual animation bones into position around the model (without freezing their transforms). Are bones supposed to be zeroed out on the x,y,z axis, or do they need to retain their positional data for the animation to work?

Just trying to fish around to figure out what I'm doing wrong, cause if I can nail this down I may be able to make some other animations much quicker for future work in BF1 maps.
Quote from: {PLA} Van STING on April 18, 2015, 03:08:50 PM
I'm building a computer, so PC. Did everyone pre-order?

Just waiting to see if there's any confirmation (yes/no) on a hard disc release, if not I'm pre-ordering the Deluxe Edition.
Added Led.   ;)

Anyone can add me as I use the same name as I do here: Epifire
My rig might be a 2012 build but it's definitely gonna be PC for me.