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Messages - Gold Man

Wait, so from reading what I read on the second page, does the new auto-installer work, or should I have kept the original GameMaster patch in my GameData?
Quote from: Unit 33 on October 14, 2015, 12:30:28 AM

Well okay, I'll just wait a year or two then. (By which time EA has killed the servers for a laugh)
Guess I'm in the same boat with ya, Unit. :P

I am nowhere near capable of running the new game on this laptop, the cost for the game is far too high for my taste, and I don't even have the money to buy a rig to compete with this (even if I did, I wouldn't have enough for the game, that's for sure).

So, I guess since that's that, I might ponder buying the new Need For Speed however. :P
Quote from: {PLA}gdh92 on October 14, 2015, 05:11:17 AM
I bet EA don't lower the price for people who have preordered. I think I'll get the disk version, it's 20% cheaper than download anyway.  ;)

Out of interest are US games cheaper on pc than on consoles like here in the UK?
They share the same boat (at least on the Candian market). I've seen console games go pre-order and opening day for well beyond $60. PC games get the same treatment pretty well. I've yet to hear of a game that was actually cheaper on PC than it was for consoles though. :P
Welcome Center / Re: Well hello.
October 13, 2015, 01:53:58 PM
Quote from: Carbon27 on October 12, 2015, 05:15:04 PM

Hello fellow sim racer! 

...I'm not alone!

Feel free to share more about the sim racing.
Wish I could be apart of that. I unfortunately lack the funds for that. :P
General / Re: SWBF1 Clan Confederation In EA's SWBF
October 13, 2015, 01:52:52 PM
Initially I was planning to lead the clanless, however I think the odds of me getting a copy of the game for this are looking pretty bleak (still don't have enough funds for a new rig, let alone the game).

If you don't hear me saying I got a new rig 1 week before the launch, then you may want to consider looking for another leader for that division (unless I am still able to lead without a copy :P).

I'm also fairly certain I left the website for The Syndicate in the hands of you and Epifire, Snake. If you guys want to get rolling on it be my guest.
Initially I was perhaps over ambitious with the thought of getting a Season Pass for this game. After hearing what's been said for the beta, I probably won't even bother with the game (since I'm STILL hunting for a job), let alone a whole new PC at this rate.

I'll just wait to see what people other than IGN think about this new entry into the series. If the "polished" game is any better than the beta, then I might considering putting money towards that. Otherwise, I think my plans to re-enter the Battlefront series won't be happening anytime soon. :P
Quote from: {PLA}gdh92 on October 07, 2015, 10:13:01 AM
It's hard to believe I built the best PC I could in January including a 980 graphics card and that just meets the requirements now.

It will be interesting to see if this leap is a one off as games are no longer developed to run on PS3 and 360 or if they just keep going up. Hopefully they start to improve the graphics using efficiency not power soon.
It may come to that someday, but as long as the big PC manufacturers are making money, they'll try to make sure the latest titles need the most powerful, most expensive hardware to run at the best settings. Power efficiency will probably take a while before that sinks into the big manufacturers minds, though if it has already then I sure hope they can start making GPUs and the like that perform crazy fast tasks, at half the power (or at the very least, a little less than what the next big thing needs).
Welcome Center / Re: {Alpha} Hawk is back
October 04, 2015, 10:37:34 AM
Greetings, ol' Hawk. Long time no see. ;)
Quote from: Ascertes on October 03, 2015, 10:20:57 AM
Honestly I prefer the high resolution because it makes things look much sharper and better all around graphically. The drawback I've found however is that you get a much smaller reticule, making it harder to hit things. That's why I usually play in 800x600.
Same with me and my laptop (which happens to be 1600x900 resolution). More often than not though I do play with Battlefront's highest standard resolution (which I believe is 1024xsomething, I forget the end number). The resolution isn't the prettiest, but it's decent as far as gameplay goes.
At first I thought this was a hoax (since I've seen an email that floated around April Fools way long ago with a glass of water on top of a Mars bar), but I am glad that I have not been fooled. :P For once it's true! :D
Quote from: {PLA}gdh92 on September 25, 2015, 10:09:57 AM
Unlikely but you might get lucky if the optimise it for the final release.

These are the minimum requirements from the Alpha;
CPU: Quad Core CPU e.g. Intel Core i5-2300 @ 2.8 GHz or AMD Phenom II x4 955 @ 3.2 GHz or AMD FX-8350 @ 4.0 GHz  - Not too high but Quad core is the biggest issue I see there

RAM: 6 GB  - shame it couldn't be 4 but most new PC's have 8 now

OS: Windows 7 or 8/8.1 (64-bit operating system required)  - presumably it will run on Windows 10 as well

Video Card:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 or AMD Radeon HD 7970 with 2 GB of Video Memory  - Nvidia 970 or 980 is the latest equivalent

That's a pretty high minimum. I built the best single card PC you could about 4 years ago and that would be slightly below those specs so it's going to be hard for a lot of people to play.

Luckily my new PC should be able play it easily but not everyone wants to get a gaming PC. I would think the high minimum is because they no longer have to worry about consoles holding back the game but it would be nice to have ultra low settings.
My laptop's current specs:

Quad-core AMD A10-5745M APU @ 2.1GHz
Windows 8.1 (May upgrade to 10 though)
Radeon 8610G graphics (installed on the APU) with 2GB VRAM

In other words, it runs better some aspects more than others. My CPU will probably have a tough time with handling the power, and my GPU probably won't be able to cope with it all too well. The RAM and OS though definitely meet the requirements. In other words, I have won half the battle, and lost the better half that requires more crucial aspects to run BF4/Hardline decently on low.

Still might try the Game Time thing though, we'll see.
Eh, I'm almost tempted to see if my laptop would even be able to run this. I know a friend from CompSci who had a PC with perhaps worse specs than my current laptop, and ran BF4 on lowest settings with a decent framerate of 30 (I believe he was also using Game Time as well). Actually it may have been BF3 now that I think of it...

Regardless, might try out the BF4 demo to see if my rig would be able to even withstand the framerate of 30. I think as of right now my highest, most graphically demanding game would have to be tied between Warframe and Payday 2 (the latter I achieve about 15-20 FPS on). I play Warframe on medium settings, and Payday 2 I've had set to lowest settings (getting above 20 FPS), and on highest settings (getting around the 15-20 range).

Seeing those stats, I'm guessing I'll have some insanely low framerates just off the BF4 demo, running on lowest settings. In any case, I do have hopes to be employed soon to raise cashflow for an actual gaming rig.
General / Re: Han solo mini-fridge
September 17, 2015, 06:59:26 AM
Saw that in an email update from twitter yesterday. It looks cool, and very tempting, but I don't own an Xbox One for a good reason: subscriptions.
Released Maps and Mods / Re: SWBF2 Fast Spawn
September 13, 2015, 10:33:31 AM
Quote from: Anyder on September 13, 2015, 08:35:00 AM
SWBF2 Fast Spawn;sa=view;down=1350

A lot of people asked for this. Now please stop spamming 24/7 my mail...

Thanks, Anyder!

Quick question, and I've probably already answered it by saying this: This only works on dedicated servers, doesn't it? Reason I ask is because my group of friends and I play SWBFII every so often, and they were complaining about the spawn times.

Just curious insight, but I've perhaps no doubts answered it already.
Quote from: Commander Awesome on September 06, 2015, 10:12:44 PM
I know I'm gonna get flak for it, but I honestly don't care about that. Also note that the full game WILL have unlocks, DICE confirmed that.
You'd also be shocked to know I'm in the same boat.