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Messages - Bamdur

SWBF1 Modding / Re: Crosshair-HOW?
September 10, 2011, 05:34:26 PM
The "cubes" are actually as you said part of the texture, but its just basically half a box modeled in XSI with that texture. you can change the backround to anything including nothing, you could put an object there, a clone model etc
SWBF1 Modding Tutorials / Re: How to: edit reticules
September 09, 2011, 12:35:22 PM
i think ill just tell teh basics since everyone wants to know

first make your own common tool, use bfbuilder or the easiest
use battlebelks common.lvl builder (someone post a link plz)

after that

go to
(something like that)
look for files that have a reticule_bla (sniper, rocket etc) that you want to cahnge
copy that

now go to Custom
paste taht file there
edit it in gimp how you like it (i sugugest you zoom to edit pixels better)

place in swbf folder data/lvl pc/common/eng
(or w/e language it is for you)
and your done
possibly a built in material in xsi, though that might require a tga file for the most part the swbf models all need tgas to work, an hp light wouldnt alluminate a model enough for it to be green and i dont think it woudl work on a character and not a static prop
Requests / Re: REQUEST: trooper target
August 24, 2011, 05:19:43 PM
ok i made a static clne trooper model in xsi(if you want something else i can do it but clone is easiest), do you want me to put a bullseye texture on the head?
Requests / Re: REQUEST: trooper target
August 23, 2011, 07:42:31 PM
i was thinking either a static or animated destructable prop... but your ideas are good too
Requests / Re: REQUEST: trooper target
August 22, 2011, 05:55:09 PM
do you want 2d or 3d trooper, i can make it explode when u get hs but im not sure anything else and i dont think i can make it repair itself without a pilot doing that
well i dont know too much about macs, but i heard thers a program that can run windows .exe applications on a mac(im not sure of it) the only way of getting zeroeditor on mac would be to learn the programmign language it was made in (c++) and write that for a mac which i doubt anyone woudl want to / or would do. you can still make modifications like hexediting(if tehrs a mac hexeditor)
August 15, 2011, 05:48:05 PM
heres a picture of my transparency test, the window wiht the blue is a window which u cant shoot out of but is transparent, on the left is a hole u can shoot out of

and hers a video of it ingame , if you want the object/xsi scene il upload it

(seems i made doorway too small, but since i made this in 2 minutes its not too bad)
you might want to change it from"modding project" this is not modding at all its creating a new game itself, it might take up to years of work if you wanted to to be good, millions of lines of scripting (im not the best at c++) yea it wil take kalot of work if yoru serious about this
Mind linking me to this pixel engine? and if your going for anything close to swbf dont use unreal engine, id be willing to help
August 10, 2011, 10:28:55 AM
its quite a long process (not really) and takes some time, you can either use xsi or hexedit, you will need to add teh transparency flag, and apply an alpha channel to your texture
in that toolbox (i dont have it) there should be a munge.bat somewhere in the folder, find it and edit it by putting
@set path=C:/windows/system32 at the top
if you have a 64 pc like you stated that could be your problem, open munge.bat in notepad and at the top of
what it says type @set path=C:/windows/system32
Released Maps and Mods / Re: Riley LVL pages
July 29, 2011, 12:09:46 AM
thank you for this
SWBF1 Modding / SWBF Easy animation munger
July 19, 2011, 12:07:39 AM
Note: this is for expierence modders only(maybe not if your smart )

BTW: All animation raw files will go in a folder you create in Project folder

This is basically a tool that makes it easier to munge animations, munge skeletons, scale animations and so forth
Readme inside
Comes with an elevator example prop and animation files.


This is version 1.0
More to come soon