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Messages - Festus

Other Games / Re: Star Craft 2 Tournament
November 17, 2010, 07:13:51 PM
 Yes but I want to add some things though but thanks for the suggestion
Other Games / Re: Star Craft 2 Tournament
November 17, 2010, 06:51:59 PM
 I don't think that will happen since I have to edit it
Other Games / Re: Star Craft 2 Tournament
November 17, 2010, 06:39:33 PM
 Thanks Soap its much appreciated  :cheers: , and everyone participating dont spoil who won were going to post the replays on you tube with comentary for other members to watch sorta like a live event
Other Games / Star Craft 2 Tournament
November 17, 2010, 06:30:44 PM
 First match
Timbo (Terran) V.S Blade (Protoss)                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Series 0-2                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Winner Blade

Second match
Hard Core (Zerg) V.S Insectoid (Zerg
Series best out of 3
Hard Core 0 Insectoid 0
Time: Dec.? ?pm
Observer: Festus

Third Match
Que sara (protoss) vs Festus (zerg)
Series best out of 3
vf501 vs Festus
Time: Dec.? ?pm

Fourth match
Chaos Blad (Terran) V.S Dominus (Terran)
Series best out of 3
Chaos Blade 0 Dominus 0
Observer: Festus

  Registration ends  Dec. 2
   Winner will receive a twenty dollar Steam game curtosy of Soap Mactovish

Other Games / Re: MPC SC2 Tourney?
November 17, 2010, 06:07:14 PM
 Glad you could make it do you have any freinds that would like to come?
The tournament will start next Friday registration cut off is saturday, and first match for sure is blade and Timbo GL
Other Games / Re: Zerg Tips - SC2
November 17, 2010, 08:18:42 AM
Quote from: vf501 on November 17, 2010, 02:19:01 AM
Blade has the right idea.

You can also try a 6 pool for early aggro, but 14 pool 15 HatchFastExpo wins games more often at higher levels.
Banelings+Muta mix can dominate Terran Bio/Mech builds
Overlords+Sacs&Speed+Banelings= Bombers

Go gas at 10, put 2 drones on, drop Pool at 14, then once its done you can get Zergling speed started instantly.

Against Terran you also want to scout if they have a Factory, that means they are getting 1-4 Hellions to harass your workers, if you see one, drop 2 Spine Crawlers in defensible spots and keep 1 queen and 8 lings around.  Then send 6-8 more lings to harass their mineral line.

@Festus.  The MassMassMass units only works at Bronze-Silver levels.  Go watch some Pro games, they show you how to defend early pushes and macro up to gain the advantage.  At high levels of play, every movement and choice matters.  Choosing when to expo or push can make or break a player, same for the area of conflict.

One game I saw, the Zerg player had the macro advantage and total map control.  The terran player won because he used the wide open zerg territory to his advantage.  He triple dropped units into 3 zerg expos and gave the zerg player too much to handle at once.  Then he moved from the outward in to the center of the map, massed all 3 groups and pushed onto the main.  All the while keeping up the pressure with small drops here and there.

Drone up, Drone hard, Drone fast. Expand fast and don't leave idle workers.  You're whole game is to macro up your economy so you can keep reinforcing as you lose units.

I've never avtually tried to use overlords as bombers, but seems like a fun concept  :) . Do you guys find that in late game that mass Thors dominate Zerg? I mean zerglings which is there mass weakness can't get a surrond on a large group, mutalisks take splash damage and the only way you can stop that is by a magic box but you still need a high thor to mutalisk ratio, and hydras and roaches are blown away. So how do you combat that?
Other Games / Re: MPC SC2 Tourney?
November 16, 2010, 09:57:44 PM
 So I'm thinking best out of 3 for each bracket you guys okay with that, so far we have 4 competetors for sure
Welcome Center / Re: Yo!
November 16, 2010, 09:48:34 PM
 Hey man glad you could make it!  :cheers:
heres the SC2 Tourny link
Other Games / Re: MPC SC2 Tourney?
November 16, 2010, 06:55:08 PM
 Really Soap? Thanks Man!
Other Games / Re: MPC SC2 Tourney?
November 16, 2010, 05:22:14 PM
 Ok so i got 4 people who might be able to come now we just got figure out a few things

I thought we could possibly film the replays and then commentate them like a live sports match to get other members interested, maby even have some wagers made on matches  ;) (not mony but maby mod files and things like that)
but we need to find some one with a screen recorder to film the replays and send it back to me for music and comentary so we can get others interested.

should we have a prize and what should it be?

Balanced matches
How do we balance matches or could we draw names out of a hat to make it easier.

what race does everyone play as
Other Games / Re: MPC SC2 Tourney?
November 16, 2010, 01:34:47 PM
 So I have plenty of people on my freind roster that would play  ::)
Other Games / Re: MPC SC2 Tourney?
November 16, 2010, 12:49:43 PM
 awesome my code is 170 user name Festus
Other Games / Re: Zerg Tips - SC2
November 16, 2010, 07:45:39 AM
 Hey guys my player id is 170 so add me and lets have some matches.
Other Games / MPC SC2 Tourney?
November 16, 2010, 07:44:23 AM
 Hey guys who would be interested in a Star Craft 2 Tourney for MPC? I know not many of us here have it but hey it would still be fun and we could put the matches on you tube! and maby give the winner a prize of some kind.
Other Games / Re: AOE3
November 15, 2010, 09:35:06 PM
 Ct buy Star Craft 2 its the greatest RTS ever!