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Messages - hellish hellbird

General / Re: SWBF1 Clan Confederation In EA's SWBF
April 16, 2014, 01:42:52 PM
the name can be modified after we see which clans are down to do this. the idea i had in mind was like 1 leader from every clan forms a council and essentially the things wed vote on would be the inclusion of other clans to our coalition to say like if aatc (yes i took aatc as an example because of you snake :D) if they made a come back in swbf3 and wanted ties to swbf 1 we could vote (pretty much a unanimous yes in this example) and 2/3rds majority would be needed to include that....same with the removal of a clan from the coalition take for example if i went crazy and crashed all your servers and got all your sites frozen id hope you remaining council members would vote WUSI out of the coalition( if that happened((which it wouldnt))....things like oh he called me fat should be avoided in a conversation in a meeting and ya i agree if something is really really wrong and noone is agreeing on anything led should have a more or less fail safe yes or no vote because hes managed to keep the peace here at swbfgamers so on the probably very rare chance for some odd reason we all cant agree on an issue led can have the overall final decisions on those problems only due to his ability to keep the peace fairly well and ya obviously wed have to iron out the kinks wed run into with this agreement but i feel it could be done
General / Re: SWBF1 Clan Confederation In EA's SWBF
April 15, 2014, 08:18:42 PM
Quote from: Snake on April 15, 2014, 08:05:19 PM
Hmm, a coalition of SWBF1 clans to compete as one in SWBF3. Sounds awesome! Poll is now reset.
ya thats what we want to do with all of the willing clans to do and ya the name hasnt like...been discussed to an extent but all clans involved would be seperate entities but we would be unified by our swbf1 ties to assist each other in like big wars agaist future clans
General / Re: SWBF1 Clan Confederation In EA's SWBF
April 15, 2014, 07:00:48 PM
Alright well 1.0 212 and WUSI have agreed to do a sort of city state greece dealy or like a UN for swbf 3 if led is up to it we would be glad to have you onboard for this sort of plan
Quote from: {TCE}Call-of-Duty on April 14, 2014, 04:10:13 PM
Now SK isn't the only useless member on the staff :D

facebook like.
Quote from: engelskrieger on April 09, 2014, 04:51:21 AM

  (PLA teamspeak server) thx to Led
If you don't know the pw, send me a PM or someone else who should know it  ;)

tactic for the community team, I'm sure you win when you follow everything :whistle:
ähhhhh yes and don't destroy the generator! It could lead to a core melt accident   :wacko: that could kill the Yeti (endangered specie).....

This reminds me of honds plans before wild and i had to intervene during the icw 3
Quote from: engelskrieger on April 07, 2014, 03:46:31 PM
oh sry, CIS ::); in German KUS = Konföderation Unabhängiger Systeme  ;)

Oh you Germans and your extremely complex and confusing words xP
what is kus?
pretty sure this is long over due but last night i was looking at old files on my computer looking for something else i wrote about tcf and hoth or rhen var and i found this instead...i dont recall who i wrote it for, why i wrote it, when i wrote it, and im pretty sure i mightve plagurized it somewhere but i tried to find out from where and couldnt figure it out...i do remeber it was like a first draft and i havent changed anything still so enjoy

We have charged hoth in an atat,
to the trench run in an x-wing,
Trekked the valley of dune sea,
screw the terrible ping,

We have walked among the wookies,
through the ranks we were lead,
They stood like new guys,rookies,
with rifle in hand we were never dead,

The geonosian and her family,
they kiss like you and I,
In the morning and come the evening,
they take to the sky by and by,

I look back across the maps,
thankful you were there,
To have my back watched by you,
there was little to no despair,

If tomorrow holds true,
and i never see you,
this is something i will never rue,
i never had the chance to say but i love you.
Platforms :o
General / Re: Book thread
March 28, 2014, 01:56:16 AM
Quote from: Unit 33 on March 28, 2014, 12:22:49 AM

on a related note i recall having to read that book for what i assume at this point was for school and i didnt read any of it but the concept was cool especially since were livin in the 1983 so to speak haha....
General / Re: SWBF1 Clan Confederation In EA's SWBF
March 19, 2014, 07:07:43 PM
Quote from: Whisper on March 19, 2014, 07:07:17 PM
Ahh i see, i see.

But, that brings up a question i should ask anyway.
Would you accept me back to the clan? this time i have severed my ties with other clans. i really want to rejoin the family

thats fine with me haha go ahead
General / Re: SWBF1 Clan Confederation In EA's SWBF
March 19, 2014, 07:05:46 PM
Quote from: Whisper on March 19, 2014, 07:04:11 PM
I'm not sure If I'm taken an implication right, but are you saying it would be dishonorable for one to be in WUSI right now? darn, i was really trying to come back to the clan like i was in years past. I still want to, but if this is a No, then i dont know...

i mean it being in not caps haha like WUSI not Wusi
General / Re: SWBF1 Clan Confederation In EA's SWBF
March 19, 2014, 07:00:39 PM
Quote from: Whisper on March 19, 2014, 06:57:21 PM
I think we've all got clan tags figured out by now xD
Except for Wusi, theyve got it funny. but cool.

its dishonorable to have your tag as Wusi because of beta and his handling with swbf2 ever since him its been common practice to use WUSI because of this reason....the more you know
Scummies / Re: First time to post in scummies
March 19, 2014, 06:58:09 PM
which georgia?