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Messages - {212}FrenchFryZ

Cool, so then I can just put a link into the picture and it works cool
Alright You can upload it since im to lazy and im really dumb when it comes to pictures and such
I'm very confused now  :o
I dont see that button anywhere...
EDIT:I see now I was derping out so much...
Indeed sounds a lot cooler :)
Just something I threw together in 5 min after seeing GM's sigs. If someone wants to play around with it and make it better for me that'd be cool :)
General / Re: Do You Like Cats or Dogs?
February 10, 2013, 11:32:06 AM
Well, I like both :) but I have to say that I like dogs more because I have one, yet turtles are still my fav  :)
General / Re: Coca Cola vs other Sodas!
February 08, 2013, 02:43:42 PM
Quote from: {212th} Norris on February 08, 2013, 02:17:00 PM
Has anyone seen one of these? [spoiler][/spoiler]

It can make any type of (soda) pop that coke has every made, and it is touch screen. I like raspberry the best  :tu:
YEAH MAN! I saw one in a random Mc D. I wondered what it was but i was to scared to try it xD
General / Re: Coca Cola vs other Sodas!
February 06, 2013, 03:15:52 PM
No, sadly our vacation was actually supposed to be a month long but it was cut short due to "Medical Issues" This was about 3-4 years ago when I went so we went to the Georgia aquarium and other such attractions around the south eastern area.
General / Re: Coca Cola vs other Sodas!
February 06, 2013, 02:50:40 PM
I guess I have avoided this topic long enough. I think that coca cola is better in some places than it is in others such as in Georgia (where it is mostly made) It has a much better taste than as in where I live Kentucky. Although on a family trip to Georgia we went to the Coca Cola factory their and there was a huge area they had right before the gift shop (where the factory tour thing ended) where you could literately taste every flavor of soda that coca cola had Not just sprite and other drinks made by them but some made in other countries such as Africa. The mango did taste a little different though  :tu:  There are many of those drinks that I did like a lot. But nothing beats a good ole Coca Cola from Georgia! :D
Tech Support / Re: Swbf Icon
February 03, 2013, 11:11:47 AM
With the republic commando problem i think you need to turn Bumpmaping down to low, this should work.  :tu: Also, it might be a problem with your computer not battlefront.
I never complained of lag.....
Edit: It wasn't me that was complaining it was Chilli and Zam
cool, i suppose i should go ahead and get those apps and check them out :P
Wow Norris! These are great, what software do you use? Is it the same as RC's or More so GM's or even further do you use your own!?
Forum News and Forum Rules / Re: PLA reunion
February 01, 2013, 07:00:08 PM
Very fun playing with all the old peeps hope the weekend has more to come!  :)  :tu:  :cheers:
Videos and Screen Shots / Re: Best Film/Editor Programs
February 01, 2013, 11:45:18 AM
The only bad thing that I have found out about Dxtory is it has a MASSIVE water mark on it like takes up 1/3 of the screen and that it does cost money. But, if you do buy it with it not being very expensive and since the water mark is taken off when you buy it it makes it one of the best filming programs I have found plus there is no time limit if you are in the trial or have bought it :) I would recommend this to you Norris just as much if not more than fraps :)