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Messages - Gen.Hond{snp}

SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: ICW3 Week 4
August 27, 2013, 03:38:28 PM
Maybe I should put in a say for this? Yeah sure I will. At least about the argument about planet dividing I see we all have a problem with.

I agree we should stick with the rules about the Native planets if 212 does, or did (I'm not sure what they are doing) that all their planets should become Native rule. How ever since we do have Enten dropping out with only 1 planet instead of 212 who has several. I think they should chose who it goes to. Maybe a time for a new rule Oven? If there ever so happens to be a ICW4 (which would be wonderful to have).

It would of course make a little more sense if a clan/team was in this tournament with only 1 planet left to at least to decide what they want to do with it. Whether to Defend, give it away, or keep on playing. As Oven did before with Bespin. (Mygeeto was awarded to us just as Enten was awarded a planet the first week) Which was given to us by UEF by choice.

As Phobos did mention though we didn't earn/fight for Mos Eisly (Enten's last planet) which is totally agreeable not to let Enten hand it over. Which does leave to a good counter argument if there are more then 1 planet being handed over. But 1 planet won't exactly make a huge difference compared to anything more then 1.

Maybe a good option for a new rule? It seemed fair before with UEF. Theres always room for improvements and I don't see why this would be an issue unless its more then 1 planet. It is also Enten's last wish in the ICW3 after all.

Oven I hope I put your brain to work on this one. I try my best :D

Enten will be missed.
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: ICW3 Week 3
August 25, 2013, 01:09:03 PM
Well it would only make sense since YAK got their two planets from no Enten showing up. I think it would make sense since no Enten showed up for our 2 matches to give us the two planets.
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: ICW3 Week 3
August 24, 2013, 01:52:01 PM
Quote from: Phobos on August 24, 2013, 12:54:02 PM
Enten just said "we forfiet" and left the streets server. we will wait 10 more mins and if none return, then yak wins streets.

Depends what they meant by forfeit. If they meant the ICW3 wouldn't it be Native? (just streets because they agreed to harbor) This similarly happened to the planet Egypt with TcF. Telling they weren't going to play in the ICW3 during the time the battle was to happen. (Which is the same in this case)

If it was just the battle for streets then I don't see a problem of Yak having it. But we should find out what other Enten have to say about this before we can claim it Yak territory.
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: ICW3 Week 3
August 23, 2013, 09:46:50 AM
Enten takes Mos Eisly. I admined it :D for giggles. It let Deagle play in the game instead of watching.


If you look at the picture you might be wondering why is it a 2v2. The game was a 3v3 at the beginning how ever Nixo's internet didn't like him so he constantly joined and left the server. So Originally it was Nixo, Ecko, and Ash. (They followed the 1/3 merc rule and for what ever reason Ecko has his name as a merc but hes not)
Since the server started later then normal due to Nixo's internet the count off was made when he was in it along with asking if both teams were ready. As the battle went Nixo was in and out and Enten having 3 members most of the time besides when Deagle switched with Jumper and a member of Enten named Siggi left right before the chance to take a screenshot of the 2v3 which looks like a 2v2 now. There were several instances of random people joining but none of them mattered in the end besides Deagle having to ban 1 of them.

In all it was a good game.

For a suggestion with 212 I suggest planning a better time? It seemed like they weren't as organized.
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: ICW3 Week 3
August 22, 2013, 08:06:37 PM
Yeah Sorry Oven to say the TBD for each. Last week we screwed up on it. Anyways heres what era/side we chose for the planets.

1.0's Eras/Sides
Cloud City: GCW Rebels
Temple: CW CIS.

Also about the admins I would be glad to do it but I do agree with Phobos that there are several problems such as name fakers, dealing with trouble makers, and enforcing other rules such as the Mercenary's since IP's wouldn't be available. It would be nice to see BlackScorpion do some since I haven't seen him admin yet that I know of. (Though he was at our fun Russia game as a Merc)

If you really really need an admin just xfire me and I would do it.
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: ICW3 Week 3
August 22, 2013, 08:36:29 AM
Attacking clan: 1.0
Defending clan: En'Ten
Planet: Yavin 4 Temple
1.0's side: TBD
Day/time: Sunday, 4:00 PM EST/ 10 Berlin PM

Attacking clan: 1.0
Defending clan: En'Ten
Planet: Bespin Cloud City
1.0's side: TBD
Day/time: Sunday, 5:00 PM EST / 11 Berlin PM

Sorry I didn't put in by Wednesday. Had some pc issues...
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: ICW3 Week 2
August 18, 2013, 05:42:37 PM
Quote from: Ashley Purdy on August 18, 2013, 05:28:14 PM
Also Hond commented me, that when they were getting a cp, they all suicided AT SAME TIME, for spawning there ---> TeamSpeal

Lol good idea. but i doubt u can do that all so quickly. If it was typed most people would of probably have taken a while until they saw it. It was as if someone "told" them as one would say. I hope you remember that part Oven. Did they say anything in team chat to respawn before they did that? You were on their team. If not I don't see any other way they could have notified themselves about it. (Oven should be the one to only answer if he saw or not and was hopefully paying attention)
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: ICW3 Week 2
August 18, 2013, 04:04:03 PM
That's very interesting. Good job with the pics Anyder. I suppose you can't trust every clan on this game. Also from a battle point of view it was very easy to tell they were in the same Team speak room. Can't be moving all the time and typing so there must of been some type of voice communication between them all. Mercs and Members of Enten. Sad to say there was no way to prove it on a picture. But there looks like to be funny business happening.

Cheat or no cheat it was still a good game. Besides when we all recon spammed each other. lol
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: ICW3 Week 2
August 17, 2013, 01:41:41 PM
Why was there bleed on other Modded Maps and not Dagobah?
And why wasn't anyone notified about this? (It would of changed the game's victor if bleed was on)
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: ICW3 Week 2
August 15, 2013, 07:13:28 PM
Sunday 9 pm Berlin (3:30 EST) Cloud City vs Enten (Also switch GCW to CW becuz I made a typo and we chose Republic)
Sunday 10 pm Berlin (4 EST) Temple vs Enten
Sunday 11 pm Berlin (5 EST) Russia vs Enten (1.0 is being on Rebels GCW)

Yak Battle accepted but would prefered it to be moved just a half an hour back to 2:30 EST on Saturday.

Oven I only changed the one time vs Enten to 3:30 EST if that is okay?
I didn't see any other problems I think.
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: ICW3 Week 2
August 14, 2013, 05:14:16 PM
Okay Jumper and Enten I have the list proposed by 1.0 for our proposed battle times.
Proposed times:
Sunday 9 pm Berlin (3 EST) Cloud City vs Enten I also understand this time is taken but even though its not prefered we can have 2 battles at the same time if there is 2 admins. (Plus they all dif clans)
Sunday 10 pm Berlin (4 EST) Temple vs Enten
Sunday 11 pm Berlin (5 EST) Russia vs Enten
I understand some times here are pretty late but we run into several problems any earlier then 3 EST. If the battles last less then the actual hour (which I'm sure it will) I think it be okay to start the next match right away so we don't keep Enten up to late.

Sunday 2 EST pm Mygeeto: Is Confirmed with us :D

Saturday Dagobah 4 EST vs YAK: I haven't seen times for YAK yet so I just wanted to suggest something and give YAK a good idea what the time is okay for us at least.

Probably the one we can move around is The Dagobah match. We should be fine for a later time if needed.

SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: ICW3 Week 2
August 12, 2013, 07:22:22 PM
Attacking Clan: 1.0
Defending Clan: Enten
Planet: Russia
Proposed date/time: (TBA)
Era/side: GCW/To be chosen

Attacking Clan: 1.0
Defending Clan: Enten
Planet: Bespin Cloud City
Proposed date/time: (TBA)
Era/side: GCW/To be chosen

Attacking Clan: Enten
Defending Clan: 1.0
Planet: Yavin 4 Temple
Proposed date/time: August 16, Friday, 7:00 PM Berlin time
Era/side: GCW/Imperium

Sorry but could we change the date and time for the match at Yavin 4 Temple. Friday isn't a good one. We were thinking Saturday or Sunday around 3-5 EST. (last time was just to early)

Can we get the battles and etc posted on the update? Its getting to the confusing point now.  :wacko:
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: ICW3 Week 1
August 10, 2013, 10:16:48 PM
Is it possible to have the 1.0 match against Enten moved to 1 EST? Instead of Noon. Some people have church for those in the PST, CST, or MST for us that we didn't realize was a problem till now. Its only an hour.
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: ICW3 Week 1
August 09, 2013, 05:08:52 PM
Quote from: Dark_Phantom on August 09, 2013, 04:40:29 PM
7:40 and no TcF nor an admin?

P.S.  Thank you Led for setting up a server

Quote from: Superclone43 on August 09, 2013, 04:55:10 PM
Hey, so Penguin said TcF isn't in ICW3.... This is what he said on xfire:
Didn't find this out until after the match was supposed to start, so I don't know what happens now. There wasn't an admin around either so I wasn't sure...

Um if no one also remembers our match earlier with Enten was suppose to happen. I understand tunngle was part of an issue so can we get that one rescheduled to Sunday with Enten?
Also after we waiting about 40-60 minutes apparently Penguin told us Tcf weren't in the ICW3
Although the only real complaints I have is not even having an admin being on and us having to bug Led for a server.
Idk what to really do because we were misinformed with TcF and were ready with everything. And I really would prefer just to have Egypt in 1.0 possession instead of making two battles to be rescheduled because we were very prepared for both matches and were disappointed to find out we could play neither of them due to Tunngle(just the first match), no admins(besides first sort of), no server host(till we bugged Led), and to find out  Tcf isn't even playing... So?
General / Re: Music Suggestions
August 08, 2013, 07:07:35 PM
Omg what poor thing listens to this >>>>>>