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Messages - Bacara

Bespin - Empire
Endor - Rebels
Hoth - Rebels
Kashyyyk - Neutral
Naboo - Empire
Rhen Var - Empire
Tatooine - Rebels
yavin IV - Neutral
Mygeeto (custom map) - Empire
Utapau (custom map) - Rebels
Death Star (custom map) - Empire
Mustafar (custom map) - Rebels
Coruscant - Empire

This is the updated planetary statuses. The next topic for the war should be up soon. I hope to see a good a turnout as I did last week. Thanks guys,

Quote from: {Remnant} CT-5108 on January 09, 2011, 02:04:31 PM

bacara sry i left abruptly the new puppy was AGAIN trying to eat a sock and my sister was being annoying
Oh, that's why the game crashed. I thought it was my computer  ::) lol
The Galactic Empire has won Bespin.

Sorry about the teams guys. People had to leave and the teams got all jacked up. To make things worse, I had to leave during platforms because of a family emergency. I promise though, next time I will be there the whole time and make sure the teams are even. But, unfortunatly, there is nothing we can do about it now. The next couple of games will be better.

On the up-side, I was very pleased with the turnout. About 15 people showed up, when I was praying for maybe 10. Thanks guys for helping me pick this thing back up. I would also like to thank ~{PLA}~ Led for his last minute host.

I will post the next set of battles as soon as possible. Thanks guys,

OK guys, here are the official details.

Time: 6:30 EST, 5:30 CST, 4:30 MTN, 3:30 PST
Date: Saturday, January 8th
Maps: Bespin: CC and Platforms
Rules: Same as always.
Teams: Will be worked out on the buffer map.
IP Address:

The server is up. Join.

Quote from: Jedikiller on January 08, 2011, 09:01:10 AM
Just a heads up- due to unforeseen circumstances I may not be able to host this game. I will, however, do my best to.
OK, I'll get a back up host just in case.
Quote from: Magic Liber on January 08, 2011, 11:13:06 AM
I may be late to this.  Some last minute dinner plans with parents.  i should be done before, but it is possible that we may run over...
That's fine bro. Just come whenever you can and that would be great.

We have a search engine in the SWBF maps section, just enter the title and it should bring it up.
Yeah, me and my buds play it all the time.
Quote from: Soap Mactavish on January 04, 2011, 06:00:42 PM
depending on how many BHF members are going to the battle will depend if i go. As of right now i have OSX reinstalled on my computer and my SWBF disc laying next to be yet to be installed.
lol what happened to never touching the game again ;) lol jk. We would be glad to have ya Soap.

Awesome. That time works for JK so here are the official details.

Time: 6 EST, 5 CST, 4 MTN, 3 PST
Date: Saturday, January 15th
Maps: Bespin: CC and Platforms
Rules: Same as always.
Teams: Will be worked out on the buffer map.
IP Address:

The buffer will start 30 minutes before the time above. You have until then to join the server. You can join any time during the battle, but please make it for the buffer if you can. Thanks,

Quote from: Ansifen on January 03, 2011, 05:55:34 AM
We tend to sort out teams during the buffer map anyway.
I personally don't mind what team I end up on, as long as we have a decent battle.
Yeah, we do but I would still like to see how many people are Imperials and how many are Rebels. We'll probably have to even out the teams on the buffer, but it's still good to know.
Quote from: Fire on January 02, 2011, 09:28:17 PM
So this battle will take place next saturday? like the old ones or?  ???
Yeah, it will hopefully take place this saturday, Jan. 8th at around 6 EST. Me and JK are working it out right now and once we find a definite time, I'll post all the info here.
Quote from: Jedikiller on January 01, 2011, 06:20:46 PM
I'll host for you dudes, though I've got no intention of playing. But might as well use my Internet for good purposes :P
Thanks, JK. I appreciate it. When would be a convenient day for you to host? If you could do it this saturday (Jan. 8th) that would be great. Could I get a headcount on how many people are going to show up and what team you were on before? As I said, nothing is going to change from BD's previous specifications.
Quote from: Magic Liber on January 02, 2011, 06:34:01 PM
Ah ha. just read all the previous info.  I got it now.  are we picking sides now or are we using the old ones and should I sign up there?
If you weren't in the original battles, then I will put you on the team that needs more players. More than likely, though, you will be with the rebels. Also, yes, we are going to play both Bespin maps. If you, or anybody for that matter, wants more info on this, go check out the past topics by BD. They will be in the SWBF section of the site.
Quote from: Fire on January 01, 2011, 01:10:41 PM
So when we gonna get this week started?
Once we find a host, as soon as possible. So, if anybody can and would like to host, please tell me as soon as possible.
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / SWBF War - Week 4 - Bespin
December 24, 2010, 02:12:21 PM
Hey guys, this is Bac again. BD has officially given me permission this time to run the SWBF War in his place and he will post below that he has as soon as he can. Again, this will be ran the exact same way as BD said it would and there will be no changes from his original specifications. The teams, the rules, and the planets will all stay the same as they were. Refer to the SWBF Planetary Statuses for the up to date planets.

The planet picked for this week is...Bespin! We will play the two battles of Bespin as soon as I can find a suitable DC host. If you are interested (and are able to) to host a DC game, then please PM me on this site as soon as possible. If you would like to become a regular host, just shoot me some times when you can host and I will fit the war schedule to yours. Thanks all, and I hope that I can run this just as well as BD has.

Other Games / Re: What do you want?
December 23, 2010, 02:51:09 PM
Bad Company - Vietnam (if you can, any will do)
Left 4 Dead (either one would be great)
Team Fortress

Thanks Soap. If you could get any of these that would be great.
Other Games / Re: MPC's xFire List!
December 10, 2010, 07:23:42 PM
bacara687 and I just sent out a massive amount of friend invites so everybody check your profile and add :D thanks