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SWBF1 Modding / Re: BFBuilder Problem
March 11, 2012, 01:02:40 PM
OK, get 1.2 side builders from phobos

otherwise, the steps are the same as I told you earlier, except there is no clean step.
he did not release his assets, but he did give permission to use his sides.  Check em out in his clones vs clones mod.  I suppose we could just use his side file for that.
yes, we can do it!

Send me your address, I can at least have a pizza delivered!

I want to finish CIS, then go to clones.  I want to have some of your clone skins so we can go clones vs clones.  You know, napseeker had some snazzy skins for them... (hint hint)  ;)

after that, imps and rebels
SWBFUpdate Comments and Notes / WIP for March 2012
March 11, 2012, 11:25:21 AM
I am using this thread for what I am working on for March 2012 with regard to the SWBF update.


  • make a smaller download by using on the map.lvl files---removing movies old missions, etc. from these maps.  The downside will be that players will not be able to just drag the file over to addon if they want to play the map as it was made by the original modder. 

  • make smaller side files that use only the relevant materials

  • complete implementation of silver CIS units made by sleepkiller

  • add Sleepkillers latest map conversions

  • have Sleepkiller remind me of the CIS side updates that he sent me

SWBF1 Modding / Re: BFBuilder Problem
March 11, 2012, 10:49:08 AM
I don't think your OS is the problem.  Let me see if I can find the rep.lvl builder and try it to see if that will work.
Quote from: Thine Enemy on March 10, 2012, 09:51:01 PM
very good! i love it as it is now :D

i'm thinking of perhaps doing the model myself, i can get xsi since i'm an art student, i just need to know what other things i would need to know about when working on it

Hey thine, don't buy xsi.  You can no longer purchase the version you would need, I think.

However, there are a few options for free.

First, look around on gametoast:

Although they are heavy into SWBF2, most of that knowledge applies to SWBF.

Then read this and get it:

and maybe this too:

We could really use a modeller!

Good stuff Unit
I got a video card that claimed it to could do 3D SWBF.  Not sure I ever tried it though  :)
we have Froggy paintball here now:;sa=view;down=475

link in Ryan's post is for 1.1 is now fixed
updated assets to include MSH file for DT with specularity removed .  This file also has been edited to use the TGA name included in the asset folder.
Hi SWBFgamers,

Jedikiller kindly made some modifications to out settings for downloads.  You can now upload files and not have to go through the approval process.  Also, comments no longer have to be approved.

Hopefully this will streamline the ability of modders to share their work quickly and make this site the most happening SWBF modding site on the planet :)

I took the shineyness off the DT.  re-download if you want it
Snake has a tutorial, but I find it rather confusing.  His tutorial is at:

As explained in the comments of the post, it is more complicated that it needs to be.

Follow my instructions below to get the unit MODEL and SKIN from SWBF2 into SWBF.  You will
need to mess around with the ODF of the unit if you want weapons modifications.

First, use BFbuilderPro and create a REP side for MODID: peng01
(if you don't know how to do this, you got some learnin' to do)

use windows file explorer and right click on the folder:

select properties, and uncheck "read only" and hit OK or apply to all subfolders

I will replace clone trooper with EP3 armoured pilot.

go here
get the files


copy them to

go here:

and open

Make the beginning of this file look like this:
and save it


ClassLabel          = "soldier"
GeometryName       = "rep_inf_ep3armoredpilot.msh"

FootWaterSplashEffect    = "watersplash_sm"
WaterSplashEffect    = "watersplash_md"
WakeWaterSplashEffect   = "watersplash_wade"

Label             = "Republic Trooper"
UnitType         = "trooper"
IconTexture       = "rep_trooper_icon"
MapTexture          = "troop_icon"
MapScale          = 1.4

GeometryName       = "rep_inf_ep3armoredpilot"
GeometryLowRes         = "rep_inf_ep3armoredpilot_low1"

FirstPerson       = "REP\reptroop;rep_1st_trooper"
FirstPersonFOV         = "70"
ThirdPersonFOV         = "65"
AnimationName      = "all_inf_snowtrooper"

clean and munge

retrieve your new REP.lvl file, and place it in
C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars Battlefront\GameData\Data\_LVL_PC\SIDE

(back up your original first)

A couple of tips:  always back up your files before you make additional changes
always do one change at a time and see if it works before making more changes

start up a game, and instead of clone trooper, you see this dude:

I think the others will work the same way.  I leave that to you and ask that you report the results.  The skirts are an issue, I think.  They will not animate, and they may not appear, dunno.  Give it a try.


Dealing with low res models

Low res models are used a lot.  Even up close.  If you do not have a low res model, the unit will "wink out" and seem to disappear and re-appear.

Some models that were made by modders do not come with a low res version.  Here is what you need to do:
find your standard res model and the TGA file that goes with it.

In the previous example, it was

You will need to find a low res model that will skin similar to this one.  Perhaps the basic clone trooper from SWBF would work:  rep_inf_trooper_low1.msh

it takes some experience and trial and error to know if it will work.

The TGA file (skin file) name is stored inside the MSH file.  We need the rep_inf_trooper_low1.msh to use the TGA file that we want:  rep_inf_ep3armoredpilot.tga

Note that the models are different resolutions, but the TGA file is the same for both.

Here is what I have been doing.  I hex edit the low res msh file so that inside of it is the name of the TGA file that I want.  I use xvi32 for a hex editor:

open the file rep_inf_trooper_low1.msh and search for TGA.

In this file you will find that it calls:  rep_inf_trooper.tga
Notice that there are 15 characters before .tga

We need to rename our new TGA file something that is exactly 15 characters before the .tga.
so copy  rep_inf_ep3armoredpilot.tga
and rename it to:  rep_inf_ep3armo.tga

Use the hex editor to over write  rep_inf_trooper with rep_inf_ep3armo

Save the file.

Now, you may not want to over-write the low res mesh name of trooper.  So copy the edited file:
rep_inf_trooper_low1.msh and rename it to:

and call it out in the ODF file


ClassLabel          = "soldier"
GeometryName       = "rep_inf_ep3armoredpilot.msh"

FootWaterSplashEffect    = "watersplash_sm"
WaterSplashEffect    = "watersplash_md"
WakeWaterSplashEffect   = "watersplash_wade"

Label             = "Republic Trooper"
UnitType         = "trooper"
IconTexture       = "rep_trooper_icon"
MapTexture          = "troop_icon"
MapScale          = 1.4

GeometryName       = "rep_inf_ep3armoredpilot"
GeometryLowRes         = "my_trooper_low1.msh"

FirstPerson       = "REP\reptroop;rep_1st_trooper"
FirstPersonFOV         = "70"
ThirdPersonFOV         = "65"
AnimationName      = "all_inf_snowtrooper"

munge the file, and try it in game.  See if it works.  If you dont like the low res msh result,
try again with another file.