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Messages - Dark_Phantom

Tech Support / Re: SWBFI on Windows 10?
October 17, 2018, 05:20:25 AM
That really sounds like some bottleneck or leak.  You could try the same game before and after the lag (if it does it only after a certain amount of time after a reset).
There are a couple people still floating around, but I think we're kind of in the situation now where we should schedule something if we want more than one person in a server.
I think between a small player base and school starting back up, playing during the week especially is tough.  A few people playing on a weekend could give a spark.
Tech Support / Re: SWBFI on Windows 10?
October 07, 2018, 06:51:13 PM
-Have you tried playing other games, and which ones?
-What are your graphics settings set at ingame and in the ATI Catalyst Control Center (I think that's the AMD thing)?
Released Maps and Mods / Re: Endor Demo Maps recompiled
September 26, 2018, 08:50:41 AM
That makes sense.  That's actually pretty cool if I could get it working.
Edit: Actually just watched the Demo part of that video again.  In the Xbox version, a destructible door is used on the shield generator, and that's how you blow it up.  Instead, there is a hole there because it is not in the released assets.
Also that jump animation is funny.
Released Maps and Mods / Re: Endor Demo Maps recompiled
September 25, 2018, 06:41:25 PM
I don't do BF2 but I would still definitely like a look at them - that'd be awesome.
Released Maps and Mods / Re: Endor Demo Maps recompiled
September 24, 2018, 08:43:18 AM
They are the .wld and some of the planning and region files from the demos.  The .lvl files were able to be decompiled into their sections, and the .wld inside was able to be converted to text format, which hasn't changed since the demoes were sent out.  One error that does come up in regards to the sky is something like "Sky file in old format" but the game still runs and I thought that it was working.

The layout here would be the same as the demo, but the actual objects and textures are from the released game.  I'm not sure how you would get the objects over (maybe rebuilding them or recompiling them or something), but textures could be done without much hassle.

XBOX was an early demo and PS2 was pretty late it seems.
Released Maps and Mods / Endor Demo Maps recompiled
September 20, 2018, 07:50:27 PM
Endor Demo Maps recompiled;sa=view;down=1470

Swap with your current Endor.  Please backup!

This isn't really a big deal - just for curious modders.  I have not fixed these up to the best of my ability.  I copied the files that were compatible with the munger and pulled the rest from stock Endor's asset folder.  As such, all textures and objects are the files that came at the game's release/BFBuilder tools.  Someone much more talented than me would have to get those objects into a PC-ready form.

The XBOX version has the most changes.  With this: the generator did not have a CP included and the Shield Bunker is not there.  Also, the beloved log trap is there.    The PS2 version is pretty close to the same and could honestly be passed off as the real map with some small exceptions and different tree placement.  In both, I believe that there is a higher focus on connecting the catwalks for the Ewok village, unlike in the released game.  I didn't check to make sure, though.

The Pandemic devs left almost everything they used in the BFBuilder tools.  Therefore, all objects should be present, however, due to development changes, some stuff doesn't line up (like the tree catwalks).  The minimap is stock BF1, as I didn't see a map in DylanRocket's files that i remember.  This makes it so that especially on the XBOX version, nothing lines up correctly.

Pandemic Studios - for Battlefront 1
George Lucas - Star Wars!
DylanRocket for finding and extracting, thread here:
Me, for making an effort to PC compile them.
Generally, if you have a more recent Nvidia graphics card, it could be the source of the issue.  However, if it is the same machine, maybe a setting is wrong?
Welcome Center / Re: Hi New Member!
August 03, 2018, 04:34:14 AM
Welcome to the Front!  Hope you enjoy it here!
We've talked about it several times but there really wasn't enough interest in building one even though it would be extremely convenient
Welcome Center / Re: Doing Battlefront Research
August 01, 2018, 11:15:29 AM
Well, a great place to look is the files that are in the modding toolkits.
A direct answer to your questions can be found in there.  For BF1 and 2 the source .lua files and .odf files would be great to look at, and observe.  If you have questions about a line or section of code, most likely someone here can answer them.  For example, Critical Hit locations in BF2 are defined in /Sides/sidename/ODF/vehicle.odf, and correspond to a bone (not sure if correct term) on the .msh file (the model).  When Thrak Gorshun hits the neck of the AT-AT with his missile launcher, it does more damage because it is defined as a critical hit location.

Slightly sidetracked, I found that Tow Cable attach points are actually done the same way using their own .odf command.  I did not know this and now really want to see how hard it would be to use tow cables on AT-TEs.
The mechanics of snowspeeders and ATAT takedowns are marvelous.  Always impressed at how well they pulled that off, even though it showed up in other games.
Quote from: Dark_Phantom on July 12, 2018, 04:44:21 AM
It would almost have to be like an "AnimatedBuilding" class with an EffectRegion property.  I'm not totally sure how you would set that to move around the map (and how the region would react), but in theory, Regions can move because we have the "CommandWalker/CommandHover" class that moves supposedly static spawn paths.
I am wrong on this count.  Some research into it shows me that CommandWalker/CommandHover have a special situation called SpawnPointCount and SpawnPointLocation that depend on the location of the CP.  EffectRegion = "" is bizarre because it ties to a "powerupstation" class and then only uses radius from the droid as a reference.  My idea would be this:

ClassLabel = "powerupstation"

PowerupDelay    =   "180.0" //throw the kill switch every 3 minutes
SoldierHealth       =  "-1000.0"  //everyone dies at -1000
Powerupsound     =   "maniacally laughing voice" //this is cruel

EffectRegion = "gigantic circle inside map"

However, it seems to me that RepComm's idea is the correct way to go.  I think you should be able to use the "animatedbuilding" class and create an animation with it that makes it go across the battlefield.  With collisions correct, if it hits you fast enough you should die (?).  Almost like a door except on a much larger scale.  Then if you'd make a bunch of them to crisscross the battlefield at random times you can watch as your teammates get mercilessly taken down one by one as they accidentally walk into a crazy trap.

Wow that took a whole turn I didn't expect.
It would almost have to be like an "AnimatedBuilding" class with an EffectRegion property.  I'm not totally sure how you would set that to move around the map (and how the region would react), but in theory, Regions can move because we have the "CommandWalker/CommandHover" class that moves supposedly static spawn paths.
Hello SWBFGamers,

We are working on a documentation/video of the glitches of SWBF1 - we think it would be a fun thing to write down and then video.  If you can think of any, please post!

Bespin: Platforms
Bespin: Cloud City

  • Above the chamber glitch -- includes "super jet jump" to top of building
  • Droideka clip through wall
  • 2 person jump through ceiling
  • Ammo droid courtyard clip
Endor: Bunker

  • Shield Generator Clip (Led)
Geonosis: Spire

  • Wall clip behind spire (I've seen AI get in it - how does a human?)
Hoth: Echo Base

  • Tauntaun Echo Base wall glitch
  • Control room wall clip
Kamino: Tipoca City

  • Cloning Center Droid Clip
Kashyyyk: Islands
Kashyyyk: Docks
Naboo: Plains
Naboo: Theed

  • Ammo droid clip (Led)
  • Rolling Person with water vehicle
  • tilt after getting hit with a grenade near rotunda while prone
Rhen Var: Citadel

  • Glitch above observatory (get behind the wall)
  • Ruins (?) CP tower glitch
Rhen Var: Harbor

  • Ice caves broken wall
  • scale the cliffs with a vehicle (not quite a glitch but area is slightly OOB)
Tatooine: Dune Sea
Tatooine: Mos Eisley

  • Cantina Glitch (lay down)
  • Sideways Walk glitch
  • Several building door clips
  • Hangar Roof teleport (gdh)
Yavin IV: Arena
Yavin IV: Temple

  • Out of Bounds speeder bike clip (near outpost)
  • Bounce down temple
Tatooine: Jabba's Palace

  • Rancor Camera Glitch (Led)
  • Explore the "real" outside! (see Kelle post)

Thanks for your help!