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Messages - 411Remnant

Released Assets / Phobos Duros ReSkin & Model
May 23, 2013, 03:40:57 PM
Phobos Duros ReSkin & Model;sa=view;down=960

Reskinned Duros Model - Phobos and TwinkeyRunaway

This is a reskin of Phobose's Duros skin. The model intrigued me
and at one point I was going to use it for maybe a renegade squadren type thing.
Well the camo textures wouldn't work very well so I decided to just give it a nice
clean re-touch. Ki-Adi-Mundi higher resolution skins were used to make the detial
a little better and a soft green tone was given to help with the fabric. Eyes have been re-done
as well as serveral new skin textures to fill in some of these blurryier blue spots a little.
Overall, I think this looks cool and I hope someone can use it for something.

In the case the link doesnt work, here is an alt


Credited Duros Model By Phobos (Awesome choice of base by the way bro)
Ki-Adi-Mundi Model base by Pandemic (RIP)
Higher quality Reskin by TwinkeyRunaway
Calab1117 - orignal author

Topic link here:
Released Assets / Re: Phobos Duros Reskin
May 23, 2013, 02:17:18 PM
Darn, well when its apporved ill go head and add him in the credits.
Released Assets / Phobos Duros Reskin
May 23, 2013, 01:35:33 PM

Reskinned Duros Model - Phobos and TwinkeyRunaway

This is a reskin of Phobose's Duros skin. The model intrigued me
and at one point I was going to use it for maybe a renegade squadren type thing.
Well the camo textures wouldn't work very well so I decided to just give it a nice
clean re-touch. Ki-Adi-Mundi higher resolution skins were used to make the detial
a little better and a soft green tone was given to help with the fabric. Eyes have been re-done
as well as serveral new skin textures to fill in some of these blurryier blue spots a little.
Overall, I think this looks cool and I hope someone can use it for something.


Credited Duros Model By Caleb1117 and Phobos for its previous skin (Awesome choice of base by the way bro)
Ki-Adi-Mundi Model base by Pandemic (RIP)
Higher quality Reskin by TwinkeyRunaway


*Donwload here Currently awaiting apporval in assest section
Released Assets / Re: Urban Rebel Soldier
May 23, 2013, 11:29:39 AM
Certianly does. I dont suppose you can upload that version with out the back for me to? :D Its always good to have options.
Released Assets / Urban Rebel Soldier
May 23, 2013, 11:08:22 AM
Well here is my first official release here. Scrapped Urban Rebel Trooper. Comes with Edited face.

also  if someone can upload this to the assest database, that would be cool.


-Tirpider for making the Override compatable Rebel skin (I really couldn't have done it with your OTC files, thank you)
-Pandemic for the base skin
-The 411Remnant For support (Our HD Mod channle can be found here.)
-and of course the SWBFGamers community, you guys rock!
General / Re: EA Teases Battlefront 3 title
May 22, 2013, 11:28:29 PM
I cant help it, I mean EA is the last publisher I would have chosen (I would have gone with bungie) but to hear that is a battlefront game, it comforts me that I dont have to wait another 8 years for it.  :cheers: "Raises glass" To EA not scrweing things up, or least a army of lucas fire hounds burn thier evil and take it back to hadeas.
General / EA Teases Battlefront 3 title
May 22, 2013, 10:38:53 PM

Our prayers...our prayers have been answered gentlemen. They have come out and commented on making a Battlefront game. Its....about.....freaking....time. :D
Released Assets / Re: Sereja StormFeluciaTrooper
May 22, 2013, 06:38:24 PM
Another awesome looking trooper. Thanks Sereja!
 :tu: yuppers, thats the one. I could have sworn I had seen a very similiar model released as it has appeared in a few other mods (Just with a lighter tan scheme). you could probaly reinforce the request at gametoast, it might help us get an answer.

Newer Base ready I think. took me hours haha, but im happy with it. Now to make a proper urban one.


Renegade Squadren Varient. I really do prefer this over the forest one. Ill include both guys in the skin release, however the renegade trooper skin will be used for the mod. Aslo the red rebel thingy on his chest was removed in an updated version. :p

The rebels is going to take a while(Waiting for models and stuff, no rush but it will take maybe a few more weeks for these. Clone wars side getting close to done to). The empire side is pretty much done, I think its time for a first release. Requesting someone to put these skins in game.

Edit: someone already got me covered. Expect something in the next 2 weeks more or less. :p

A very special thanks to AQT and Tirpider for this model/converting for Bf1.


As you can see  the clothe textures have been updated with BF1 Texture overlays to retian the BF1 feel  but at the same time delivier a high quality skin. Little has been changed other than the red marking, BF1 Textures overlays and visor. Expect an orange variant(Which will probaly replace the trooper or assualt class.


I like this concept better. Reminesant of the Tantive 4 trooper design.

Snow Varient

hmm.....well something I was playing around was unit 33's color sheme for those rebels. A loveley green tone with brown battle hardened armor.

Updated 5-24-13

Rebel elite marksmen

She was an interesting challange. Big thanks to Republic commando for giving me the BF2 rebel sniper tga and model.(Though I did end up switching the body with something more high res, the face was a freaking tremendous help. Made her caucasian, so the skin matches.) Also tirpider thanks for this model.
Quote from: tirpider on May 21, 2013, 06:38:30 PM
I don't believe the assets for Dark Times were released, so I couldn't comment on it's compatibility other than if it's just a reskinned bf2 rebel soldier, it should be fine.  (except for skirts, capes, any cloth ect.) 

I know some BF2 models use a different naming convention for collision meshes that can be easily made to conform to BF1 standards. (may not even be an issue)
The elite model was released last time I checked(Or a super similiar model). Just got to find it at gametoast, then maybe someone would be so nice to do that thingy you mentioned with convention.
General / Re: Xbox One Revealed
May 21, 2013, 06:46:47 PM
Oh boy, lol. Well as much as I would like to voice more of my opinion, it seems it would start something of a flame war. So if you like the new xbox, awesome for you(I really hope you get a good product, however with the newer information recently, it really turns me away). If you dont, awesome for you to. :cheers:
Quote from: -RepublicCommando- on May 21, 2013, 04:52:41 PM
Lol, both skeletons are funky. But I don't think that'll matter, her face doesn't get distorted (that I can see).
So, would you like me to saw OFF the BF2 sniper girls face, and saw OFF the BF1 girls face, and put that face over where the BF2 sniper girls face is suppose to be?
Im not going to be using the Bf2 model kit :p. I want to just want the face of the swbf2 sniper chick and pasted onto the swbf1 model. So to answer your question if you can saw of BF2 chicks face and paste on BF1's sniper chick, that would be fine. The second reason I dont do this myself is becuase lol, i dont have the BF2 sniper TGA file with me (and becuase of the UV mapping, making my custom face didnt work out to well without the BF1 chicks faces looking goofy/deformed.) The new rebel male face took me forever to do (2 days give or take 10 hours).
Quote from: Kit Fisto on May 21, 2013, 04:26:32 PM
For the Tantive IV style trooper I would go for something more like this:
Or in this video showing SWBFII in it's first build.

That urban Rebel looks nice!
I really like that promotional picture! Like Ltin said, I would buy a game with that cover!  ;)

Mav's Dark Times II Mod (best SWBFII mod ever!) includes Kota's Malitia as a playable class.
Thank you gentlemen. If you happen to know if that Dark times model is compatible for BF1, I would use, though I know BF1 has a problem with skirts. Actually had to scrap the skin for this rebel (The face stays though). Reason being is that my camo was flawed and needed to redo the Rebel trooper skin almost completley (This took 3-4 hours). Now its at an editable-friendly state, which means I can pump out themes way faster. Ive been taking a look at Renagade squadren, thinking about doing thier rebel scheme for forest troopers.

also I love that skin in the video, fits BF1 much better. One Way I can achieve that is by redoing the pants and vest with tirpiders tantive VI trooper or doing a resking of the rebel fleet trooper in BF1. We will see how it goes :p
General / Re: Xbox One Revealed
May 21, 2013, 05:53:30 PM I need to log in once a day? And if I want to lend a game to a friend, he needs to cough up some bucks just to play it? hmm, yeah thanks microsoft. Thanks for making it easier for me to buy a ps4 :D, xbox one is more like a TV than a console, I alreayd own a tv box, dont need to spend 400-600 on another one.
Requests / Requesting BF2 Female Marksman face
May 21, 2013, 02:52:48 PM
Is there any chance someone has or can create an overlay compatable BF2 rebel marksman face over BF1 rebel marksmen face model/TGA fiel. I would prefer not to make my own custom face as it takes time away from the other skins im making. If no one can or doesnt have something that at least makes the BF1 marksman a little prettier, then ill go ahead and create a custom one. Or if someone can point me in the right direction, that would be just as helpful.