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Messages - Samistheone

SWBF1 Modding / Re: Thread to Help Samistheone
November 18, 2014, 08:25:59 PM
Can someone send me a picture of what and how this is all supposed to look like so I can check and make sure no files really are missing please?

(Man I so want to make the maps that I have as ideas in my head, so much its bugging me I can't get this to work yet....)
a request with the map Yavin 4 Temple, and then also have the campaign map historical Naboo when the royal guards have to fight the droids
With no AI
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Thread to Help Samistheone
November 18, 2014, 06:09:26 PM
Anyone? and would having my SWBF disc in my computer help at all?
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Thread to Help Samistheone
November 17, 2014, 08:58:32 PM
Okay so it still says that Config.ini is missing, but I see the file there? is there maybe something that can be edited there or something to change it? or is it possible to make an installer version for Zero Editor and what not?

Or yet could you transfer me a good file or something for it though Xfire and try it that way to see if the problems something downloading off the web?

Or if we have to have someone help me though screen sharing???
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Thread to Help Samistheone
November 17, 2014, 06:26:40 PM
I know for sure its a Anti Virus, my Dad checked the website with a special account, which he can check to make sure the site and stuff is safe, I just don't think I have any virus protection on here like my other computer did, I got this one from my cousin for about $150 dollars, I know cheep right x-D, he wanted to get a new one and get rid of this one, anyways I got browser viruses on my other computer too, and I just recently hopefully got rid of the viruses on this one now too, also would having browser applications and stuff open like Skype and Xfire and Internet Explorer  Steam and other applications on at the same time cause the Zero Editor problem too?, can't believe I didn't think of asking that till now. And I have nick changers on too.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Thread to Help Samistheone
November 17, 2014, 06:13:13 PM
I don't want to get rid of the Anti Virus programs I have, because they helped me get rid of 4 viruses off my computer, and believe it or not they where all Browser related type of Viruses, other wise if that doesn't work would you recommend me to change my bit color settings? on my windows 7?

(Also I think those Anti Virus things where a 1 download time deal too, but I am not sure.)
Tech Support / Re: Server list only loads 73%
November 17, 2014, 06:04:33 PM
Quote from: Kishy on November 12, 2014, 04:25:43 PM
i understand, but if it was on the gamemaster end wouldn't all players not load all the way? i  think im the only one experiencing this at the moment, I think the only servers I can't see are the FC ones,  and I think it's just due to me being banned on certain servers like the FC ones which are about 25% of the servers like phobos said

Being banned from a server wouldn't cause that problem, trust me, I've been banned a few times, and yet I can still see the servers. So I don't think that was your problem, I get that loading screen now and then too, then it just fix's it self.

I'm glad its all fixed now though.
Tech Support / Re: New Build Concerns
November 17, 2014, 05:54:06 PM
Man if I where to build a PC I'd have my cousin help me who worked on computers, and I'd have him teach me how to make my own computer, and I'd go all out on making a PC I'd probably try and make mine better then all the ones shown here with lots of memory good core processors extra USB hookups and screen hookups and extra fans and cooling systems inside it and I'd make it compatible for Floppy discs and I'd have multiple CD drives and stuff , and air filters that you got to clean now and then, I would make It so you can run power in to it more then 1 way too maybe even like 2-3 hard drives or more in it. all in all it would be a high tech computer, plus I would like it to be able to run windows 95 on it and XP and Windows 7-8, and be able to transfer memory between the versions and Wi-Fi compatible inside with a choice of Ethernet hook up/ cat 5 cable too plus multiple video chips and adding Adobe and a lot of other programs on there too that I want and don't have because they cost money supposedly a lot.

Though I don't think that's all possible

Sadly x-P

And yet have a Multiple screen option sitting on my desk like the one you see one of the bad guys use in Criminal minds, When Reed gets abducted by him, and then try's to force Reed to pick the next person to die, that shows on the cameras he hid inside the houses, that he came in to work on stuff, internet connection problems I believe.
Public Square / Re: Engaging a Re-Growing Community
November 16, 2014, 08:39:25 PM
Quote from: ևltimσ on November 15, 2014, 08:32:21 PM
I am on this site for hours and hours most days, constantly checking for new updates, things to talk about, and things to search for when they cross my mind. The hours I spend around here, I always notice the "Who's Online" bar and always notice a registered member who is either brand new or they have very few posts on the site but I've been around for awhile. It makes me wonder a lot why the site isn't more engaging to more members of the community. I want these community members to come and be a true part of the community, but hardly any of them ever do. People always register to download a few mods, maybe lurk some of the forums, but never seem to hang around or say "Hello" very often at all. So, I've been pondering... why is it like this?

Then I realized... We are old- The site is old. It's not hip- not flashy- not attractive to audiences in modern terms. I look at it again and again, but always notice the 3 main colors of the default site layout- Black, Gray, and White. Dull colors. Don't get me wrong, many popular sites today still use White- such as YouTube, Reddit... White is fine; We've just managed to make White dull with other dull colors. We're a Star Wars: Battlefront site. I think it's time to upgrade to a Default theme that represents the game we play! Who can forget the classic Battlefront look with blue backgrounds, orange headers and white text? Everyone in our community is accustomed to it, and I think it would be a very nice addition to have! But don't get me wrong, I absolutely do love the current default layout... but we need some flavor! Something to engage an audience that is once again growing, even after the Gamespy shut-out. When we represent dull colors, we look dull too! I'm not saying we should completely destroy the theme we have all grown on; Like I said, White is nice. White works, White is still in style. But, let's add some seasoning on top of the White- Change the header backgrounds to something Orange... Maybe add a little blue in somewhere. Hey, what's wrong with classic SWBF colors?

But wait, there's still something else missing... I think we should have a page in our community for all the Photos and Videos we make. Currently, we make thread after thread- Reply after reply for our different photos and videos, so I'm suggesting we have our own little Community page for our Photos and Videos. Heck, we could even make Webs host it and have an external link to it! Perhaps being able to display our fun memories with the community will engage our growing audience, instead of making them go to YouTube and XFire photos.

You got to realize though colors like if you change the backgrounds and stuff and the colors on what people look at and have to read it will make them get headaches and then later decide not to come on at all, like what you did with the Alpha website, No offence, but it was giving me and I'm sure it was give others a bunch of headaches, there's a difference when it comes to colors, and they make headaches and stuff you should read up on this, I'm sure they have it on the internet somewhere, They showed something about it on the History channel once.

Another thing why make a photos thing for the website and videos thing, face the facts the more stuff that's on a website the more the owners of the thing you used to make it will want more and more money for the more data and bandwidth and how much travelage there is on the website, I mean after all if Led or someone is paying for this I don't think we want him to have to pay even more... I mean really this isn't a business where we make money at this.

Another thing to add people left and don't want to come back because of the people using Aimbot, Radar, and other hacks and cheats that have been made wither they really exist or not, not to mention the fighting and bickering, why else do you think the PLA server rules where strict, and another type of fighting is like what WUSI and FC and 212 was and have been doing for so long, you guys just got to figure it out that stuff is driving people away, so is the swearing and cussing, If someone cusses at you or makes a problem talk to one of the server admins you don't need to get in to a fight on SWBF servers which causes people to leave SWBF, just take it some where else if you insist to do that!

Sorry for the bad punctuation.

Over all I think SWBFGamers is fine how it is, there's not much that really needs to change about how the website is, I think it should mostly stay how it is.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Thread to Help Samistheone
November 16, 2014, 08:19:06 PM
Okay I think I got rid of it, but should I have to re-download all of this stuff again? for it to work now?
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Thread to Help Samistheone
November 13, 2014, 09:18:49 PM
Quote from: Led on November 13, 2014, 08:48:50 PM
I will post various links to this issue from around the internet:

Steam says it could be a virus:

something from MS

possible corrupt files

Check your system event log (and post the details for me)

Figures, it just happens I have a browser hijacking right now and I avoided using it I let it stay the way it took over and I just pulled out another short cut of Internet Explorer in a different spot and have been using that one lately meanwhile figuring out what one it is, its my second one in fact I had Snap Do before that ones a bad one too, but this one the 3 malware things I installed didn't even catch this one! It took over Google Chrome mainly which I don't use much anyways.

It claim's to be Speed Browser, but I don't see anything about that online yet, so it may just be using that as a decoy name.

The web and WIKI state that Browser Hijacking is getting more and more frequent, so I recommend you guys to watch what you are downloading, and I will also give you guys a link about it on WIKI. (

By the way Rocket Tab is also a Virus.

I recommend to do what it says here on malwaretips, because doing that caught a bunch of other viruses that I didn't know I had too, after that my computer went faster. ( (

That said you think that removing this might be my main way to fix Zero Editor then??
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Thread to Help Samistheone
November 13, 2014, 08:48:15 PM
Okay I found something new now, when I tried the first option you gave me a window showed up saying.

(Zero Editor Error

"config.ini" not found, unable to start.)

Is this the solution to fix that we are looking for to make it work for me?
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Thread to Help Samistheone
November 13, 2014, 08:27:52 PM
Same thing happened again after the BoPC fix.

By the way what is the (50-SWBFViewer0.04) file for?
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Thread to Help Samistheone
November 13, 2014, 08:15:53 PM
Yes I do, and no because I have the original SWBF game disc's, I thought the BoPC fix was for if you had Star Wars Battlefront Best of PC Disc??

Then again I may have installed it the first time on Windows XP Professional, but I am not sure, its been a while.