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Messages - vf501

Tech Support / Re: Mobile GPUs
December 27, 2009, 06:51:31 AM
ASUS G60-Vx Gaming Laptop

$899+tax=about $942.80depending on state taxes, at Best Buy.  Get an Un-Preserviced one.

Just got one, its real sweet.  Processor is 2.13 GHz Centrino2 dualcore, nVidia GTX 260m, 4GB RAM, 320GB HDD.  Runs pretty much every game at good speed at max settings at 1366x768 max res.  Trade off in price is CPU and screen resolution.  Keyboard also has number pad.

I get 50-100+fps in CoD4, MW2, and L4D2 and Borderlands is very playable.  The 1366x768 res is still crisp enough, and its still above 720p.  The 260m is equal to a 9800GTX+ in performance and doesn't overheat like most laptops.  The main heat vent it side mounted on the left hand side, so you can have it on a bed even, and it wont get too hot.  Flat surface for longevity is still recommended.  Its great for on the go gaming or visual work.  Touch pad and lower area is rubber coated and nice, and the keys are individually spaced.

Easily worth the 950, it used be 999$ but it dropped to 899$ for the holidays so grab it now.
Other Games / Re: Other Games Screenshots
September 19, 2009, 01:38:37 AM
Finally Fixed the Pitt One.

And in other news, I plunked down the cash and bought a new monitor.  Going from a 1024x768 Res 15" HP f1503 to a 1920x1080 21.5" HP 2159.  It is awesome.

The dreaded Albino Scorpion in full 1080p (well the source shot is, xfire and their resizing)

EDIT: More Fallout3 goodness, with Fellout Atmosphere Mod, Greener World and Cleaner Water mods to more accurately reflect a Earth 200 years after nuclear devastation.

New Darker night time via Fellout Mod

Other Games / Re: Darkest of Days
September 14, 2009, 02:38:55 PM
This game was pretty much made by GFX artists and coders.  As far as I know, there were no real writers or voice actors for it.  The inhouse game engine they made though is real nice.  Marmoset can render out next gen graphics very well, but has some issues on the Xbox360 side of things, but is fine on PC.

8 Monkey Labs is pretty much a startup studio with this as their first game, hopefully they wont go under, and will refine their craft on the story/gameplay side of things.
Other Games / Re: Other Games Screenshots
August 31, 2009, 11:52:17 AM

So purty

Into the Pitt

Hanging Around
Other Games / Re: *RELEASE* Steam OSX Beta
August 24, 2009, 11:49:33 AM
How did you get around the use of Internet Explorer Core for the Community and Store sections of steam?  Did you make it use Safari to access the web based content?  I know Steam uses the IE Core because it comes standard on all windows installs so its a consistent web handler to use for an app like steam, so Safari for OSX makes sense.
Other Games / Re: Steam ID's
April 24, 2009, 03:43:21 PM
Heh, I think you're right about that.  I find the lack of Steam here disturbing.

Next time you're on, lets play survival mode, its a real blast to play.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Getting BF2 Maps into BF1?
April 19, 2009, 03:34:51 AM
Looked into the naboo2.wld (Theed, the map thats basically the same between both games) files for both swbf1 and swbf2, only differences are;

Terrain load order and in the SWBF2 wld file the .lgt load for the lighting. (camera differences should be camera position at time of save).

Other than that its basically the same.

Opened up the terrain in a hex editor for naboo2 and the initial data sets are the same, but further down it changes, so the terrain for swbf2 is handled differently.  Should have to do with the fact that Zeroedit for SWBF2 has the ability to work in layers for different game modes, which can lead to different terrain features loaded via layers.

Biggest hurdles are terrain and obj collision.  Collision is the harder of the two due to its tediousness.  Terrain can be recreated abit easier.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Zombie Mod Ideas
April 19, 2009, 03:22:38 AM
No need to muck around with making barricades a Command Post or Vehicle.

Two logical ClassLabels that can be used for a destructable building (not prop, but prop variants exist).

animatedbuilding- use this for a building you want to have an animated death (ie collapsing tower)
destructablebuilding- Self explanatory.

The idea of making the barricades buildable like the turrets is good, just compensate for it with larger hordes.

BTW, run the game with the debug exe, then post the log and also post any munge errors.  It could be a simple missed bracket or quotation in the LUA code that messes up the mission.lua which of course messes up the mission.lvl.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Zombie Mod Ideas
April 15, 2009, 04:13:20 PM
Good luck with your mod breakdown, remember melee is locked at 1000 damage, so for multi hit kills set unit health to 1000+.

@Unit33: They banned you because you pretty much admitted to warez.  There is no legal "no-disc/digital only" version of the game. So its not a matter of "rudeness" just pure and simple legalities.  Warez is a no-go do not discuss where to get it, do not admit to it at all topic.  If you have illegal copies/warez fine, just don't say anything about it, that's your business, no-one else need know, but don't expect help or ask for help if something goes wrong with it.  Just explaining how it is on legit sites.

To moderators and admins: Sorry if that counts as jr moderating, but his "rude" bit got to me.
Higher level players do strafe shoot, and use jumps and rolls.  The guy in that vid is not a good example of a decent/average player. He is pure newbie, even to FPS games it seems.

I primarily play Call of Duty UO for MP, which is much faster paced then SWBF (1-2 bullets can drop you and hits are near instantaneous), and if you play like that, you will die, alot.  Lighting fast reflexes and high accuracy over distance and good movement skills are a must to even get a 1.2-2:1 Kill death ratio.

I'd play more SWBF1/2 MP (tried a few games online) but it feels too slow, I mostly stick around for modding now days, but even then I might switch over to source engine soon.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Mandalorian Wars Mod
April 03, 2009, 03:01:56 PM
I released the v2 of the .msh for it, but only a modder can do something with it, lol.  Im not going to and don't plan to make a Halo mod at this time (too many other people are making Halo stuff for SWBF2, heh).

Offtopic: Hardcore, I'll get back to you soon on our other projects, life and school have been a bit busy lately.
The Original SWBF EULA, prohibits any sort of modification of the game, however from a legal standpoint, certain provisions of the original SWBF EULA are overridden and made void by the SWBF Mod Tools EULA, as it is issued by the makers of the game.  Because the ModTools EULA was issued by the developers and has points that run counter to the original EULA, the ModTools EULA can be seen as a revision of the main EULA for SWBF, including the points that reinforce those already made in the original EULA.

TL:DR Version.

The ModTools EULA is basically a revision/addendum to the SWBF EULA and any aspects of it that overlap, override the original.
Shell.lvl is not the true source, you can touch it, and compile your own.  The real meat of the game is the Game Executable, which contains the game engine that runs all the other sources and the real time render engine (in this case ZeroEngine which is owned by Pandemic, LucasArts only owns the rights to all visual elements that contain any IP they own).  Shell.lvl only contains the Games UI, the menus and displays that are interacted with out of gameplay, it has nothing at all to do with how CPs are handled or how maps are loaded (its only point of interaction with maps is displaying them in the UI/Shell menus).

SWBF Mod Tools EULA contains nothing against decoding or hexediting .lvl chunks, only executable files.  Lvl files are basically a storage file that compiles all the given data into on location as 4-bit/8-bit information with each type of data segregated into chunks.  When the game is run, it loads each main .lvl and then from there looks for everything it needs to do what is instructed of it.  Once Common, Core, Shell, and Mission lvls are loaded it will use instructions from those to determine which .lvls to load next based upon what the user wants.
Released Maps and Mods / Re: Woods: Search and Destroy
February 13, 2009, 01:21:23 PM
Looks like a really good start.

One suggestion is to raise the edges of the map into hills/mountains, or put something there (like a big mountain range mesh) to get rid of that flat horizon, it looks un-natural and bad.   You could also place destructible doors on the buildings that have the cargo in them.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: How do you add vehicles?
February 13, 2009, 01:19:04 PM
Look in BFBuilder\Data_ModID\Common\ODFS

For, com_item_vehicle_spawn.odf

Browse for it in Zeroeditor, the place it as a normal prop object and fill in all the fields with the vehicle odf and such, pretty self explainitory after you place the spawn.