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Messages - Bacara

Quote from: {TcF}Dr.Penguin on January 31, 2011, 12:13:02 PM
I would like to join the tournament, If I am allowed to, just tell me when it is.
Sure thing, the more the better.

OK guys, unofficial details as of now:

Date: Saturday, February 5th
Time: 6 EST, 5 CST, 4 MTN, 3 PST, 11 GMT (for the europeans)
Maps: Both Kashyyyk maps
IP Address:
Rules: Same as before

*the date/time above is subject to change*

Just so nobody forgets, there will be a CC buffer map 30 minutes before the alloted times above. If you can make it, please do so we can set up the teams beforehand so as to avoid confusion during the actual match.

Just so the CC buffer doesn't end early on accident, I'm going to set up rules for it. So...
1) You may fight each other.
2) No CPs during the buffer, so that the reinforcement count won't go down fast.
3) In the event of an accidental capture of a CP, all fighting is to cease until that CP is captured back by it's rightful owner.
4) Once everybody is present, either me or Buckler will tell one team to capture all the CPs so as to end the buffer. During this time, there should be no fighting whatsoever. Neither team should impede the other from capturing their CP and if you do you will be given a warning. If you ignore the warning, and continue fighting, you will be booted from the server. No excuses or exceptions.

I just want to lay down these ground rules so that the actual match doesn't start early because some guy captured all the CPs. I will not be as harsh about these rules this week, but the ensuing weeks I will start to crack down. I just want to make the buffer and the match enjoyable for everyone.

On that note, I hope that a bunch of people can make it. Spread the word and tell people about this site. We can always use more players!

Also, Buckler, if you could bring your clan again that would be great. We really enjoyed the extra boost in players and competition.
Thanks all,

OK, sounds like we're going to have another good turnout!  :D. This weekend will probably not be possible, because I have a crap load of projects I got to do and baseball tryouts just started and I'm trying to get a spot on the JV  8). So, we're looking at next weekend most likely, saturday being the more probable day. Probably around 6 EST. That work for everybody? If so, I can post the official details by either tomorrow or sunday. Thanks guys,

Aight, cool. Spread the word guys! Also, Buckler, if you could bring your clan again that would be great. Thanks,

Welcome Center / Re: Hey Everyone!
January 23, 2011, 04:23:09 PM
Hey bro, welcome to SWBFGamers  8).

We currently have a SWBF Tournament going on right now if you are interested. I heard you were a great player and I would be interested in playing you. Thanks,

SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / SWBF War - Week 6 - Kashyyyk
January 23, 2011, 04:09:35 PM
I have drawn from a hat and the next planet is...Kashyyyk!

We will be playing both maps of Kashyyyk. There are two of them, so if both teams win one it will remain a neutral planet. Again, if you plan on attending, please post here that you will be present and what team you are on. This way, I can sort out the teams beforehand to avoid confusion during the actual battle. Last weeks battle worked out perfectly, partially because of the attendance of players and the avoidance of team confusion.

I'm pretty sure that Buckler will host again, but it never hurts to have a backup host. So, if anybody is interested in being a secondary host in the case of Buckler's absence, please post here. Be aware that you must be able to host Direct Connection games, not GameRanger.

The date, time, IP address, etc. should all be figured out here in the next week or so and, more likely than not, the battle will be this upcoming weekend at the same time as the previous wars. I hope that we can have another great turnout like last week (we had about 15-20 people and it felt like a legit battle  :D). Thanks guys, and be on the lookout for updates.

Quote from: Unit 33 on January 23, 2011, 02:17:44 PM
I see a correlation between my punctuality and the success of the Empire.
HAHAHAH! Well be there next time so your punctuality can go back to being bad  :P
Yeah, the turnout was better than I had ever expected. I literally had to scroll down the list of players...I never would've thought I would ever say that lol.

Congrats to the Rebels for winning their first planet. The next week of battles will be coming your way shortly. Thanks guys,

Quote from: {TcF}Penguin on January 21, 2011, 08:39:08 AM
Can I join?
Of course. The more the better. Thanks for posting instead of just showing up.

The war is still on for tonight. Let's have a great turnout! I'll post when the CC buffer is up and the IP address is above. If you have problems joining, then post here and somebody will help you. Thanks guys, see y'all tonight.

Quote from: Buckler on January 19, 2011, 04:20:52 PM
OK 6 EST, I will see who I can get on

BTW there are 3 tatooine maps!
OK, here are the official details so far.

Date: Saturday, January 22nd 2011
Time: 6 EST, 5 CST, 4 MTN, 3 PST, 11 GMT (for you European people who can't remember the time difference :P)
Maps: Mos Eisley, Dune Sea, Jabba's Palace
IP Address:
Rules: All the same as before.

Again, there will be a CC buffer 30 minutes (!) before the the times above. If you can make it, make it so that we can sort out the teams on the buffer and not have to deal with it DURING the match like last time.

Also, if you think that you might have to leave before or during the match, please tell me. This way, I can make sure that you are replaced and the teams remain even.

Thanks guys, and cross your fingers for another good turnout.

Quote from: Unit 33 on January 19, 2011, 01:15:49 PM
You can count on me being there, assuming I work out the time differences.
Don't worry, I'll show all the time zones just for you  :P
Quote from: Buckler on January 18, 2011, 05:15:32 PM
Baracarra, if we can nail down a time I can invite my clan to participate--if you want.

I would expect I could bring another 8-10.

Let me know.

That would be great, thanks. The more the better, especially if they're PC. You guys are always a challenge :P

How does 6 EST this upcoming saturday sound? Most people can make that time and I'm sure I could grab about 3-5 stragglers on GR or Blackfire at that time. This work for you?

I'm pretty confident that the match will take place this upcoming weekend on saturday. Exact details are pending, but it will probably be sometime in the early evening. I will post the details as soon as they are worked out. Thanks,

Quote from: Frosty the Wampa on January 10, 2011, 06:46:43 PM

Nice to see you're keeping this up well, Gree/Bacara. I'll try to make some matches maybe.

Ok, I threw in that last part just so this message isn't considered spam. xD though it was an honest answer!
lol thanks? It would be great if you could show up to some matches, we'd be glad to have you.
Quote from: Buckler on January 15, 2011, 05:38:35 AM
I can host--let's keep this alive :)

Awesome, would you be able to host sometime next weekend in the evening? Probably sometime around 6 EST. Thanks,

I have drawn from a hat and the next map chosen is...Tatooine!

If you can and would be interested in hosting, just shoot me a PM. I would greatly appreciate it. The time, date, IP etc. will all be figured out and posted as soon as I can find a suitable host.

We will play both maps as previously stated and the teams will be worked out on the CC buffer. To make this easier though, I would like everybody who is planning on attending to post the team that they're on. This way, I can sort out the teams more evenly and efficiently before the buffer so that we can have a more organized game. Thanks guys, let's have another great turnout!
