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Messages - Epifire

Other Games / Re: Republic Commando No CD Fix.
September 03, 2010, 09:11:07 PM
Ok well then, thanks for the input.
Other Games / Republic Commando No CD Fix.
September 03, 2010, 10:08:07 AM
Hey guys I have a buddy of mine who wants to run RC with out the CD, so I was wondering where that could be found?

I know that just about ever gamr has one.
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: Geonosis?
September 01, 2010, 02:49:54 PM
Ok wait a sec, your talking about the cut seen in the gun ship?

Cause if you are talking about the little thing where mace says for the pilot to land, that was a scene from starwars ep2.
Other Games / Re: Halo: Reach Hype Machine
August 28, 2010, 07:52:05 AM
That is good. And yes that is a comment of surprise, and compliment coming from me.

Quite frankly, I thought it was going to be like ODST but just with better mutiplayer value. But Reach says different.  :tu:
Other Games / Re: Any One Up For A Mod Team?
August 25, 2010, 05:18:58 PM
I have come up with some models, that in turn can be made into game assets. They need bone chains and textures but I am well on the way of getting them in source.

Allright, for the info on building a type of mod... I came up with the mission, off of wookiepedia, since it is historicaly acurate. just type in key words seroco, mandalorian, or old republic. and those should give us answers on story.

If people could look into getting a feel for the SDK that would be great ( like termonology and names of stuff ). I have sucessfully built some small test maps that run with only a few errors like some missing props, so I am not to oblivious of how to use hammer.

Next is weapon ideas, and sounds. You can't get a good mod with out the weapons.   :XD:

I am not shure how easy it is to use custom sounds in hammer but I am sure its possible. And since I am not sure on how all of it is done either ask around on steam, or check out these info sites...

All of the links there, should help alof with using hammer and anything SDK related.

If you guys have any other ideas in story, get a topic going on that to. Perferably being historycaly acurate.  :

Thanks a bunch guys.   :tu:
Other Games / Re: Any One Up For A Mod Team?
August 24, 2010, 01:42:24 PM
Yeah L4D2 has the best settup that I know of. But being that its all source it can't be all that different.
Other Games / Re: Any One Up For A Mod Team?
August 24, 2010, 12:02:15 PM
Yeah cull, if it works really good than we can good into a multiplayer mod for it as well.

I am just tring to see if you guys would like to take this up or not, but I really hope some you guys can.
Other Games / Any One Up For A Mod Team?
August 23, 2010, 06:50:34 PM
Hey guys I have had this idea hanging for a while, and have also debated it with freinds on xfire. So I finnaly decided to post it here, for the best modders I know in gaming.

As it goes, I wanted to make a star wars mod for the source engine (havn't decided what game to make it for yet). Why source when their are leagal assets in exsisting star wars games? Because (1): the zero engine isn't to modder freindly (2): the source engine is much more capable, and workable (3): it is easier for the user all around and (4): the source engine has about eight million users as steam states, and thats just for HL 2.

So as far as ease of use goes it is very good in that view.

But heck what can you do in a major mod with out a team? So then I ask are their freinds here at MPC who are able, and willing to help in this new venture?

Cause one new modder can't do it alone.

So as for the particular mod I had for a proposal is this...    Starwars: The Mandalorian Wars. Since it is a time era in style from bioware's old republic, it wouldn't be out of the ball park in the most recent subjects in the starwars lore.

So depending on the agenda you guys wish to focus on (if you wish to do this) I had intended on making custom SP missions first. Heres a short settup I had in mind for pre war strikes of the mando wars. Playing as a mando warior, the player is in command of a assult squad. Launching a stealth mission, on the planet Seroco; you lead your squad to stealthly take out sensor, and first line of defence detection systems.

The mission goal is to disable the defence grid for Seroco's planetary defence, that would have inturn nocked out orbiting starships, such that the mandalorian's will attack with. To help with the imersive feel, I had aslo come up with classic complications like...

Your ship crashes in the mission start. You lost half you squad in the process. And then you meet un-expected retaliation from the republic units stationed there.

So thats my idea layed out in short.  :shrug:
Cool fighter. Don't think I have seen it before either.

If you could dude, try going in game and taking a side/angled shot so we might be able to see more of this ship. Just take it in free cam, or some thing.

But yeah looks good.  :tu:
Orange box is great. I just bought mine about a week ago.

Once I got past the downloading, I was fine. I love HL2 and all its addons so no regrets, and all the other games make it a steal.

Thats what I call bang for your buck.  8)
Scummies / Re: Farewell MPC
August 11, 2010, 05:10:07 PM
Hope every thing goes well where ever you go. 

So heres for the best.  :cheers:

Other Games / Re: HL 2 AI Programing.
August 09, 2010, 04:47:16 PM
Well thanks either way. I guess its really hard to find the type of guide that I am looking for.

And since their are so many people using hammer, it just comes as a surprise. Once I get to know how to use hammer, I will be shure to write up a "how to get started on AI mapping".

But for now I guess its back to trial and error.   :dry:
Other Games / Re: HL 2 AI Programing.
August 07, 2010, 10:56:21 AM
I actually have gone their once before. But when I posted on this subject, I didn't get any replies.

So thats why I came to ask, around here on MPC.
Other Games / HL 2 AI Programing.
August 05, 2010, 08:44:11 PM
Hey guys I just started some of my own projects, for modding some things in Half Life 2. First of all I wanted to make a map with, smart AI (as far as they go).

Are there any guides on basic AI mapping?

Example: For instance, your player spawns at the beggining, with out alerting the AI, untill breaching a trigger set perimiter. And then when steping past further areas,  there would be another zone to respawn more AI.

That and AI realationships. Like which ones attack, and which ones fall back. Does any one know where to find guides for stuff like that?
Other Games / Re: Alien Swarm
August 05, 2010, 08:32:08 PM
No kidding. Just downloaded it, and  it is fantastic for a free game.

Valve you have outdone yourself.  8)