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Messages - Anyder

To know the version ure in, just go multiplayer and then ull see 3 options (Internet,...,...)
U can see if ure in 1.2 if upside in the right it says : 1.2, if not ure in 1.0 ;)
Anyway, tomorrow ill test if in 1.0 u can play with mod maps
What are these pics for ? O.o im lost
Well, maybe u dont use it, but, Led, just has to put the server banners ( ? ) in this site ,as he has done for PLA servers. That way, ull have them in THIS site
Well, I think that the idea of the event could be nice :
Play a map (mod map) which has been taken in SWBFgamers, ask all members to join and the person who gets the highest kills, win.
Or as 212 Public Battlefield :
-Someone host a server ( I think Buckler xD ).
-We leave it 1 month up (With mod maps -for this, we need to make a pack of maps, as for the GGCW)
-The person who is the number one in the gametracker Top 10 List, win.
And why not a little tourney ?
Just make one, invite ppl who is logged in this site, tell them to make ''squads'' or groups (Max. 3)
And the group who owns will get something cool. ( I have no idea on what, but this way ppl can participate )
Ex. :
When I was in 212, we had some events as Sir Blblabla event . The winner recived a medal.
General / Re: Finally x)
May 31, 2012, 03:21:22 PM
LoL Rawr !
Btw, do u know any emo who is in this community ?
General / Re: Finally x)
May 31, 2012, 02:21:57 PM
Öhm, so am I in a group ?
General / Re: Finally x)
May 31, 2012, 02:17:13 PM
Whut ?? O.o
General / Re: Finally x)
May 31, 2012, 12:45:19 PM
Well, i prefer to be a member then xD
General / Finally x)
May 30, 2012, 02:13:46 PM
Hey guys, Finally I became a SWBFgamers community member ;D
Whats the difference between these ''ranks'' ?
I alredy have the one for 1.2, but I wanna host in 1.0 : /
The 1.2 has never given me any error.
Hey GDH ;D
U know if I could, I will help u.
(Once I was in 1.0 my keyboard had problems and it said amazing nonsenses, so I bought a new Keyboard.)
But if it is a problem which everybody have, I have no idea, sorry :/
I am, I host a TeamSpeak 3 Server, SWBF Servers and SWBF II Servers.
I alredy know how to do these things, but I think that the problem is : the files ive changed ( I think )
Hello, I would like to know if any of u can help me ( I would like Led for helping me ;) )
Well, so my SWBF 1.0 Server was working correctly, but I changed some files and now I host on 1.2v !
I would like to know if any of u can download the server ( Look at my last post and download the last Dedicated server, the one which is downside )
Well, when u do, just change the files so it can work. Thanks ;D
(My problem is that the sever keeps trying to connect, but it doesnt)
Ok Thanks for help Led :)