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Messages - Unit 33

SWBF1 Modding / Re: Work In Progress: Felucia: Woods
September 19, 2009, 04:39:59 AM
Hurrah, that's something I call progress ! Good look with the final, any
plans to add vehicles?
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: Screenshots
September 18, 2009, 08:17:05 AM
^ ~{PLA}~ Seth really gets his screen shots messed up :D.
Updated my special trooper !

Primary 1
    The Wunderwaffe DG-2
    - lightning gun similar to the Arc-caster, longer range, thinner beam and higher damage.
Primary 2   
    Light machine-gun for close combat.
Secondary 1
    Some good grenades... (the thermal detonators form the 'Star Fire mod').
Secondary 2
    Mines that look less like flying saucers.
Oh and a Jet-pack for good measure.
Hmm. Some of those pictures have that infamous graphics error or the 'black circle of death'
you can remedy that by turning most of the video options down to nil. (usually just the shadow effects?)
Welcome Center / Re: I am new MPC GAMER
September 12, 2009, 04:16:37 AM
Welcome to the site of fun.
Welcome Center / Re: I´m new
September 12, 2009, 04:15:23 AM
You'll need all the luck you can get.
Good morning, noon and night...
^All of the above are not top dog. Neither am I,
It's the Google bots that really run the show here...
Star Wars Battlefront (2004 Original) / Re: Screenshots
September 09, 2009, 01:09:44 PM
^Ha Ha that looks hilarious ! I assume this another of those upcoming projects ?
No, it's single player, only the Wii version had some form of multiplayer.
Welcome Center / Re: Hello
September 02, 2009, 10:15:40 AM
Make your self at cyber-home.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: New HUD?
August 29, 2009, 08:39:40 AM
Finally somebody has bothered !
I'm tired of those dull blue rectangular shapes lurking around my head !
I have many suggestions....

1. Change the 'friendly unit' colour to blue, just like in the sequel.
2. Change the that hovering circle of a reticule to something more useful !
3. New weapon pictures ! I'm tired of always having those same icons for nearly every weapon ! Variety please !
4. Oh yes and some colour changes wouldn't do any harm...
5. I demand cake. :P
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Main Play Mod version 7
August 26, 2009, 07:03:43 AM
The skins that EA711 used for the rebellion in the 'starfire mod' seemed to work, I'm not saying you should
copy what he has done, but perhaps adopt whatever method he found to work?
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Main Play Mod version 7
August 23, 2009, 06:10:33 AM
Quote from: ggctuk on August 22, 2009, 09:59:03 AM-Dark Trooper restored for mod maps (however, it is buggy in that it doesn't have jetpack sounds, despite the ODF being correct)
Was that my moaning that pushed that?
Anyway, It think it really is the skins that need the clean-up it's distracting to have the
contrast of SWBF1 and SWBF2 skins side-by-side, such as the rebels? Only the rocket trooper and
'special class' had up-to-date skins, why not all the others, or is that what you mean by a skin clean-up?
It's an amazing Mod as it is, just thought the rebels weapons were a bit dull...
(Sorry about my sentence structure  :P)
That's great, but I'm pretty sure it's going to need an intel-core to
run it, it's time to up-grade !
Other Games / Re: Games
August 18, 2009, 02:26:55 PM
Super Mario Land : Gameboy Advance (on my DS)
New Super Mario Bros. : DS
The Conduit : Wii
Wii Sports Resort : Wii
Star Wars Battlefront : Mac ( what a surprise ! )
Lot's of flash games I found on the internet : Mac