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Messages - Giftheck

I'm downloading everything I can off Napseeker's page. I'll reupload it to MegaUpload if you want.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Getting BF2 Maps into BF1?
March 26, 2009, 04:18:06 AM
Some maps I guess can be actually physically "remade", since several maps are object-dependant mapsinstead of terrain-dependant maps. I would have liked to see BF2 Kashyyyk in BF1 though...
Point 1: Main Play Mod 5 is out now:
Hero Assault fix (left out of main DL):

I'm going to reupload the original Hero Assault and Hunt maps over the next couple of days to MegaUpload.

Point 2:

Since FileFront is going under, I might suggest uploading these instead to MegaUpload for the time being, until a more permanent solution can be attained. I think MU is reliable most of the time, it's recently updated with a filem manager so registered users can keep track of their files, and they rarely delete legitimate files.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Getting BF2 Maps into BF1?
March 25, 2009, 03:57:54 PM
Weren't there collisions that shipped with the editor?
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Getting BF2 Maps into BF1?
March 25, 2009, 11:26:34 AM
I just got a reply from rebel_scum. Sadly he has indeed forgotten how to port those maps.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Getting BF2 Maps into BF1?
March 24, 2009, 03:24:26 PM
It's worth an ask. I'm sure something must be left behind, even a vague description. I just sent a PM to him, and even a vague answer will be good. I do now assume it's fiddling in BF2 ZeroEditor to get rid of things like lights.
SWBF1 Modding / Getting BF2 Maps into BF1?
March 24, 2009, 02:22:10 AM
How did rebel_scum and imp_strikeforce get the BF2 maps into BF1? There were a few they'd done but were not all finished? I'd much like to add some maps to my mod (sounds like hexwork a little, or did they modify the maps in BF2's ZeroEdit?)
EVERYTHING in the new core.lvl is already pre-munged so the only real thing that can be added would be localization. Here was the core.req posted:







It only contains fonts, shaders, and localizations, and menu sounds, nothing too heavy. And TBH if LA wanted no main-game-modding, or, indeed, BF2->BF1 porting (since if we're going by what The_Pi said, could be considered illegal since it modifies a BF2 level to work with BF1) we'd already be shut down here. Other sites would also be closed because of the BF2 hex-edit hacks to allow different players, before BF2 mod tools were released. So I think LA overlooks it. And besides, they're too busy with BF3 right now.

I believe about shell.lvl, Psych0Fred made his own a long time ago, with 7 units and everything.
SWBF1 Modding / Now we can edit the main core.lvl!
March 23, 2009, 02:55:36 PM ... =1&t=17595

Brilliant or what? BattleBelk extracted "chunks" from core.lvl and made it work properly!
Requests / Re: Clones vs Empire mod
March 23, 2009, 04:10:20 AM
It should warn you, nonetheless.
I've tested a few new units and vehicles since, including the AT-RT. Check the list.
Requests / Clones vs Empire mod
March 20, 2009, 01:34:37 PM
I recall a "Clones vs Empire" mod (possibly by Napseeker?), but none of the links posted in the map reviews topics work. Could somebody upload them?
The "Empire vs Clones" maps are down.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: 3rd era for maps
March 13, 2009, 03:41:28 PM
LVLs and LUAs can be decompiled? The only tool I knew that could do that was the LVL extractor, but that was never finished...
SWBF1 Modding / Re: 3rd era for maps
March 13, 2009, 04:09:08 AM
And yet Psych0Fred never told us how he did it...