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Messages - Giftheck

It's brilliant to play! But I noticed some sounds are missing, such as the AT-ST firing sound etc, which could easily be added. Other than the lack of sounds for Clones/Empire, it's brilliant!  :cheer:
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Other Non SW things in SWBF
August 03, 2009, 01:40:54 PM
Quote from: Hardcore on August 02, 2009, 03:31:28 PM
I've long considered making a large scale mod (known rather as a total conversion) but i was waiting to see if the Main menu could be changed normally, making a mod to change the entire game all the way to another world or something.

Problem being- it is not legal to TAKE models from other games (except for rare occasions such as a SWBF1/2) so you have to make it all for yourself, i know VF501 was once working on a Halo Mod, and had a very nice looking Elite and a few other things going, so yes its possible and some have done it, just gotta look around.

Surely it depends on whether it's a model from an official game, or if it's fan-made? For instance, I am not allowed to rip the Lara Croft Model from Tomb Raider Legend and insert it into SWBF, but there are fan-made remakes made for the TRLE. Of course, it also depends on whether you ask for permission first.

I've seen some T-800 models out there, and some HK ones, and as I said, I saw a HK Tank inserted into a Star Wars game.
SWBF1 Modding / Other Non SW things in SWBF
August 02, 2009, 01:55:09 PM
This is merely a thought that came through my mind. SWBF could actually have other characters, maps, objects etc not originating from Star Wars. I saw online (in another SW game, can't remember the game) that someone had inserted a Hunter-Killer Tank from Terminator and that got me thinking. Why can't we do things like this in SWBF? I'd love to play Terminator Future War, or Medal of Honor's Beach Assault Map in SWBF. What do you think?
Odd, I'm not entirely sure. I recently reinstalled SWBF and got it working in one (I redownloaded the mod rather than recompiling it all). You need to replace ALL files.
Quote from: Satellite on June 25, 2009, 01:13:43 AM
Just a minor "bug": Vader keeps getting stuck at the bottom of the allegedly "bottomless" pit...

Also: Why did you use Episode 3 tracks and how did you put them in? (and isn't that a violation of the EULA?)

The bug with the pit is inherent to the normal map - it should kill all units but a death zone was not placed there.

As for the Episode III music, it's all mostly the same as the stuff on the official Episode III album. I may have enhanced a track or two to better fit the mood of the game, but since nobody has figured out how to rip the PC LVL files yet (I know who to rip the PS2 LVL files but not cleanly), I don't think bootleggers will be getting their hands on the material. The real cookie is the unreleased TFU "Redemption" track. It seems they don't go after people who rip video games nowadays, and TBH if they made a full TFU release I wouldn't even be talking about this. As for how I put them in, I copied over the files "tat_music_gcw" , edited it to point to the mod's "streams" folder, and saved .wav files in there.
So here's the code you use:

No, I am not because the Death Star map is not available there.
Sadly, as I said, I don't have the Death Star Source.
Yeah, no units can capture CPs but they still huddle around CPs. It might be a fault with the map itself as I have not seen Napseeker's Tusken Hunt map do this.
Sadly this uses the sum/strike conversion, of which there are no source files for.  The CPs thing was a mistake, I left it in there, and the Empire just seems to hang around (they think they can capture CPs). As for the saber animations, there was no default "swing when crouch" anim, you'll notice this in the main play mod. So the game uses the default "pistol" crouch and shoot animations.
Yep, gogo12 did inspire me a bit, but I was also thinking of the Tusken hunt mission map Napseeker made.
Welcome Center / Re: Nope, I am not dead.
June 16, 2009, 07:38:04 AM
Here ya go, help yourself  :laugh: :

I made this Mission Map for the Death Star. It's called "Death Star: Infiltration", based off "The Force Unleashed". I may make more "The Force Unleashed" mission maps if you tell me what you think.

STORY: After finding the location of the Rebel Alliance leaders, inside the Death Star, Galen marek heads there for the final confrontation.

NOTES: It requires "Death Star: Interior" (dea1) to work. It has its own sides. You must play as Galen Marek, because, as like all 'survival' maps, if you play as the opposite side, there is nobody to fight against. CPs cannot be captured either.

Link is MegaUpload only for the moment as FileFront is freezing up and disconnecting randomly.

edit by buckler:  local link:;sa=view;down=53

Perhaps it's two slashes? IE dc:..\\..\\..\\corus1\\_lvl_pc\\corus1\\corus1.lvl ?

Edit: I was correct - it's two slashes. I got a mission map for the Death Star interior up and running.
Welcome Center / Re: Nope, I am not dead.
June 12, 2009, 04:00:15 AM
Thanks to all, I won't leave again.

Quote from: "attekiller"Welcome back!
On a side note, what exactly did you mean by saying that you failed in finding battlefront 2?

Exactly what I mean - I can't find it - sold out everywhere, nowhere has it even in second hand (I can't order online either). Plus, now I'm not sure about my laptop's ability to run it (although, according to The System Requirements Lab, I can't run BF1 either because my video card is not good enough, what a load of rubbish!)