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Messages - Giftheck

SWBF1 Modding / Re: Space: Coruscant
November 22, 2009, 12:44:29 PM
I honestly haven't added all of the BF2 domes yet, although I know the Droid Gunship dome works.

As to the map I was referring to, it was "Republic Commando: Mission1" by gogo12. I asked gogo12 how it was done, but I never heard back. I do believe it is actually two native teams set up, because the natives that side with the droids shoot at Rep troopers and the natives that side with the Republic shoot at the CIS. The natives also fight each other too.

I'll look in the bespin assets although I don't recall there being any command in the mission LUA, but it has been a while so I might be wrong on that point.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Space: Coruscant
November 22, 2009, 10:41:13 AM
Quote from: Jon415 on November 21, 2009, 05:34:56 PM
I mean like if napseeker permits, using his pathing for your map, of you are arranging the capitol ships and such the same way.  If you are planning to arrange the capitol ships like from the original bf2 mission, then i am guessing that napseekers ai programming wil be completely useless, unless its not and it-
Ok im gonna stop writing this right now because im confusing myself with stuff that i dont know.

I believe Napseeker had to do the same as I did - porting the Battlefront II Space Map template. So, the pathing should work.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Space: Coruscant
November 21, 2009, 01:16:07 PM
Well, I considered that too, but the problem is, there's no source files available for Space Maps, besides the BF2 Template, which has no pathing or barriers. None of the BF2 space maps have released source maps.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Space: Coruscant
November 20, 2009, 01:10:13 PM
Well, some BF1 dome properties are used, such as the racing Jedi Fighters, Gunships and Droid Fighters. They seem to show up fine. Cap Ships still need tweaking (as you can still fly through them).

As for the natives, I could make a workaround, with Team 3 in CW and Team 4 in GCW.

I'm also attempting to figure out how to get rid of the ground which still appears.

Then I have the pathing to sort out. I have the same problem with the pathing at the moment (units sometimes abandon the paths I've set), but I've set some barriers up. I'm wondering if pathing is necessary in space.
That's for macs, no? For Windows, it's "Create Shortcut".
Well, some things skirt on the boundaries of legality. For instance, we are told not to use any copyrighted things no included in the mod tools.

In actuality, by simply porting things from BF2 to BF1 we're breaking the EULA's terms, as each is very specific in the uses of their assets, likewise with BF1 to BF2. I think some things are okay to do.

So, yes, we're all being illegal :P

It's LucasArts' terms in the EULA, not Pandemic's, so the argument that "Pandemic has been closed down" would not wash.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Space: Coruscant
November 19, 2009, 02:35:10 AM
Yes. All ships that appear in BF2 will also appear in this map.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Space: Coruscant
November 18, 2009, 01:52:36 PM
I have no idea what the hell is wrong at the moment, but the map munges fine (except when I get to see the "munging cos.req" part, it says that "Missing file COS.prop", although I'm sure that's nothing particular to worry about). But when I try to play, there are no CPs at all. I'm going to try to munge it without the natives and see if that works.

EDIT: I was right - it was indeed the two groups of natives. Perhaps I should have a GCW mode with Rep defenders and a CW mode with CIS defenders. Unless I can find a way to get two native sides in the same map. I KNOW it has been done before because I've seen it done in Mission 1 Republic Commando.

I've also got a bit of planning to do as the units just run against a wall at the moment. Thing is, I've never done planning before with this (this being my first map and all, aside from the conversions which already have planning in them). Otherwise, the map's running.

The best part is, I've made the dome work as it should do. There are cap ships and droid fighters and jedi fighters battling it out. I'm certain I've seen dome explosions in the Geonosis map too so maybe it isn't so impossible. It might just require tweaking.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Space: Coruscant
November 18, 2009, 02:07:33 AM
I'm about to test the map. Last night I tried to test it but I didn't realise (this being my first map and all) that the 'props' bit is commented out by default in the world req file. That, and my Republic Officer wasn't functioning as it should (I hex-edited the ARC Trooper kama and pauldron onto it, it looks fine according to SWBF viewer but ingame the kama and pauldron gets all screwy)
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Space: Coruscant
November 17, 2009, 02:22:34 PM
I've already changed the ARC-170 weapons.

As for the laggy hangars, I believe that was because napseeker had the fighting capships, but I didn't want to do that.

I've emulated a bigger battle by placing prop capital ships outside the boundaries. I've also adjusted the sky file so it's like Geonosis' sky, with the cruisers and fighters.

Another thing I've added (credits again to napseeker for the idea) is "Natives" to each ship. The Republic "Natives" are standard soldiers on-board, and the CIS has their standard soldiers, as well as a couple of MagnaGuards and Droidekas thrown in for good measure.

I'm still sorting ODFs out for the cap ships, though. I've never found BF1-compatible stuff for the cap ships, so I've had to reverse-engineer the BF2 ODF files, removing whatever does not work.
SWBF1 Modding / Space: Coruscant
November 17, 2009, 10:45:07 AM
I'm mainly using this as a testing ground for stuff that's in my Main Play Mod, but, yeah. Basically I'm making a Coruscant Space map.

These are the following features thus far:

- All craft accounted for
- Prop Capital ships have been assembled in the battle around the main area to give a better impression of a massive-scale battle.
- Lightsaber Hilts!
- Vehicles have been made a little more canonical. The ARC-170 now has 3 seats!
- Invasion Parties - Prop Gunships allow for you to spawn on the enemy's capital ship (Napseeker gets the credit for this idea)
- Episode III music, straight from the official album.
- Pilot, Marine and Officer classes. Marine and Pilot are the same as BF2, while the Officer is a brand-new addition.

Screens are pending. I've just started work on the mainframe of it all.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Main Play Mod 6.5
November 16, 2009, 02:37:16 PM

This time around, you will only need to replace core.lvl and mission.lvl. Because of the new sounds I've added, I didn't want mod maps to have empty sounds. So I've basically preserved the original sides, which mod maps will use, and the MPM sides will be used by the new mission.lvl files I include. This way, there's no missing dark trooper on mod maps. Downside is, that you won't be able to play MPM sides on maps that I have not overridden with new mission.lvl files.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Main Play Mod 6.5
November 15, 2009, 01:55:28 PM
BF2's giving me a bit of aggro at the moment (some units refuse to appear on certain maps, I don't know why yet) so I've gone back to BF1.

Yup, the new stuff is being munged and tested over the next week. Expect a beta soon.
Well, Elite Squadron Mode isn't up and running just yet. But I've nearly finished compiling the first version of the mod. It's all set out, so I'll have screens of heroes and the like hopefully before tomorrow night.
Requests / Re: Tantive Conversion?
November 11, 2009, 08:09:24 AM
I've not asked.

Well, apparently there was tons of collision errors and the like. and there was apparently one model which crahsed ZeroEditor.