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Messages - Napseeker

Finally got the chance to play it last night.  Absolutely terrific - a great conversion and the map itself is a decent challenge.

I want to report one bug that I haven't seen posted yet:

There's a hovering flower just near the giant mound which can easily be fixed...

Also, I just finished making a new Felucian Warrior unit last night to try out on this map:

Hope to finish this mission map in a few weeks, given how this will go great with JK's map.

Unless JK has pulled off a big surprise, so far no one has managed to convert the Acklay to work in BF1.  Would love to see it though!
Requests / Re: BF2 Kashyyyk
September 21, 2009, 05:19:28 PM
I think most BF2 vehicles can and have been ported. If memory serves, ggctuk even released an asset pack a while ago with those that he did successfully port over, and a few people (including myself) have managed to independently port the AT-RT.  The only one which remains a problem is the BARC Speeder, due to the way the unit is seated incorrectly on the bike. That one might have to be remunged in order to be compatible with the driver seating in BF1.
Requests / Re: (Maybe) A New Idea
September 21, 2009, 05:16:33 PM
This basically sounds like my unreleased Battle of Coruscant space map (some folks may remember the screenshots I posted over a year ago on the old MacPC site).  I should probably release a beta of that someday since it was mostly done but I think any MP games on it would be very laggy...

SWBF1 Modding / Re: Work In Progress: Felucia: Woods
September 19, 2009, 12:59:25 PM
Quote from: Jedikiller on September 19, 2009, 09:55:59 AM
Do you all want vehicles or not?

This shouldn't affect the release schedule, but if you want them they can be included in a future release.

I'd like to see vehicles if the original BF2 map had vehicles on it (just to ensure a proper recreation).  Of course, you could also offer a mission map then that also leaves out vehicles for those that would prefer to play without.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Work In Progress: Felucia: Woods
September 18, 2009, 11:29:07 PM
Great job, JK!  I am definitely looking forward to your release... a while back I made an inaccurate port of Felucia (the terrain doesn't match the BF2 map and there's no water) which I didn't plan on finishing so I'll be happy to add a mission map to your upcoming release so I can plug my new units into Felucia Woods instead!

So what does that now leave - the new Geonosis BF2 map, Tantive IV, Kashyyyk and Dagobah?  Someone should inform Battlebelk to ensure that he doesn't duplicate JK's efforts here, as BB mentioned to me he was working on porting all the BF2 maps to BF1 also.

Released Maps and Mods / Re: Jedi VS Clones TA Beta 1
September 07, 2009, 10:15:08 AM
Thanks Verik, but does anyone even want to play beta1 anymore?  That was my first mod and quite rough compared to the final 1.0 release... good memories though, was happy to finally see a Jedi team in SWBF1 that wasn't too overpowered...
SWBF1 Modding Tutorials / Re: How to make mission maps
September 06, 2009, 09:02:35 AM
That's more or less correct - I was planning on doing an advanced mission map tutorial about this but as with many of my projects lately, it's still incomplete.  I can explain to you the general idea though and why it is far cooler than a simple mission map (i.e. just loading in the assets of someone else's map).

- in a regular mission map you just load in a base map
- in an advanced mission map, you load in the base map but you also load in an "overlay" or "underlay" map which contains the extra map items you want to put onto the base map
- the overlay/underlay map is the same map, the name just refers to the order in which you load it relative to loading the base map. For example, if you load your map BEFORE the base map, I refer to it as an underlay map; if you load your map AFTER you've loaded the base map, I refer to this as an overlay map.  The distinction is important because the map that is loaded last by the SWBF1 engine will then have elements which are retained for the mission (like for example, the mini-map), overriding elements that were initially loaded (so hence the idea of "overlaying" on top of the previously-loaded map's assets).  For example, you load the base map last, so that you use the base map's mini-map.  But if you want to override the base map's normal mini-map and use your own mini-map which may be updated to include changes that you've made to the base map then you may want to load your map last (i.e. it is an overlay map)

- the key thing I realized a long time ago is that the LUA function, ReadDataFile(), is a generic function that looks at the data "type" in the header of the LVL and says "Okay, I'm reading in a map" and pipes all of the incoming data to some data structure for defining the world. For some reason, nobody ever realized that you can call this function twice (or more) on more than one map LVL and it will load in the additional map objects without purging any pre-existing world data already loaded.  In this way, I knew I could add new map objects (CPs, invisible collision blocks, vehicle spawners, etc) to a base map quite easily.
- that said, you cannot have more than one terrain (.ter) so the last-loaded map (either the base map, or overlay map) defines what that terrain will be.  If I recall, if the last-loaded map has no terrain associated with it, then I think the mission does then still use the terrain from the first loaded map.  Either that or it purges the whole thing and you have your units falling to their deaths due to the lack of any ground at all :)  I can't remember which, it's been 2 years since I experimented with it, so give it a try and remind me!
- the fact that you can load the assets from two (or more) maps into one world is FUN: in my very first experimental advanced mission map, I loaded both the Jedi Temple and Kamino into one world and the end result was a FLOODED Jedi Temple...  try it for yourself and be amazed!

- to create the overlay/underlay map, you start with a default map in ZE and just position your new map objects as though you were editing the base map (in most cases, you probably also want to delete the two CPs that are created by default).  This requires a bit of tedious guesswork since obviously you cannot load the base map into ZE to accurately position your new map objects.  However, to get accurate coordinates to use, what I do is run SPTEST and turn on the printplayercoords() so that as I run around, I can see the approximate x,y,z coords to use to put my objects at when I get back into ZE.  I also suggest you do a printscreen (which then gives you a pic of the location along with the x,y,z printed at the bottom of the pic).
- IMPORTANT: you need to use the negative of the Z-coordinate given to you by printplayercoords()... so if you see (100,25,52), then in ZE you must put your object at (100,25,-52) for it to show up.  Don't ask me why, but that's how it works and I just saved you a few days of headscratching by telling you guys that.

So that's the gist of it.  There are other quirks and perks that I will leave to you guys to discover... the main thing is that advanced mission maps give you the ability to "edit" a compiled map without having access to the original map project.  Obviously the most easy type of editing is that you can add new map elements to the base map, but I remember also figuring out a way to suppress (or "delete") something from a base map too - although I can't remember now how I did that, only that it was tedious (well, more tedious) to do.

SWBF1 Modding / Re: napseekers aayla model?
August 14, 2009, 02:18:44 PM
I will eventually re-upload my ports of Aayla and Grievous to my rapidshare account too... just a wee bit busy for this next month...
Legends say that on the day that Order66 was issued, Jedi Master Nap Seek-r was in the back of the Jedi archives taking a... (you guessed it)... nap.  Hearing a commotion from out front, the sounds of gunfire and the screams of younglings, he knew he had to quickly investigate. 

Unfortunately, being only half-awake, he didn't realize he had his lightsaber facing the wrong way when he ignited it and instantly cut himself in half, a la Darth Maul.  Due to the loss of so many Jedi lives on that day, all having assumed to have died at the hands of clones or the Sith, Master Nap Seek-r's true story has never been known until now.

The JvC mod attempts to obscure history by making the sleep-deprived Jedi Master into a more active combatant during the storming of the Jedi Temple.  He died bravely, alongside his fellow Jedi, and not alone in a dark corner of the archives, with his torso toppled over a half-eaten sandwich. So now you know the real purpose of the mod!  ::)

SWBF1 Modding / Re: SWBF Expansion Mod W.I.P
August 05, 2009, 07:14:28 PM
Nice job, I like the looks of this mod so far  :tu:   I'll definitely look forward to playing this when it comes out!   Is that Battlebelk's UI or a new custom one that you're using there?
Good point about the sounds, I forgot about fixing those.  I remember the problem back in 2007 was I could only choose sound fx from either the CW or GCW era.  If I loaded it for CW, then none of the Imperial sounds would work; and loading the GCW meant none of the clonetroopers' sounds would work. 

I still need to learn how to do custom sounds so I can at least incorporate them into one side like say the Republic, and then consistently load the GCW sounds for all of the missions.

khy<3, it's just a re-release.  I edited my first post above to make sure people understand that and don't download it again if they already have it.  If I ever come up with some new Jedi units (e.g. Saesee Tiin would be nice to have for the arrest of Palpatine map) and new gameplay ideas, I would definitely release an update to JvC.

local link:;sa=view;down=382

Here again is my mission map which recreates the invasion of Utapau by Obi-Wan's clone army from Revenge of the Sith.  This was the first ever SWBF1 mod to feature General Grievous (available as a playable character!) as well as the AT-RT. 

There are a total of four missions to play. I'm also including a download link to an addon pack which I released shortly after FBaU 2.1 which lets you play clones vs clones (CvC).  You must have uta2 (and uta1 of course) installed if you want to play CvC since it loads the units from the mus2 folder and will crash if uta2 can't be found.

Note: this mappack was originally released back in June 2007. This release is identical to that one, so no need to grab this if you have the 2007 pack already.


(You will need this map to play my mission maps, credit: imp_strikeforce and rebel_scum):

(and to play Clones vs Clones, you need to install both of the maps above first):

From the Clones vs Clones mission map addon pack:

Thanks guys, and I've updated my post above to also include the links to download the maps you will need in order to play my mission map: