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Messages - Festus

 ok it all went great but after the first match the game frove and I wasn't able to join again does anyone no what went wrong?
Quote from: (501st)Ldr.Gree on November 03, 2010, 04:49:11 PM
We need to find a sufficient host soon please. The battle is supposed to be this weekend right? and Festus if we do Direct Connect you should be able to join because it isn't GR related at all. Right?

Well maby but the reason I can't join you on GR is because of my internet connection wich Telus screwed up
Besides I thought Jedi Killer was hosting, hey who here thinks one of the maps should have a space battle
Quote from: Unit33 on November 03, 2010, 11:38:58 AM
Yes, go to the multiplayer menu, and join a direct connection.
It will ask for the IP, and hopefully at this point you have kept note of it, as it's
just a string of 'random' numbers.
well I don't know the IP yet because we don't have a host but than
 So how do you connect to DC? to you open SW then go to multiplayer or something like that.
 I'll try making it for you but whar do you want in the cross hair
 He said possibly this weekend above, but meet me on GR tommorow Gree
 Gree if you host I can't play remember
I've never been on a dedicated server how does it work?
Other Games / Re: Avion Studios and Unity 3d
November 10, 2010, 04:23:03 PM
 Since the game is a original we can legally sell it but unless it's really amazing I won't charge money but ya I would get a cut and seeing as were a team of 5 it would turn out nicely
If anyone is interested finished concept art will be posted this weekend for our main project, and where still looking for modelers so any one interested join!
Other Games / Re: Avion Studios and Unity 3d
October 31, 2010, 01:53:32 PM
 Our member who knows how to code is planning on using C# but I use Java Script since most of the scripts that are already made are in Java. If your interested you can join us and we can help you with the languages
 I dont think one exists because by most its considered cheating but you could put in a request for one in the request forum
Other Games / Re: Avion Studios and Unity 3d
October 31, 2010, 12:01:23 PM
 Try this FPS demo to see what its capable of
Other Games / Re: Avion Studios and Unity 3d
October 31, 2010, 11:29:08 AM
 No its completly independent, go to then into there gallery and play there bootcamp demr it might help you understand better, or even dowmload the free version of the product.
SWBF 1 and 2 Tournaments / Re: SWBF War!
October 31, 2010, 11:19:34 AM
 Sorry I meant how long till the first match
Other Games / Re: Avion Studios and Unity 3d
October 31, 2010, 11:07:20 AM
Quote from: Soap Mactavish on October 31, 2010, 10:48:27 AM
When you talk about the unity program I wonder what properities the game has that you port to. All I wonder is your take this leap from making maps to making entire new games. Care to elaborate what these games are?

Also when I look at wikipedia and the dev site I see nothing relembling the unity game engine. Care to explain the function on of the program?
The reason we took the leap is because when modding Star Wars Battlefront there are many boundaries that we couldnt deal with like the lack of cut scenes and out dated graphics plus I love Maya much more then XSI.
Progect Human is a single player game that takes you through the perspectives of two soldiers on opposite sides of a futuristic war. it will be a third person shooter but will take a long time to complete so were most likely going to release it mission by mission instead of one big package.
It works as a game engine because it comes pre programmed with all the physics, rendering and the such needed to make a game. Now maybe game engine isnt the right word maybe game maker? but any ways basically you import your models and bones make scripts (Java, Boo, or C#) make terrain add music then compile and create as a mac and pc stand alone. Well it's actually a lot more complicated then that but thats the just of it.
Don't think were just jumping into this thinking it will work out all nice, we are taking this slowly and carefully and learning all we can before we start. We will most likely make numerous smaller projects before Human.
Other Games / Re: Avion Studios and Unity 3d
October 31, 2010, 10:37:26 AM
 I am the project lead for our major project Human (which we are creating using the unity program this is a new decision and probably won't find much about it in the site), other than that I work on modeling, concept art, and story development. Right now Were finishing the final bits of art work for the two factions then were going to start on the modeling and I'll start posting some pictures as we start finishing this stuff. Currently we've finished the level design for the first mission and part of the team is mapping the terrain in unity. The only problem is we lack experience in modeling and would love help (but were still learning a lot from tutorials so we dont suck that bad at it ) So ya thats whats happening so far if you want to see our only work with SWBF so far go to the MPG SWBF Mac page and download the 501st mod (this was actually pretty challenging since I'm a Mac). Other projects were working on and have a fair bit done in is the SC2 Zerg campaign.