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Messages - 411Remnant

I would like to enter the raffle for the walking dead keys. Do this post count as a entry?
Other Games / Re: Star Wars Humble Bumble II
April 02, 2016, 02:45:31 PM
Thank you Led, but it appears to have been used. If the offer still stands tirpider I would be very grateful.
Other Games / Re: Star Wars Humble Bumble II
April 02, 2016, 11:17:20 AM
I don't suppose anyone has an UN-used code for star wars battlefront 2? Its not for me, but for my friend's steam account so we can do some online stuff.
I made a skin like the royal honor guard. Funny enough I never knew Dice battlefront had a skin like that. Your free to use this/edit it if you want. Or it could be a nice place holder until you find something better.

Here is some good reference if you wanted to kit bash something like that.

Also "accuracy mod" doesn't sound so bad. Lol I would no idea what else you could call it if your trying to stay accurate with what is now canon.
 8) It seems like the more he gets asked, the more annoyed he is. Does he have like a portfolio we can see? Not that I don't believe this person buuuttttt anyone can say anything on the internet. My question would be does he have a public portfolio of things he has worked on ?
General / Anyone familiar with gary's mod models? (HELP)
February 15, 2016, 09:00:47 PM
Recently the group of the same name (411 Remnant) has created and paid for a gary's mod server that serves to act as a First Order Role playing server. We had gotten custom models and levels created for the enjoyment of all that visit our server so others can partake in first order storm trooper events. We are looking for someone who is familiar with editing and possibly putting gary's mod models in game.

Long story short we are willing to offer some substantial rewards to a talent who is familiar in the area of adding pre-exiting models into the game(Being gary's mod). A familiarity with obj and fbx is another useful talent as we have several texture artists who cant seem to get our 3D viewing programs(such as fbx viewer and nosies) to read new textures on pre-exisitng models.

The convopack has some models that could fit. The marajade model or the aurra sing model in it can be retextured pretty well. Or you can ask deviss to kitbash a model for you.
I like this change, so we can make much more diverse skin textures. All models are getting this treatment?
Released Assets / Re: Improved AT-ST
January 31, 2016, 08:38:52 AM
It certainly looks like an improvement over the defualt one. I wonder if improvements could be done to the At-AT as well.
Quote from: Ginev on January 28, 2016, 03:42:11 AM
Could you explain me the Multiple Color Palletes and the backpack add on.When you said multiple Color Palletes did you mean that ingame you can change the color of your armor?The same and for the backpack? ???
Actually I mean there is different color schemes already made. Im planning with the permission who made that awesome ingame skin changer will be implemented in soon.

Also for now this is just sides. Either next week or 2 weeks from now ill have something playable for the public.

Gistech I don't know if you would be interested but if your still working on converting the renegade squadron psp maps, maybe we can collaborate?
2016 Edit:

Found the source files on a flash drive and now this project is back on target! Almost done with effects, making near perect recreations of weapon odf's and updating the models/textures.

Updated Screenshots 2016

[spoiler="Updated Rodian with EA BF facial texture and personal shield"][/spoiler]
[spoiler="Working Carbon freezing gun, similiar to flamethrower"][/spoiler]
[spoiler="Multiple Color Palletes"][/spoiler]
[spoiler="Recreation of psp effects"][/spoiler]
[spoiler="Updated backpack add ons"][/spoiler]

Got some of the psp sounds working and will make some videos very soon!
Other Games / Re: Star Wars: Battlefront III has leaked
January 25, 2016, 05:11:24 PM
Signed the petition. Actually if enough noise was made EA could always reconsider. Its not out of the realm of possibility, putting this on reddit could help. Ill make a video about it to.

I know this user who has been making videos on his own build of the game he has(not borman or banna swag), and not that I would believe him but he said that dice does have some build of the game and EA could always change their mind to make it happen if enough people would ask. Anyone could say anything on the internet though so I wouldn't know for sure if that is true or not. Its a nice thought I suppose, it always makes me sad that the free radical version which in some trailers looked pretty complete was never released. Such a waste of great ideas, functions, art work, gameplay ect all down the drain because of that idiot they appointed as lucas arts president of at the time. The free radical version is what I would pay money for.
Other Games / Re: Star Wars: Battlefront III has leaked
January 21, 2016, 06:11:47 AM
I dont normally do this but....sweet jesus please tell me there is a link somewhere.