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Messages - Dark_Phantom

I have a feeling that when it comes right down to it, Sony will win out on this one.  Microsoft got many gamers away from the PS2 and PS3 with the seemingly superior play to the XBox and XBox Live (at least with what I noticed in my small microchasm).  But with this new ploy for money by them, they will lose gamers fast.  Online all the time?  Give me a break.  I can't get high speed, guess they lose a customer.

Microsoft will end up having to update the system for Single Player gaming and used games and cheaper prices for subscribing. Or drop out of the console wars pretty soon.
Well, that's really odd...
When I look at it, it looks mostly fine.  I think one texture may be missing (that's what happens when you cross over quick), but the white gun is not on my screen.
This is the problem with reviewing by look though.  Different computers = different effects.  Some maps will crash upon startup for some computers, others will not.  Some things show up right, others do not.  Some of it even has to do with how all your settings are set (some do not show up in High settings).  Anyway, be careful about reviewing things like AI pathing as it can be a tricky concept until you do it 47,203 times.
Quote from: Snake on June 11, 2013, 05:34:02 PM
So this will be called "Star Wars: Battlefront"? How can they use the same name?
LoL, Disney handed over the rights to them in gaming (if I've understood everything right), so they could call it whatever they wanted.  I don't think there's anything that says you can't call a game the same thing (just confuses people who wish to buy it.)
LoL, since I already have the .odfs and stuff made up, where do we want this "Mouse Droid and Gonk Droid vs Gungan" battle?  Naboo Plains seems too... obvious, but maybe that is for the best.
Requests / Re: R4-uni
June 10, 2013, 05:02:34 PM
It is a playable unit already.  I think Sereja uses it in his Hoth mod.  The assets are actually in the Mod Tools inside the Alliance side.
Requests / Re: Mouse droid?
June 09, 2013, 08:54:17 AM
All your dreams come true in this mod... :)
Behold, Jawas vs Mouse Droids!
Requests / Re: Mouse droid?
June 08, 2013, 08:18:04 AM
LoL, Jedi Hutt?  I've read a lot, but I never saw that one before  :o
I guess now that I've done this, I should make a map with these in.  I already had the odf made up.  The problem is that I used the dispenser odf to dispense a droid (so it could pilot itself, they follow you around), so it crashes in MP.  Haven't found a fix yet  :dry:
It is pretty funny though when you use them as like a barricade and some unsuspecting trooper with only melee attacks (Zombie idea  :P) runs right into them to their death.
Good news is, if I could get the dispensed droids to actually attack something rather than just explode, we'd have a self piloted mouse droids with that zap attack (yes, I actually had that in the odf already too).
Requests / Re: Mouse droid?
June 04, 2013, 01:20:04 PM
Well, that's kind of what it is.  It's pretty much an edited recon odf file.  :)
I've been looking into this (traps), and I'm surprised that more people don't try to use them.  The problem with just looking at the odf is that it is vague with what it does (mostly animation stuff and teams).  It may be hard-coded, but I think a test on a planet other than Endor (and possibly a different trap) is needed.
Here they are for everyone (in case you don't want to pull out your mod tools):

ClassLabel = "trap"
GeometryName = "end_weap_tripwire.msh"

GeometryName = "end_weap_tripwire"
UnbuiltGeometryName = "end_weap_tripwire"
DestroyedGeometryName = "end_weap_tripwire"
TriggerCollision = "1"
RayTriggerWidth = "4.7"
RayTriggerMinSpeed = "20.0"
DeathOnCollision = "1"
HideUnbuiltModel = "1"

AnimationName = "end_weap_tripwire"
TriggerAnimation = "trigger"
BuildAnimation = "idle"
BuildPoint = "hp_active"
BuildModelOdf = "com_prop_buildzone"
TriggerTeam = "imp"
ResetTeam = "all"

MaxHealth = 1000.0


ClassLabel = "trap"
GeometryName = "end_weap_treesmash.msh"

GeometryName = "end_weap_treesmash"
UnbuiltGeometryName = "end_weap_treesmash"
DestroyedGeometryName = "end_weap_treesmash"
BuiltCollision = "1"
UnbuiltHoloOdf = "com_holo_trap"

AnimationName = "end_weap_treesmash"
TriggerAnimation = "trigger"
BuildAnimation = "reset"
BuildPoint = "hp_active"
BuildModelOdf = "com_prop_buildzone"
TriggerTeam = "imp"
ResetTeam = "all"
MinEnemyRadius = 4.0
DeathTime = 0.666
DeathEffect = "explosion"
DeathEffectOffset = "0.0 7.5 0.0"
//iggerSound        = "end_weap_treetrap"

MaxHealth = 1000.0

For just filtering out classlabels, not sure how that would work.  :blink:
Requests / Mouse droid?
June 02, 2013, 12:31:34 PM
Can anyone make a mouse droid (like from the Death Star) that will work with the "droid" odf class?  (I say that specifically because my original idea is gone because of the incompatibility with the "human" msh files.  If anyone can enlighten me as to why or how to fix, please say so.)

But on failure of my original objective, I had another idea.  I will be using it in a later mod, whoever makes it will obviously get credit.

Requests / Re: Chat font to be bigger
May 20, 2013, 07:34:36 PM
Well, yes.  If you're talking about hexing the exe.  That controls chat size using the gamefont_*size* functions.

Although can't you change the font overall some other way too, through core or something?  Never really tried other than through lua, but lua doesn't control chat size.
Quote from: {Alpha}Gold Man on May 17, 2013, 08:19:44 AM
Downloaded and viewed nearly all the images (I skipped a few of the vehicle ones). I must say, half that stuff I had no idea was planned for the game! Psych0Fred's Venator work was really epic though, and a lot of the models he made for the game seemed really epic. That entire file is like a reference book for any SWBF modder, and who knows, maybe someone can make the Rebel's Hovernaut? :D

Hovernaut was included in Psych0Fred's assets on his website.  Phobos recreated it and nearly perfected it.  Here is the link:;sa=view;down=621
General / Re: Who is still here?
May 16, 2013, 07:27:09 AM
I'm still here, and looking to come back gaming better than ever.  I've played SWBF more in the last 3 days than I have in a couple months with Openspy coming in (Tunngle is slows down my Internet too much, but is nice with faster Internet) and now sports are over.
It's hard to believe, but Jedi Knight Dark Forces 2 still has a following online with gamers.  You just need to look hard enough  ;)
Quote from: ~AF!zZingGunFlower on May 15, 2013, 08:20:00 PM
Heres four 1.0 clans i think should be remembered:
BOB clan: (just BOB) *dead*
[PFA] (Pro Free Running Assasins): *dead*
[NJ] (Night Jumper Clan): *dead*
And my clan, ~}PRO{~ (Professionals): *active*

BOB is not quite dead yet Fizz :)  Don't count us out yet, there's a couple still left.  And I will be adding some stuff later today for BOB.
(P.S.  Hey Fizz, it's me, BOB.ldr.Phantom  :happy: )

Edit:  Also the {snp} (Sniper) clan will probably throw in some stuff, they are very active in 1.0.