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Topics - Infringement

Star Wars Battlefront SweetFX Graphics Upgrade;sa=view;down=1133

For those who are still playing Battlefront 1 you might be interested in this. Most of you playing PC games have probably heard of SweetFX, a graphics improvement tool used for almost any game. After a while I decided to just go ahead and release this, because it does make SWBF look really good.   8)

NOTE- I got an error message first when I tried to start up battlefront, on the second attempt to open it worked fine. Just a heads up, if you install this and get an error, it's nothing to worry about.

I've included two different versions, one with less colour, and one which adds a bit more colour. Feel free to have a play around with the SweetFX settings file to get the look you want.

Readme included for install instructions.

For those with Low end pc's/laptops, this shouldn't affect frame rate, if it does
try turning off bloom and HDR in the SweetFX settings file by changing the value from 1 to 0. 

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