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Messages - VeeVi

Welcome Center / Re: Hello All
November 16, 2010, 05:57:56 PM
To answer all questions and reply to comments:

-Thank you for all the welcomes!
-I was born and raised in America :D
-As for what kellemarie said, not being owned sounds pretty hard D:
-Thank you for the high expectations on my drawings!
Welcome Center / Re: Hello All
November 15, 2010, 05:33:27 PM
Hello Festus, JediKiller, and Soap :D

In answer to questions, I love all kinds of art, but I mostly only partake in Traditional media myself (good ol' pencil n' paper)

And as for games I play plenty on the XBox 360 (when my brothers aren't hogging it) and a few on PS3. I actually rarely play on Mac anymore and am likely out of practice. I had to sell many games due to lack of moneys :(

And no, I don't have a Steam account (not sure what it is) but I've heard of this a handful of times from my collection of friends who are better at gaming than me -.-
Welcome Center / Hello All
November 15, 2010, 05:19:53 PM
Hi there! My name is Vee and I love pretty much all videogames (despite the fact that I am a total loser at most, if not all, that I play.) HOWEVER --

--That aside, I was made aware by a friend that this was a pretty awesome site and there were a few drawing competitions past and I was told I should join and try to enter in that of the most recent.

I am a Mac, a female, I have 3 different hair colors, and other than that there's not much to me. If any of you have any advice on how to NOT GET OWNED in so many games, it would be greatly appreciated :S
