
Gaming for the Original SWBF1 and SWBF2/other games => Other Games => Topic started by: Carbon27 on May 30, 2013, 09:42:22 AM

Title: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: Carbon27 on May 30, 2013, 09:42:22 AM
Well, a couple days ago I got my first modern FPS game, Battlefield: Bad Company, and I'll tell you I SUCK at it, since I'm to used to playing SWBF. Any tips on sniping, dodging, not getting blown up within five seconds, getting a kill, etc.
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: BlackScorpion on May 30, 2013, 11:23:14 AM
I've never really played Battlefield, so take this with a grain of salt.

In a FPS, you can't see the field of view that you can in a third person shooter.  Therefore, you're going to need to listen around you to know what other people are doing.  I'd advise against listening to music while playing a FPS.

Know the guns.  Know that a shotgun will be more effective in close combat while a sniper is more effective in long, open lanes of sight.

Know where people will be spawning.  Know how to move around the map (flanking is important in all games, but especially in BF if I understand correctly).  Know how your opponents will move around the map.  Know what your teammates are doing.

Oh... there's a certain pejorative for people who avoid playing the objective and focus entirely on getting kills...
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: Unit 33 on May 30, 2013, 11:42:17 AM
1.Get the biggest gun.
2.Shoot continually until you win.

Spray and Pray! WooooOOo00o!
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: {YAK}{212}Col{COM} Johnis on May 30, 2013, 11:50:35 AM
Its not always the biggest gun but find your type of play style mine is Run&Gun. Your's might be Sniping or Driving Jeeps .Also Stick with teammates it help to give you a sence of where the enemy is.
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: {PLA}gdh92 on May 30, 2013, 11:57:01 AM
1. Choose a unit that suits you - long range/short range, one shot kill/rapid fire etc.
2. Learn where people hide, most deaths come from these people. :)
3. Don't run long distances in a straight line so snipers don't have an easy time.
4. Don't waste time counting deaths, enjoy the game as you are and you'll get better over time. :)

[spoiler]I play most games for fun, not to win so I'm probably not the best person to give advice. :)[/spoiler]
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: BlackScorpion on May 30, 2013, 12:19:21 PM
Quote from: UNIT 33 on May 30, 2013, 11:42:17 AM
1.Get the biggest gun.
2.Shoot continually until you win.

Spray and Pray! WooooOOo00o!

This isn't even good advice for CoD, let alone Battlefield which--as I've been told--involves even MORE awareness.  10/10.
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: RepComm on May 30, 2013, 12:28:13 PM
Get to know your opponent, get to know how he/she uses his controls/movement of his player(s).
For me, Timing is E.V.E.R.Y. thing. [spoiler](for some of you that remember, I used to be good at 360 kills with the rebel/imperial snipers, people would jump around me and I'd turn in a spit second and HS them) Though I can't seem to do it well much anymore..[/spoiler]The only time this fails me is when someone that I cannot predict how they control and seem erratic to me, then I loose focus and miss continually. But I learn very quickly, and after a few respawns, its kick butt time.

Most people in general I can predict because of just playing so long, and getting used to the "kick" of battlefront 1 and 2. (And most people play alike, I try to randomize myself so they miss, this works VERY well with AI on hard)

I will tell you this though, at first you're going to suck no matter what you do, but get used to it, and don't expect to much. Or risk burning yourself out (usually results in rage quitting for some people).

I have never used any other games besides Heavy Fire Afghanistan, SWBFI, SWBFII, SWRC, and some minor not well known games. But it's all the same, just get to know the interface and controls, then memorize how people react and fight, then put yourself in a good position to oppose them and win.
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: Black Water on May 30, 2013, 01:19:50 PM
The few times I played Mw2 cod black ops etc, it seems camping is the key.
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: Shazam on May 30, 2013, 02:00:16 PM
I play a few FPS games and I'm not that bad. What helped me was to start playing SWBF in first person. Since I already have experience with the controls and maps, I could concentrate on getting used to the 'feel' of being in first person. Once I got decent at playing SWBF first person, it became easier to play other FPS games.
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: Carbon27 on May 30, 2013, 02:05:24 PM
Quote from: Shazam on May 30, 2013, 02:00:16 PM
I play a few FPS games and I'm not that bad. What helped me was to start playing SWBF in first person. Since I already have experience with the controls and maps, I could concentrate on getting used to the 'feel' of being in first person. Once I got decent at playing SWBF first person, it became easier to play other FPS games.
It's not really the "feel" of a FPS that is screwing me up. I'm losing because for some reason everything I do in BFBC gets me killed, and maybe a couple teammates, some tanks, and a heli or two. Yeah my teammates always dread when "the dread" gets on his chair from the '20s (no joke :dry:) and starts pwning his own teammates. (by accident of course)
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: Roxas on May 30, 2013, 03:52:45 PM
I do have one suggestion. Play with surround sound if possible and crank up the volume. Back when I had a desktop, I would set the volume to a high level that way I could hear anyone and anything.  Also, check your settings. Turn up the SFX, lower the music, increase/decrease the sensitivity, change the controller setup to a more comfortable layout, and lastly, experiment with your weapons. Should you keep a 5 clip revolver that can kill any damaged opponent in one hit or should you have a 9mm with 10 rounds instead for your secondary? Which scope is best? Do you sacrifice reload speed for an extended magazine?

There are many factors to consider. And last but not least, LEARN THE MAPS. The number one reason why most people have their rears handed to them when playing a new FPS is because of the lack of knowledge.  Find the camping spots, find the choke points, and find the shortcuts.


PS: If you have any other questions, feel free to ask me.
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: Carbon27 on May 30, 2013, 05:21:02 PM
Darn, sounds like experience is a big deal. TO THE CHEAT CODES!  :superman:

Also, I often will be running in between buildings, and I die because I get shot by someone who happens to be going the same way, any tips to avoid this?
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: SleepKiller on May 30, 2013, 05:23:42 PM
A few tips from someone who isn't the best. But I do have fun while I play and I seldom finish in the bottom half of my team.

1. Don't care about your K:D ratio. If it is Battlefield, the game doesn't even care about it. You only lose points by committing suicide or killing team mates. I can be one of the top players on my team just by playing medic and doing exactly what the class name implies you are their to do.

2. Hitch a ride. While walking/running from base to base your an easy target for not just snipers but anything with a gun. Hop inside basically any vehicle. Most vehicles take more than one hit of anything giving you time to leave the vehicle if it is damaged and make your escape.

3. Play as a team. Most team orientated games like Battlefield provide ways for you to quickly inform your team mates of something. Is there a tank coming your way, spotted a sniper or is someone flanking? Tell your team. The game probably has a key you can push to either bring up a chat menu so you can tell your team about something or it has a key that will "spot" whatever you are looking at for your team. Couldn't be easier. Just look in the games control options to learn what keys do what. (Or manual if your on a console.)

4. You will die, a lot. In an old game like SWBF you have high health.  And as a result can take a lot of fire giving you time do something about it. Well in a modern FPS your going to die quickly if someone sees you and is in range. If you can't see them yourself you will probably die near instantly. Don't get angry at the fact you seem to die in a single shot. Is this a fair combat system? Well I would say probably not, but it works and is fast paced.  You'll get better as time goes on. Just keep at it.
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: Ltin on May 30, 2013, 06:48:03 PM
"Aim for the head" -the wall in call of duty black ops  on the nintendo ds zombie map: house
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: BlackScorpion on May 30, 2013, 08:02:31 PM
Quote from: SleepKiller on May 30, 2013, 05:23:42 PM
A few tips from someone who isn't the best. But I do have fun while I play and I seldom finish in the bottom half of my team.

4. You will die, a lot. In an old game like SWBF you have high health.  And as a result can take a lot of fire giving you time do something about it. Well in a modern FPS your going to die quickly if someone sees you and is in range. If you can't see them yourself you will probably die near instantly. Don't get angry at the fact you seem to die in a single shot. Is this a fair combat system? Well I would say probably not, but it works and is fast paced.  You'll get better as time goes on. Just keep at it.

I can't speak for the mechanics of Battlefield, but I know for a fact that, in the Call of Duty games, you have 100 health (which I believe is the same as in SWBF?).  There's still a notable degree to disengage if you've properly positioned yourself.

Josh, familiarize yourself with Den Kirson's work: http://denkirson.xanga.com/722757523/bad-company-2/
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: Phobos on May 30, 2013, 09:47:10 PM
Quote from: BlackScorpion on May 30, 2013, 08:02:31 PM
I can't speak for the mechanics of Battlefield, but I know for a fact that, in the Call of Duty games, you have 100 health (which I believe is the same as in SWBF?). 
Well for swbf1 stock units:
Snipers have 240 health.
Wookiee and Droideka have 450 health.
Every other unit has 300 health.
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: Ltin on May 31, 2013, 04:41:15 AM
Quote from: BlackScorpion on May 30, 2013, 08:02:31 PM
I can't speak for the mechanics of Battlefield, but I know for a fact that, in the Call of Duty games, you have 100 health (which I believe is the same as in SWBF?).  There's still a notable degree to disengage if you've properly positioned yourself.
it doesnt matter whether the health is the same. Call of duty might use weapons at half the damage swbf does. Health is just a value used by the game, and nothing more. It cannot be compared to other games without also taking into account weapons
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: Jamman on May 31, 2013, 05:40:16 AM
 Become good at sniping, make sure you are comfortable camping a spot for 1 kill and then moving to camp another.
Learn how to quick scope.
I think blasting music is better just because it gets me hyped, while others just have the game going and are paranoid that they keep hearing footsteps behind them.
Watch the teammates that run straight into the action, they will lead you to the enemy so you don't have to search for them.
Title: The world is ending! I have "some" FPS skill :D
Post by: Carbon27 on May 31, 2013, 10:44:23 AM
Wow, I actually got a somewhat bad (which is good for me) score!!! This could mean I have skill! I think the kill death ratio was like 5 kills 8 deaths, normally it's like 2 kills 15 deaths  :cheer:

Thanks for the help, really made a difference in how I played. I also taught myself something. Everyone around you is dead, except the one in between your crosshairs.
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: Unit 33 on May 31, 2013, 11:44:35 AM
Oh you big beastly bragger.

In most FPSs there's all sorts of lingo... but you probably know about that sort of thing and don't need me to be patronising about it.
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: BlackScorpion on May 31, 2013, 01:34:12 PM
Quote from: Phobos on May 30, 2013, 09:47:10 PM
Well for swbf1 stock units:
Snipers have 240 health.
Wookiee and Droideka have 450 health.
Every other unit has 300 health.

Darn.  Oops.
Wayyyyyy off. :-(

Quote from: Ltin on May 31, 2013, 04:41:15 AM
it doesnt matter whether the health is the same. Call of duty might use weapons at half the damage swbf does. Health is just a value used by the game, and nothing more. It cannot be compared to other games without also taking into account weapons

Actually, we're both right! :-D

You are most certainly correct that the length of a gunfight isn't determined solely by amount of health and that it needs to involve the effective damage output of your weapon!  However, SleepKiller's post made no mention of damage output and appears to be offered as a universal statement which means that it assumes that the damage output of your opponent's weapon is either a constant or higher.  Additionally, my statement holds true regardless of damage output of your opponent's weapon.

What SleepKiller said effectively boiled down to: 'You have less health in BF than in SWBF; therefore, you won't have enough time to get away from a gun fight.'
My post was that: "If you weren't careless, you can get away from a gun fight.'  And that's true, almost universally, because if you position yourself correctly, you won't get one bursted by someone with an M16 (and the players who can one burst you are the type of players who are very difficult to run away from).

Additionally, shots to kill won't determine the winner of a gun fight.  That would involve things like accuracy, the differences in time between who shot first and who shot second, and the speed of the gun.
Title: Re: Tips and tricks to the modern day FPS (help)
Post by: SleepKiller on May 31, 2013, 06:21:12 PM
As ltin said the health value doesn't matter at the end of the day. You could have a health value of 1.0 or 1000 and the player would never know. It is weapons that matters.I used "health" as a way to phrase it so that anyone could understand without getting into all the differences.

I have never found myself gunned down by a rifle in SWBF with out a chance to do something. SWBF's weapons are slow firing. In your typical modern FPS you get high fire rate weapons with projectiles that travel at either the real speed of a bullet(Battlefield) or instantly(COD).

Yes Scorp you can play careful, taking cover, positioning yourself well and do your best to see the enemy before they see you. But that doesn't mean a noob isn't going to get gunned down heaps when they first start playing. It also doesn't mean that you won't get caught out time to time with the enemy sneaking up behind you. If you also notice I said "You'll get better as time goes on." I didn't mean to imply that getting gunned down is something that will always happen.

Now a few key differences between  a 7th generation FPS and a 6th generation one game. (These are the general rules, I don't mean to imply that all games followed these.)

Weapons are more effective but the player also regenerates health automatically. They are the key elements. You have less time to react during a fight but if you win or survive you'll also be good to get back into the action. It's fast paced and requires quicker reflexes.
Weapons are slightly less effective and the player doesn't regenerate health automatically. They are dependant on medics/med packs. You still get gunned down, just not quite as much.
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