
Modding for the Original SWBF1 and SWBF2 => SWBF2 Modding => Topic started by: Ascertes on July 31, 2016, 04:54:16 PM

Title: Crash in Multiplayer, fine in Singleplayer
Post by: Ascertes on July 31, 2016, 04:54:16 PM
I'm having a problem where the map I'm working on is crashing in multiplayer, but it works like a charm in singleplayer. The game loads up but as soon as its done, boom. The whole thing freezes rather than closing the game and sending me back to the desktop.

So I'm wondering, what could possibly cause a map to crash in multiplayer? Help is always appreciated :)

Things I know I've done since I last tested it successfully in multi:
-Linked multiple turret mainframes to different sets of turrets.
-Implemented pilotable Heavy Ship turrets by editing their default ODF files.
-Created Frigate Beam turrets from stock assets.
-Added a new landing region and adjusted other dimensions of other landing regions.
-Localized the names of the new units I'm adding.
-Changed the text in the "tips and tricks" boxes on the loading screens via localization.
-Linked the pilotable turrets to the vehicle chairs.
-Changed which Republic capital ship is shielded (I have multiple capital ships).
-Added shields to a 2nd CIS capital ship.
-Added auto turrets to all frigates.

Title: Re: Custom Unit Not Appearing
Post by: Ascertes on July 31, 2016, 11:11:19 PM
I added in a new LUA script to link Frigates with their turrets, but after removing this feature and testing the game, it still crashes.

I also changed the default tatooine sky to that of Naboo, but I changed it back and it still crashes in multi.
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