Celebrate with us!

Started by Anyder, April 11, 2024, 05:03:17 PM

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April 11, 2024, 05:03:17 PM Last Edit: July 24, 2024, 12:55:38 AM by Giftheck
Hello, everyone!

We have recently reached the amount of 1K members in our discord, and 24K in the forums. As a means to celebrate it, we would like you to join us in an event we'll host on both SWBFI & SWBFII (SWBFSpy - PC), on the 19th of April.

Schedule for each game:
  • SWBF1: 5 PM - 7 PM UTC
  • SWBF2: 8 PM - 10 AM UTC

For SWBF1 we'll pay tribute to Sereja, one of our best Master Modders, playing one of his maps. We'll make sure to keep you posted on which one we choose (feel free to drop suggestions). Additionally, other mod maps from our downloads section will be featured in the event.

We've created a category in Discord for the specific voice chats. Feel free to join us there too!

Are you in? Let us know below 😉

-SWBFGamers Staff

Anyder | Talent, Ops & Culture | SWBF & Player Engagement
Email: communityambassador@swbfgamers.com
SWBFSpy Discord: http://discord.swbfspy.com
SWBFSpy Info: http://info.swbfspy.com

April 18, 2024, 02:02:43 PM #1 Last Edit: April 19, 2024, 09:49:46 AM by Anyder
Hey folks! :)

Here's an update in case you missed it.

SWBF1 Server Rotation:
  • Core - Bespin: CC
  • Core - Rhen Var: Citadel
  • Core - Tatooine: Mos Eisley
  • ModMap - Giftheck's Scarif: Beach
  • ModMap - Sereja's Umbara: Shadow Forest
  • ModMap -  Sereja's Coronet Luxury Spaceliner
  • ModMap - Red04's Mustafar Refinery (SWBF2 Conversion)
  • ModMap -  Red04's Kamino (SWBF2 Conversion)
Download mappack here --> http://tiny.cc/cantinablast // SWBF1-Mappack.rar

SWBF2 Server Rotation:
  • Core - Mustafar
  • Core - Mos Eisley
  • Core - Corus
  • Core - Death Star
  • ModMap - Eddie's Italia
  • ModMap - Saleucami
Download mappack here --> http://tiny.cc/cantinablast // SWBF2-Mappack.rar

Special thanks to Giftheck, Sereja & Red04 for their modmaps.

Remember, you can join us in the community discord here: SWBFGamers Discord Server
Anyder | Talent, Ops & Culture | SWBF & Player Engagement
Email: communityambassador@swbfgamers.com
SWBFSpy Discord: http://discord.swbfspy.com
SWBFSpy Info: http://info.swbfspy.com

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