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Topics - zak

Hey guys, I'm trying to recall a custom map I used to play and was wondering if anyone could guess what it was based on the description. Just trying to find screenshots or videos of this map.

It was a Mediterranean climate type planet with Italian-esque architecture, probably just Naboo but not 100% sure.

The map was on the large side, and the most unique thing about it was that it was one massive slope going basically from the side of a mountain down to a river or a lake.

That's all I remember for sure but I don't think there could be that many maps fitting this description?

This ring a bell for anyone? Thx!

EDIT: My bad I literally answered this question by looking at my profile's old posts right after making this thread. The map is Oord Mantell: No Greater Glory
Welcome Center / What's up
November 14, 2020, 09:16:56 PM
Hello, I used to be a member of this community when I was a kid, I just rediscovered it 10 years later and I'm really glad to see it's still active! I don't play SWBF anymore but it made a big impression on me, and the new content people have made for the game is blowing my mind.  :tu: Peace out
Other Games / S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl
October 08, 2009, 01:58:19 PM
I've been playing this with Crossover games for the past 2 weeks. It runs, albeit with a slower FPS than it should considering my machine and the graphical quality. Besides that, it's really immersive and fun. Nothing like wandering through abandoned wilderness in the dark, almost getting mauled by a group of mutated dogs, then sitting down with some other stalkers near a campfire, listening to the sounds of one strum his guitar. For only $20 it's a pretty good value. I should mention that my copy didn't install on Leopard, but after I installed Snow Leopard it worked. 
Other Games / Garry's Mod
July 08, 2009, 07:42:54 PM
Using Crossover Games (link: I've got Garry's Mod working (along with the Orange Box.) So far all I've been doing is running around gm_bigcity nuking zombies. I've got a lot of addons but not Wiremod, because I'm too lazy to figure out how to get the SVN working on Mac. Anyone else got this awesome game?
Welcome Center / Zak is here
July 08, 2009, 05:35:54 PM
Back because I'm feeling nostalgic about this place. I was hiking today and the scenery reminded me of that Oord Mantell map. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Welcome Center / hi im new
February 18, 2009, 02:44:40 PM
hi i play cofd4 and my name zak im new