I knew I had seen one, so I searched and found it on Gametoast:
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Show posts MenuQuote from: Bluetothestars on September 04, 2022, 03:11:11 AMStrange, my jedi inf odf doesn't have that line. The issue isn't with making the jedi inf on knightfall fall over when dying though, that works, for some reason the jedi heroes like anakin don't, unless it's in heroes vs. villains
SetClassProperty("pct_inf_hero", "FleeLikeAHero", "0")
SetClassProperty("pct_inf_assault", "FleeLikeAHero", "1")
sniper = { "pct_inf_assault",1,4},
SetHeroClass(IMP, "pct_inf_hero")
ClassLabel = "soldier"
GeometryName = "jed_inf_jedi.msh"
FootWaterSplashEffect = "com_sfx_watersplash_sm"
WaterSplashEffect = "com_sfx_watersplash_md"
WakeWaterSplashEffect = "com_sfx_watersplash_wade"
AISizeType = "HOVER"
GeometryName = "jed_inf_jedi"
GeometryLowRes = "jed_inf_jedi_low1"
OverrideTexture = "jed_inf_jedi01"
FleeLikeAHero = 0
AnimationName = "aalya"
MapTexture = "troop_icon"
MapScale = 1.4
MapViewMin = 50
MapViewMax = 50
MapSpeedMin = 0
MapSpeedMax = 100
FirstPersonFOV = "70"
ThirdPersonFOV = "65"
EyePointOffset = "0.0 2.0 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 1.7 0.0"
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.0 5.2"
TiltValue = "10"
EyePointOffset = "0.0 1.8 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 1.8 0.0
TrackOffset = "0.4 0.05 2.8"
TiltValue = "3.5"
EyePointOffset = "0.0 1.3 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 1.3 0.0
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.15 3.0"
TiltValue = "10.0"
CameraBlendTime = "0.75"
EyePointOffset = "0.0 1.3 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 1.3 0.0
TrackOffset = "0.4 0.2 2.8"
TiltValue = "3.5"
EyePointOffset = "0.0 0.5 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 0.5 0.0"
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.0 3.0"
TiltValue = "5.0"
CameraBlendTime = "1.0"
EyePointOffset = "0.0 0.5 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 0.5 0.0"
TrackOffset = "0.4 0.2 2.8"
TiltValue = "3.5"
EyePointOffset = "0.0 1.8 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 1.8 0.0
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.0 4.0"
TiltValue = "10.0"
CameraBlendTime = "0.75"
HealthType = "person"
//MaxHealth = 1200.0
MaxHealth = 200.0
AddHealth = 20.0
NoEnterVehicles = 0
MaxSpeed = 9.0 //8.0
MaxStrafeSpeed = 6.6 //6.0
MaxTurnSpeed = 5.0
JumpHeight = 3.5
RecoverFromTumble = "1"
JumpForwardSpeedFactor = 1.3
JumpStrafeSpeedFactor = 1.0
RollSpeedFactor = 1.5
Acceleration = 70.0 // accelerate to full run in about 7/70 = 0.1 seconds
SprintAccelerateTime = 0.35 // accelerate from run to sprint in this time
ControlSpeed = "stand 1.00 1.00 1.00"
ControlSpeed = "crouch 0.70 0.60 1.00"
ControlSpeed = "prone 0.30 0.20 0.50"
ControlSpeed = "sprint 2.50 0.50 0.50"
ControlSpeed = "jet 1.50 1.25 1.25"
ControlSpeed = "jump 0.10 0.10 0.60"
ControlSpeed = "roll 0.02 0.02 0.35"
ControlSpeed = "tumble 0.00 0.00 0.10"
// Energy bar defaults
EnergyBar = 100.0 // Max energy
EnergyRestore = 15.0 // energy regained per second if moving
EnergyRestoreIdle = 25.0 // energy regained per second if not
EnergyDrainSprint = 15.0 // energy spent per second of sprinting
EnergyMinSprint = 20.0 // min energy to start sprinting
EnergyCostJump = 0.0 // energy cost to jump
EnergyCostRoll = 25.0 // energy cost to roll
NoEnterVehicles = 1
BlurEffect = "0.8"
//Jet Jump
JetJump = "10.0" //The initial jump-push given when enabling the jet
JetPush = "0.0" //The constant push given while the jet is enabled (20 is gravity)
JetAcceleration = "10.0" // for characters with jet jump, use this acceleration for in air control
JetEffect = ""
JetFuelRechargeRate = "0.0" //Additional fuel per second (fuel is 0 to 1)
JetFuelCost = "0.0" //Cost per second when hovering (only used for jet-hovers)(fuel is 0 to 1)
JetFuelInitialCost = "0.0" //4initial cost when jet jumping(fuel is 0 to 1)
JetFuelMinBorder = "0.0" //minimum fuel to perform a jet jump(fuel is 0 to 1)
JetShowHud = 0
JetEnergyDrain = 40.0
CollisionScale = "0.0 0.0 0.0" // don't take damage from collisions
//Jet Jump End
WeaponName1 = "all_weap_lightsaber"
WeaponAmmo1 = 0
//SndHeroSelectable = ""
//SndHeroSpawned = "hero_secura_spawn"
//SndHeroDefeated = "hero_secura_exhausted"
//SndHeroKiller = "hero_secura_exhausted"
//VOSound = "hero_secura_AcquiredTarget AcquiredTarget"
//VOSound = "hero_secura_KillingSpree4 KillingSpree4"
VOUnitType = 0181
//SoldierMusic = "rep_hero_secura_lp"
HurtSound = ""
DeathSound = ""
AcquiredTargetSound = ""
HidingSound = ""
//ApproachingTargetSound = ""
FleeSound = ""
PreparingForDamageSound = ""
HeardEnemySound = ""
ShockFadeOutTime = ""
ShockFadeInTime = ""
ShockFadeOutGain = ""
ShockSound = ""
ClothingRustleSound = ""
//LowHealthSound = "com_inf_saber_ambient"
LowHealthThreshold = "1.1"
FoleyFXClass = "all_inf_soldier"
DropItemClass = "com_item_powerup_ammo"
DropItemProbability = 0.05
NextDropItem = "-"
DropItemClass = "com_item_powerup_health100"
DropItemProbability = 0.05
NextDropItem = "-"
DropItemClass = "com_item_powerup_dual"
DropItemProbability = 0.20
NextDropItem = "-"
DropItemClass = "com_item_powerup_energy"
DropItemProbability = 0.10
NextDropItem = "-"
DropItemClass = "com_item_powerup_offense"
DropItemProbability = 0.15
NextDropItem = "-"
DropItemClass = "com_item_powerup_defense"
DropItemProbability = 0.15
Quote from: {PLA}gdh92 on August 21, 2022, 03:15:10 AMNo problem, it should be in swbf1 maps now.
Quote from: Anyder on April 26, 2022, 02:12:25 PMHello!
Looks good to me, congrats!
I just approved the download here, but if you want, upload it to the forums and if file is too large, let us know to upload it ourselves and link it to the DL.
QuoteSo after many years, we finally have the 1.0 release of Ranen: Lava Fields. The one that I released over a decade ago was listed as a BETA, because I failed to polish it with things like an Instant Action preview video and a half-way decent minimap. I basically didn't touch that map much after that release, and like everything modding related, I left it on the shelf for nearly a decade during my hiatus. Now here I am, back again, and with a truly complete version.
This new version keeps the same general layout of the old map, but with a more detailed terrain, more objects, vastly improved textures, and a new skybox and atmospheric effects (as seen in my recently released Ranen: Platforms 4.0). I also added some new vehicles, such as the Rebel Hovernaut and the BF2 Hovertank, as well as an Imperial AAT, and the Republic AT-XT. I also reskinned some of the vehicles I had in the old map, so the Rebels can still roll around in an IFT Fightertank and an AT-TE. There are also some new units, with Pysch0fred's Bothan Spy highlighting the Rebel faction, the Empire retaining the Imperial Officer and also getting a JKO/JKA-themed Stormtrooper Officer, the Republic getting the Clone Commander, and the CIS getting a rework of the SBD (which is typical of my old maps, but I've revised it yet again). Also, my Gamma Force side is present on the map as an unplayable ally to the Empire, and a group of Jedi likewise will aid the Republic side. With both the units and the vehicles, I tried to keep things fairly vanilla-friendly, and was actually hoping to restore cut content as much as possible, though with only partial success. I did end up creating some things that I ended up cutting out of this map, but which I hope to maybe include in future ones.
I want to give a very special thanks to Ginev, who created the lava fields and the bridges that I used in this map. He also converted the Jedi Outcast weapon models I used and provided miscellaneous help on a bunch of other things. His time is very much appreciated! Shout out to you, my friend!
Quote from: Led on March 23, 2022, 03:57:11 PMDid you try through the Downloads system? The max is 64 MB. If you need larger than that, provide me a link and I can upload it to our file server.
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