
Modding for the Original SWBF1 and SWBF2 => SWBF1 Modding Tutorials => Topic started by: Phobos on April 10, 2012, 03:41:57 AM

Title: Stock Weapon ODF Comparisons Thread
Post by: Phobos on April 10, 2012, 03:41:57 AM
This thread will be continually updated as I post more stock weapon ODF codes for minute detail comparisons. All ODF codes provided are from the SWBF1 1.2 Side.LVL Builder Assets. For the start I will focus on comparing mostly GCW weapons but this will be expanded later to include almost every weapon for all factions.


Empire Shotgun:
PitchSpread = "1.5"
YawSpread = "3.0"

Rebel Shotgun:
PitchSpread = "2.0"
YawSpread = "4.0"

This indicates the empire shotgun is 25% more accurate than the rebel shotgun. A spread of 0.0 always aligns shots in the center like a sniper laser so a greater spread increases the randomized distance each shot salvo deviates from the direct center of screen. PitchSpread controls the vertical spread factor and YawSpread is for horizontal. A shotgun always shoots five lasers at once.

GCW Pistols

Empire Pistol:
MaxDamage = "40.0"
MaxRange = "32"
LifeSpan = "0.75"
Velocity = "160.0"

Rebel Pistol:
MaxDamage = "50.0"
MaxRange = "24"
LifeSpan = "0.8"
Velocity = "160.0"

The rebel pistol inflicts 20% more damage than the empire pistol. The empire pistol has 25% longer "MaxRange" but this provides no actual benefit whatsoever.

Despite what the name implies, MaxRange does not control maximum range of the shot before it disappears. What it does is control the distance at which your crosshair reticule stops turning red when aimed over an enemy player. It can be set to 9999 and your reticule will always light up red no matter how far away an enemy is but it will not increase the maximum range of shot damage. The values which control this are LifeSpan and Velocity.

Multiply Velocity by LifeSpan to get the actual maximum distance each shot can travel:
Rebel = 128 meters
Empire = 120 meters

The rebel pistol has 6.25% (1/16th) longer maximum shot damage range than the empire pistol. Due to these differences it is obvious the rebel pistol is better than empire pistol because it does more damage and has a longer damage range.

Clone Wars Pistols

Droid/Clone Pistol:
MaxDamage = "40.0"
MaxRange = "32"
LifeSpan = "0.8"
Velocity = "150.0"

Clone Jet Pistol:
MaxDamage = "40.0"
MaxRange = "32"
LifeSpan = "1.5"
Velocity = "200.0"

Maximum Pistol Shot Distances:
Droid & Clone = 120 meters
Clone Jet = 300 meters

The pistol shots for droid and clone pistols do as much damage as empire pistol and go the same maximum distance but travel at a slightly lower velocity. The clone jet pistol is the best in game followed by rebel pistol, then empire pistol, and lastly the clone/droid pistols.

Also note the ShotDelay for all normal pistols is "0.2" (up to 5 shots per second) while the Clone Jet pistol ShotDelay is "0.05" (four times faster if you can click that fast).

To Be Continued Later

Psych0fred's Notes:
//This area defines the ordnances class and the effects associated with it.
ClassLabel = "bolt"

//ExplosionName = "hoth_weap_bldg_ioncannon_exp"

OrdnanceEffect = "red_blaster_bolt"
ImpactEffect = "med_cannon_impacts"
LaserLength = "10.0"
LaserWidth = "1.0"

//*RANGE*  (Velocity * Lifespan = range)
//"LifeSpan" is the amount of time in seconds the ordnance will be in play
//"Velocity" is the speed at which the ordance travels in the direction fired
LifeSpan = "2.5"
Velocity = "250.0"
Gravity = "1.0"
Rebound = "0.0"

//*DAMAGE* (Damage * Soak = DamageDealt)
//"MaxDamage" is the unmodified amount of damage the ordnance can inflict.
//"AreaOfEffect" is the blast radius in meters from the center.
//"Soak", all three kinds, indicates the ordnances effectiveness against it's target
MaxDamage = "200.0"
ArmorScale = "2.0"
ShieldScale = "0.5"
HealthScale = "1.0"
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