USS Enterprise NCC-1701 3D model

Started by Giftheck, February 17, 2018, 02:42:04 AM

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This is my first ever go at modelling the USS Enterprise NCC-1701, and my second Starship model (the first being my own go at the USS Shenzhou in TOS style). This model is based off its appearance in Star Trek Discovery. I haven't yet made a texture for it, and I haven't made the impulse deck for it yet either.

Here's a few shots of the various stages as I constructed this legendary ship:


I was inspired to create this in part due to some of the awesome works of ship creators on DeviantArt such as Michael Wiley (trekmodeler) and Terranimperial.
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Woah! That's so weird I literally just drew the thing based on it's appearance in discovery!
Could you possibly share an image of the model from an isometric perspective if possible? I've had trouble figuring out the saucer section based on it's brief appearance.

Quote from: Unit 33 on February 17, 2018, 05:07:33 AM
Woah! That's so weird I literally just drew the thing based on it's appearance in discovery!
Could you possibly share an image of the model from an isometric perspective if possible? I've had trouble figuring out the saucer section based on it's brief appearance.

I still need to 'finalise' the top of the saucer's shape (difficult to do with so many polys on it) but the shape does appear to be very much like the TOS one, just with a slightly shallower underside (like the refit and the JJPrise)
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Quote from: Gistech on February 17, 2018, 05:27:34 AM
I still need to 'finalise' the top of the saucer's shape (difficult to do with so many polys on it) but the shape does appear to be very much like the TOS one, just with a slightly shallower underside (like the refit and the JJPrise)

Yeah I got about this far:

I'm pretty sure there's a kinda dip in the front portion of the saucer that I haven't drawn, or that might be the impression given by the floodlights.

Oh, you mean from this shot?


It does kind of look like there is a slight 'curb' about 1/4 of the way in from the edge of the saucer.

It also looks like there's a window in the lower bridge module like the other ships in Discovery (and the JJPrise) and no upper bridge module before the light-up dome.
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Quote from: Gistech on February 17, 2018, 06:31:05 AM
Oh, you mean from this shot?


It does kind of look like there is a slight 'curb' about 1/4 of the way in from the edge of the saucer.

It also looks like there's a window in the lower bridge module like the other ships in Discovery (and the JJPrise) and no upper bridge module before the light-up dome.

Aha, yeah definitely a curb. The 'bowling' ... convexness (?) is very streamlined too.

I think I read somewhere that Pike's Enterprise (as it appeared in 'The Cage') is a bit different, and the DIS design takes a few nods from that and indeed the refit. (not sure if true, can't find any reference atm)

I definitely prefer the DIS design to Bad Robots. I'm not even bothered about retconning design choices made on a low budget 1960s science fiction show. It looks cool, man.

February 17, 2018, 06:51:52 AM #6 Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 07:05:51 AM by Gistech
Definitely, the new design is definitely much more faithful to the original design and I would have loved to have seen this one on screen as the Enterprise in the 2009 film.

The Enterprise in the pilot was largely the same as the one in the full series, there were only a few subtle differences - there was no light in the bridge dome, the dish was bigger and the bussards at the front end of the nacelles had spokes in the centre (the covering of the JJPrise's nacelles has an allusion to this with the vertical line down the centre of the bussard having a cylinder halfway down). IIRC there was also a strip on the bottom deck of the bridge module that looks like a window at first glance.
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Quote from: Gistech on February 17, 2018, 06:51:52 AM
Definitely, the new design is definitely much more faithful to the original design and I would have loved to have seen this one on screen as the Enterprise in the 2009 film.

The Enterprise in the pilot was largely the same as the one in the full series, there were only a few subtle differences - there was no light in the bridge dome, the dish was bigger and the bussards at the front end of the nacelles had spokes in the centre (the covering of the JJPrise's nacelles has an allusion to this with the vertical line down the centre of the bussard having a cylinder halfway down). IIRC there was also a strip on the bottom deck of the bridge module that looks like a window at first glance.
I don't suppose you've seen Junkball Media's videos? He goes through the design of most of the Star Trek ships, very good stuff.

I'm very interested to see how the interior looks! And indeed whether the uniforms are going to slowly become more like what we see in the pilot (since they're somewhat similar to some extent).

Quote from: Unit 33 on February 17, 2018, 07:11:34 AM
I don't suppose you've seen Junkball Media's videos? He goes through the design of most of the Star Trek ships, very good stuff.

I'm very interested to see how the interior looks! And indeed whether the uniforms are going to slowly become more like what we see in the pilot (since they're somewhat similar to some extent).

No, I don't think I've seen Junkball Media's vids. I do subscribe to Trekyards though, and they do a very good analysis (and the occasional interview with the ship designers - they've had Doug Drexler and Sean Hargreaves on, for instance).

I suspect the interior might take the same approach as the ship - familiar yet updated. I'm interested to see who portrays Pike and Spock - Bruce Greenwood still does TV but I'd imagine Zachary Quinto would be too expensive. I'd expect them to ask though seeing as Leonard Nimoy saw him as the successor to the role of Spock.
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Quote from: Gistech on February 17, 2018, 07:17:23 AM
I suspect the interior might take the same approach as the ship - familiar yet updated. I'm interested to see who portrays Pike and Spock - Bruce Greenwood still does TV but I'd imagine Zachary Quinto would be too expensive. I'd expect them to ask though seeing as Leonard Nimoy saw him as the successor to the role of Spock.

Quinto would be nice. Maybe with the success the show has had they might be able to afford him for at least an episode or two.

I'm hoping the interior is a nice stage in between DIS and TOS or even TMP.

I don't suppose you could take a screenshot of it from a higher angle, ay?

I'm having trouble figuring out how far out the saucer section should be in relation to the 'body'.

Quote from: Unit 33 on February 17, 2018, 09:56:45 AM
I don't suppose you could take a screenshot of it from a higher angle, ay?

I'm having trouble figuring out how far out the saucer section should be in relation to the 'body'.

From my model or a screen from the episode? I can do the model but the episode is trickier because I personally don't have access to Star Trek Discovery, only what's been sent to me.
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Quote from: Gistech on February 17, 2018, 10:42:48 AM
From my model or a screen from the episode? I can do the model but the episode is trickier because I personally don't have access to Star Trek Discovery, only what's been sent to me.
Oh the model, you've got all the proportions pretty spot on. :)

February 17, 2018, 11:32:11 AM #14 Last Edit: February 17, 2018, 01:23:22 PM by Gistech
Would a side-view be enough?

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