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Topics - Led

Requests / IMPORTANT NOTE: Download Links
January 16, 2011, 12:25:33 PM
Note that any download links that point to will no longer work.

I will try to edit the posts to point to downloads, but it may take a while.

For now, if you see an link, we have the maps--you will just have to go to the download section to find it.

SWBF players will need the following information for your Direct Connection (DC) SWBF server:

Subject Line:  Date and Time of your DC

In the message:

IP address:
Maps:  standard or Mod-Map
Other:  any other mod file needed

Additionally, it is very helpful if you can post links to any mod maps you are using.

All the best,

Forum News and Forum Rules / Forum Reorganization
January 13, 2011, 01:32:39 PM
Since the purpose of this forum is for SWBF players and modders, I would like to re-organize the forums--with Bamdurs suggestion, I have made an assets forum and an XSI forum.  Please let me know if you have any other suggestions.
Forum News and Forum Rules /
January 12, 2011, 06:25:08 PM
JediKiller has moved away from Star Wars Battlefront, but there are some of us that have stayed behind.  I have purchased the domain and JK has essentially set up the SWBF related forums for me on the new site.  I have a three year lease on the domain, and have paid for three years of hosting on hostgator.

I hope this can be a place for all SWBF gamers and modders--both Mac and PC--that still enjoy the game.

Long Live SWBF!

Buckler aka Led
Hi MPC'ers,

I will host Naboo Kardarra Coast by Direction Connection on Friday Night 1/7/2011 at 9:00 PM central time
for my clan and we invite you to join us:

-Mod Map 9:00 pm central time
Naboo Kadarra Coast:

this map will be hosted by Direct Connection
(choose Direct Connection instead of internet) and enter this IP
address to join the server on 1/7/2011 at 9:00 pm central


Best Regards,
Led/ Buckler
SWBF1 Modding / Using Two Standard Maps
December 27, 2010, 11:21:07 AM
Hi MPCers,

Having looked at some old modding topics, I found that I can make combo maps with only requiring the download of a new mission.lvl file (245 kb) .

For example, platforms + city:

I used Battlebelks mission tool and loaded one map on top of another.
by adding this line to the bottom of the bes1r.lua:


I have a PC server up if you want to try.  The mission file is located here:

I eventually want to release a new mission.lvl with serveral combos.

Can you give me suggestions?



I have done side mods and want to release an addon level using the standard cloud city map.

I have edited my lua file to be:


as from my understanding in this topic:  by Pi-man.

But it does not work--any suggestions? [edit:  works now!]

Other Games / AOE III for 10 cents
November 21, 2010, 04:46:13 PM
Hey MPCers,

Age of Empires III collection, for 10 cents.

At that price, it might be worth it :)

SWBF1 Modding / How To: Make AI Hop?
November 21, 2010, 04:21:49 PM
Hi SWBF modders,

Is it possible to make the AI on a map hop around ? 

Like forward + space as a key combination?

Hi MPCers,

Times they are a changin' !

Sounds like those of us still interested in SWBF may need to make new arrangements.  Let's list the websites that may still house SWBF discussions in this post:


{PLA} Clan Website:

Lucas Forums:

The attached PDF file describes how to analyze BattleBelk's ESl 2v2 mod to see how to make CP's non-capturable and how to give CP's to the other team using HEX editing.

The file bes2.lvl of the PC dedicated server software was modified based on these findings to make the Courtyard CP gven to rebels and uncapturable, and the other CP's given to Empire for Bespin Cloud City, Starwars Battlefront.

The modified lvl file is attached to this post.

Released Maps and Mods / BattleBelk's Core.lvl tool
September 25, 2010, 10:37:41 PM
BattleBelk's Core.lvl tool;sa=view;down=307

BattleBelk's Core.lvl tool as referred to in this post:

fixed filefront link is:

I am looking for Battlebelk's imp side buider for 1.2 as described in this post:

His filefront link is broken. 

Does anyone have it ?


I will host a PC server for swbf of the maps converted from swbf2.

Here is what I have:


Am i missing any?

Requests / REQUEST: Cloudy City CFC spawn in court
September 09, 2010, 06:12:36 PM

I've been getting tired of getting stuck in the CFC without a chance of a breakout.  Would anyone  (FANG :) ) be willing
to make a cloud city mod that is online compatible where the main CFC spawn is in the middle of the courtyard ?

Hi MPCers,

I was playing one of Napseekers mods, and some of his units were moving very quickly.

Is there a chance that this can be server-side modded, so that players can move quickly without
the need for a download?

Hi MPCgamers,

The Perfect Little Angles (PLA) would like to invite you to an Ord Mantell appreciation night
on Friday 7/2/10 at approximately 9:00 pm central US time.

Here is the map link:;42530

I will host it by Direct Connection.  We hope to get 20 or so players to explore the nice map.

IP =

Keep in mind that if you have ever played it, it can be laggy in grass areas, so keep your vid settings low.  If you have to leave due to lag, I understand :)

IP address to be released on Friday night.


Requests / Request: Cloud City cp Mod
June 01, 2010, 09:48:04 AM
Hi MPC'ers

I have examined Battlebelks cloud city mods, and they are great, but I am hoping to get a slight variation on it.

My request:

Cloud City
-Rebels get Rear Ent, Rear Flank, and Courtyard all non-capturable
-Empire gets Forward Flank, Walkway, Chamber all non-capturable

and, if it is not too much trouble:

-Clones get Rear Ent, Rear Flank, and Chamber all non-capturable
-CIS gets Forward Flank, Walkway, Courtyard all non-capturable


Hi MPCer's

I understand that there is a server side-mod map of cloud city with un-capturale CP's.  (Battlebelk maybe?)

Can anyone provide a link?

Hi MPC'ers,

I am looking for a link to Battlebelks resolution changer for widescreen monitors.  I searched gametoast, but I could not find it.

Anyone have a link?
