What is your special trooper?

Started by Hardcore, August 12, 2009, 06:32:59 AM

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Primary 1: Sniper Rifle

Primary 2: Blaster Rifle

Secondary 1: Thermal Detonator

Secondary 2: Stealth Suit (Like the Bothan Spy's)

Accessories: Jet Pack

That would be Wicked!  :smile:

"Your foe is well equipped, well-trained, battle-hardened. He believes his gods are on his side. Let him believe what he will. We have the tanks on ours."

Primary 1: Z-6 rotary blaster cannon

Primary 2: Particle Beam Rifle with double zoom

Secondary 1: Thermal Detonator (or mines)

Secondary 2: Autoturret

Accessories: Jetpack

primary 1-sniper rifle from "star fire mod"

primary 2-standard rocket launcher

secondary 1-some kind of mele attack with the sniper rifle

secondary 2-sticky nades

also that glowing blue hoover-jump thing from napseekers final batle
at utapau mission map that the 212 paratrooper has   :tu:

Primary: Chaingun (the correct one, not the one from battlefront II)

Primary 2: Sniper rifle

Secondary: Melee. One of those vibro-knives that retract from the wrist

Secondary 2: Mines, lots of them

Extras: Night-vision attactment, jet pack, camo armor with red shoulder pads, stripe on the helmet, and elbow and knee pads
Legos, the greatest toy known to man

Quotes from the battlefield.

"FOR THE REPUBLIC!", "Bu-bye!" - Clone Trooper

"Bang", "We need more troopers like you!"- Stormtrooper

"Failure is NOT an option. Fight HARDER!" - I made him mad (=9)

Quote from: Ryanoceros on August 12, 2009, 08:58:05 AM
Honestly, would any sane person go into combat with a weapon that fires 1 second after they pull the trigger? :confused:

See the flintlock musket.