see ips of players

Started by Puma24, October 24, 2009, 02:17:03 PM

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sorry if i have a bad english.

For leagues, the players need to know ips of players connected to the game server ( star wars battlefront 1 ).

Do you know a solution please at my question ?

thanks you.

Ask whoever is hosting what his IP is.

To see the IPs of the individual players, I believe you will need to look at the console of whoever is currently hosting the server. While I have not used the Dedicated Server software myself, it should log the IPs of connecting players.

If it doesn't I would be very surprised.


thx for your replies, in fact, i know how know ips of players, but the renter needs to know ips of players for league as ESL, and i don't want to give the root acces :(

Can you not just get their own IPs and submit them from ? have a java windows that show ips of players for the war, and ESL ask to verify ips of players connected to gameserver with a screen.

Assuming this is a dedicated server we're talking about here, couldn't you just set them up with a limited account on the server and run the SWBF server from that account? Then they could just use remote desktop to see the IPs without being able to edit any of the critical settings of your server.

I believe there is also a stat tracker on SWBFFiles, but if they already have a Java app that does that it would sort of defeat the purpose.

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