OverrideTexture compatible Darktrooper

Started by tirpider, October 19, 2012, 02:34:38 AM

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October 19, 2012, 02:34:38 AM Last Edit: October 24, 2012, 05:50:26 PM by tirpider
OverrideTexture compatible Darktrooper


tirpider - editing
Pandemic - source materials

A kitbash of the following:
SWBF1 imp_inf_darktrooper.msh (Pandemic)
and the various tga's, .options, and lowres models that they came with.

- Rebuilt NDXL and NDXT tags for compatibility with my process. (only affects console munging, and should be fine.)
- Made OverrideTexture compatible
   - Merged unweighted MODL's as SEGM's into main body MODL.
   - Created weights for everything.
   - Re-indexed ENVLs and MNDXs and adjusted WGHTs accordingly.
   - renamed MODLs.
- Took an extra step and seperated the shadow for his jetpack. I left it in, but if anyone ever wants to pull it out, It will be easier now.

Possible future edits:
- ?

To make use of the override texture, the following line needs to be in the unit's odf
(replace texturename with the name of your texture)
OverrideTexture  = "texturename"  // body, helmet, hands
OverrideTexture2 = "texturename"  // jetpack

I left the filename the same as the original as it is meant to be used as a replacement for the original darktrooper.
It still requires the same tgas as the original

-tirpider (tirpider@yahoo.com)
visit http://www.swbfgamers.com/