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Topics - Unit 33

Requests / [Completed] Colt Navy Revolver 1851
October 19, 2014, 08:13:18 AM
I haven't made a request in a while, so here goes nothing.

I feel as though this classic cinematic gun should exist in SWBF.



RC did it and it may be found here:;sa=view;down=1204
We seem to have forgotten the last few months, but again here is the award.

Sure he's had it before, but this time we honour Snake's contribution of the SWBF 1 Museum, which has been quite the collaborative project involving most of the major clans and active users.

Of course we also recognise the huge library of mods he has released in the community and all the work behind the scenes.The logistics alone were are hefty task.

Bravo Snake, and good luck to prospective winners of next month's award!
General / Calling all aspiring game devs!
June 10, 2014, 12:47:59 PM

So yeah, a few of us have been toying with the idea of making a SWBF-type game in the Unity engine.

We even have a secret forum board all about it.

Unfortunately it has come to light that there a probably too few of us with the the applicable skills, and frankly we need help!

So, if you can model, texture, code, animate, voice act or whatever else you may imagine goes into making a small-ish third person shooter, then why not help out? It'll be fun!
Other Games / Fistful of Frags (Free!)
May 17, 2014, 09:49:42 AM
FoF is a splendid multiplayer-FPS-western on Steam, it's great fun and free!
You may expect to dabble in gunslinging action, knife throwing, virtual whiskey drinking and other classic elements of the Old West condensed into the Source engine for you convenience!

Are you sold yet? Did I mention it's free and is set in the Old West?
General / Star Wars VII Main Cast Announced
April 29, 2014, 12:59:29 PM

QuoteActors John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, and Max von Sydow will join the original stars of the saga, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, and Kenny Baker in the new film.

Seems like a nice mix of relatively unknowns and some more familiar faces.
Released Assets / Armoured Musketeer
July 15, 2013, 03:01:05 AM
Armoured Musketeer;sa=view;down=1015


This model was created by Sereja and textured by Unit 33, I hope you make good use of it.
The initial design is based on the Guild armour from Monster Hunter Tri I am quite pleased with how it came out.
Requests / [COMPLETE] SWBF 2 Animations
July 07, 2013, 03:22:40 AM
Hello, I would like to formally request the upload of the SWBF 2 stock animation folder in order to make it more accessible.

I emailed Psych0Fred recently to ask a couple of questions... and he replied, what a nice chap.

Firstly, were you disappointed in the abandonment of some content such as extra classes and maps?

The first one didn't really have any extra classes I can think of. Stuff that I added or released in a lot of cases was just the fruits of developers getting a feel for the engine and how long things take. I would have liked the LAAT/C just because it looked really cool dropping off an ATTE, but it was an extra animation that ate p memory. We didn't have any playable maps that I can think of that we didn't produce, and they all underwent many and sometimes drastic revision. We had ideas for more and empty worlds, but again it comes back to starting with the 'must have's' and looking at the time a resources involved. We made each game in about a  year. I would have liked more detail on some of the maps, but the engine could only support so much. A more detailed Bespin would have been nice. I originaly wanted it to be like an outdoor shopping mall with lots of cover rather than have lots of wide open spaces.

Were there conflicting "visions" of the final product? Were these responsible for the late changes to the game between the initial trailers and the finished product?

When I first started working on it there was a different creative director and the proof of concept map was much more realistic looking -- that's kind of what I am expecting if the Battlefield team at EA work on it. But Lucasarts wanted it to be less realistic presumably so it gets rated for comic book violence. The only thing I can think of that changed was the maps just evolved. All of the designers worked on each of the maps at some point. Geonosis was mine but while I like the way but turned out the original idea was a king of the hill map. In the end the hill got flattened. I wanted it to be more like the film Hamburger Hill but with Clone Troopers.

Some of the concept art and the final HUD appears to insinuate that the game was meant to mimic a holographic simulation... is this the case?

No, the goal was always to re-create the battles from the films and expanded universe.

I would also like to know why you've been so wonderfully generous to the modding community by publicly releasing various assets?

I don't know, I used to enjoy modding so I know what it's like. You have all the tools we had to create the game so I'd like to see people do even better than we did with our tight schedule.


I don't know if anyone's seen this, but it's nice to see a different perspective of the game.

Released Assets / Unit's Asset Archive 2.0
May 29, 2013, 06:45:46 AM

As promised here's a large portion of the archive of skins that I've made over time.
By rough estimation there are about 170 skins that have never been publicly released.

Credits for custom models are within, however the vast majority of skins use stock, and thus I have removed those .msh files to minimise the size of the package.;sa=view;down=966

^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^

This pack includes stuff such as:

.Many variations and improvements of stock textures
.HD foliage
.A couple of visual texturing guides
.Improvements to stock faces
."CIS legions"
... STUFF!

Here's a couple of pictures to show you a tiny amount of what lies within this pack...

Hopefully I will document the assets in the form of screenshots fully...

Credit amendment concerning Gordon Freeman:

Phobos - kitbashing pistol on belt
Tirpider - kitbashing tools & tutorials
Darth D.U.C.K. - pistol msh
Requests / [COMPLETED] Model Kitbash Request
May 22, 2013, 07:49:43 AM

The request has been completed, move along.

I know you' modellers are frantically busy as ever, but here is a request...

I would like to replace the SWBF2 Felucia Troopers' head with that of a Storm Trooper.
Forget about the low res model, I have a solution in that regard.
I'll be giving it addons and skins myself.
That's all!


Here we go!

This series shall explore the 20 odd years between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.

Thoughts? Woes? Hopes?

"Predecessor to Star Wars Battlefront 3"

QuoteAnd according to our source, who is familiar with the project but says he is "no longer familiar with the goings-on" at LucasArts, this game is a downloadable "predecessor" to Battlefront III—part of the studio's strategy to show that there's a market for Star Warsshooters running on the Unreal Engine.
The story of Star Wars: Battlefront III is long and well-documented. Commissioned as the third game in the Battlefront shooter series, Battlefront III has bounced from developer to developer over the past few years. Although LucasArts has yet to officially announce the game, leaked footage and images show what could have been, and development studio Free Radical has claimed the game was 99% finished when LucasArts killed it.
Star Wars: First Assault, our source says, would lead up to Battlefront III. This new Battlefrontwould use nothing from the Battlefront III that has already been in production at studios like Free Radical and Slant Six, our source says. Instead, LucasArts would build Battlefront IIIbased on code from First Assault.

According to our source, a small team has already been prototyping vehicles for Battlefront III. Current code allows you to fly a TIE Fighter or ride an AT-ST walker.
There are no vehicles in First Assault, nor are there Jedi. LucasArts intentionally decided not to use the Battlefront name so expectations wouldn't be too high, our source says. And the game is almost done.
But Star Wars: First Assault may never actually make it out of the studio.
Last September, when executives at LucasFilm—the parent company of LucasArts—found out that Disney had signed an agreement to purchase the company, things got murky. LucasFilm froze all hiring and new game announcements, our source says. They had planned to announceFirst Assault and launch a closed beta by the end of September—which explains the Xbox listing leak on October 1—and First Assault was supposed to be out this spring.
So since September, employees at LucasArts have been working on the game with no knowledge as to whether or not it will actually come out. According to our source, LucasArts is "bleeding talent" as employees wait to see what executives at Disney and LucasFilm want to do with First Assault and other games the studio is working on.The status of First Assault—like the status of Star Wars 1313 and other projects that LucasArts is currently working on—remains unclear today. The new direction of LucasFilm is also unclear—just today, the company announced that they would no longer be releasing of theClone Wars television show on Cartoon Network.
We've reached out to LucasArts for comment and will update should we hear back from them.
For now, our source says, the only way to get games like First Assault out of carbonite might be for Star Wars fans to speak up.
"Fans should tell Disney/Lucas loud and clear they don't want  :censored:  titles from random developers; they want games to be taken seriously, and they will only pay for quality," the source said. "I believe that if Disney/Lucas lets LucasArts die, it means the death of Star Wars as a storied game franchise is right behind it."
SWBF Custom Side Modifications (W/links)

(This post is subject to change)

I have been wanting to put all the side modifications in one place for quite a while, and here are most of them.
Please suggest any improvements or notify me of a mod that I have missed out. Please don't be upset if it's your mod I missed because I'm only human after-all.

.Extra formatting
.Check for missing mods


Alien Sides Mod v3.1 By Phobos                  Replaces stock sides with SW Aliens.;sa=view;down=718

All troops fly mod By: Ryanoceros                  Empowers all units with flying abilities.;sa=view;down=619

All.lvl side mod By [FC] Target                     Over-powered weapons modification.;sa=view;down=390

Ares V1 Side Mod                                             Enhanced weapons and unit skins for GCW.

ATAT_Wireframes By: Scarecrow                  Makes the stock AT-AT model wireframe, quelle surprise.;sa=view;down=695

ATF/Utter Chaos mod By Ryanoceros               The epitome of overpowered side mods.;sa=view;down=620


Bald is beautiful By Keenmike;sa=view;down=275

Bamdur flying CIS                           Flying CIS units.;sa=view;down=670

BFII Sides Conversion by: JediKiller                  An early attempt to give SWBF1 stock units SWBF2 models.;sa=view;down=2

Battlefront 1.5 By J-dee                        Massive holistic mod, you must play this.;sa=view;down=721

BlackHole Troopers IMP.lvl (beta) By UNIT33            Skin and model replacement.;sa=view;down=456


Cloud City: Natives by Phobos                  Skin, model and weapon modification;sa=view;down=519

CQB Jet-Trooper(IMPROVED)                     Massively overpowered Jet-trooper.


Darmans' OC Mod By UNIT 33                     Skin and model replacement.;sa=view;down=594


Eagle Legion Mod By Snake                     Skin and model replacement.;sa=view;down=609

Easter mod By Snake                        Bonkers Easter-themed side modification.;sa=view;down=592

eXcite_DarkTrooper By Scare;sa=view;down=694




Halo DT Skin Mod By UNIT 33                      Simple skin modification.;sa=view;down=472


Icemember Vanguard Mod  By UNIT 33               Simple model replacement.;sa=view;down=501

Dark_Phantom's Imp.lvl;sa=view;down=897

Imp Skin Mod By Ghø$t                         Aesthetic skin modification.;sa=view;down=582

Imperial Skin Change By UNIT 33, Snake and Led         Script modification allows for in-battle skin alteration.;sa=view;down=673

Jedi vs. Clones version 1.0 By Napseeker               Diverse weapons, models and skins modification, you must play this.;sa=view;down=283


Kitfisto's Online Compatible Mod by Snake            Aesthetic model and skin modification.;sa=view;down=562

Kitfisto's Mod 2 By Snake;sa=view;down=570


Light Troopers By UNIT 33                     Aesthetic skin modification.;sa=view;down=611


Main Play Mod 6 By GGCTUK                     Amazing holistic modification, you must play this.;sa=view;down=584

Mandolorian Wars: Beta 1 Release by Dark_Phantom            Groovy themed skin and weapons modification.;sa=view;down=1045

Mandolorian Side By Sleepkiller & UNIT 33            Themed skin and model modification.;sa=view;down=432

Mini IMP Mod by Kitfisto                 Aesthetic skin Modification;sa=view;down=935

Mortal Heroes By Sleepkiller & Led        ;sa=view;down=402

Mortal Combat Mod By Porchwookie;sa=view;down=523



OC Skin Mod By UNIT 33                        Aesthetic skin modification.;sa=view;down=585

OC Rep Side Mod By Kitfisto and Disciple             Aesthetic skin and model modification.;sa=view;down=716


Pistols Only By Led                           Limits all units to the usage of pistols.;sa=view;down=320



Rebel Forces Mod By Kitfisto                Aesthetic skin modification;sa=view;down=936

Rebels Side Mod By Phobos                     Aesthetic skin modification.;sa=view;down=601

Rep.lvl By Boom                  ;sa=view;down=666

Republic EP3 Jettrooper Mod By Snake;sa=view;down=345


Sereja's Sides                                            Expansive modifications to weapons, models and effects, go play this now.;sa=view;down=509

Silver CIS Mod By Sleepkiller                  Aesthetic skin modification.;sa=view;down=426

Star Fire Mod 1.1 By EA711                     Holistic modification, you must play this.;sa=view;down=591

SWBF Unleashed by Sleepkiller                  High quality side modification.;sa=downfile&id=483







Zombie Rebels by Phobos, 411Remnant, Unit 33, Tirpider, and Sereja            Themed mod with zombie skins and traits

212th IMP Skin Mod By kitfisto15678               Aesthetic skin modification.;sa=view;down=628

271st Legion mod by ETW_Modder                  Expansive weapon and aesthetic modification
Scummies / Off to Berlin brb
February 03, 2013, 02:07:49 PM
Right. I'm going to Berlin tomorrow morning and I won't be here until late Friday or Saturday. I hope you can all manage without me.
SWBF1 Modding / [WIP] Unit's Second Common.lvl
January 05, 2013, 06:58:43 AM
So here it is. I am creating a second Common.lvl after much messing around.
So far all the reticles and most of the HUD is done.
What I would like to know is, would you rather have scopes or not? I have recently worked out how to remove the blurring effect which occurs when "zooming in".
I have also messed around with the majority of the effects.
This mod is 100% compatible with the CCSC and the ImpSC, thanks to Phobos for helping me out there.

[Please not the reticules in the  below attached screenshots have not been sized correctly yet.]

If you want to help test, just say so!