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Messages - Napseeker

Thanks guys, keep in mind that this is the same EvC that I released before on the old forums so if you've played EvC previously, this is that same version... I'm just reuploading it again since FileFront deleted it off their servers  :tu:

This re-release is the 1.0 final version. You can report any bugs to this thread (but please read the "Known Bugs and Problems" section below first).  Version 1.0 was first released back in May 2008 and this is the same version which I am reuploading again since Filefront has deleted my files off its server.  If you have the mappack from 2008, this is the same one and you don't need to grab it again.

There are many improvements to JvC since the release of beta1 back in January 2007. Here are just a few of the major changes that were added for beta2:

NEW for beta2:
- Mission maps for the Jedi Temple map and other maps!  There will be several different missions that come with this release so that gamers will enjoy a nice bit of variety and interesting challenges. Some are aimed at single player only and some at multiplayer. A description of the various missions is given in the documentation.

- Heroes Unleashed!  This is a cool feature which lets gamers have access to more than just the standard five units per side. For the first time in SWBF1, gamers can pick from up to 8 units per team!  I am splitting it up so that four units will be generic soldiers/Jedi and four will be hero units (these have FAR better powers and skills but can't capture CPs nor can they give orders to the soldiers to capture CPs for them!). IMPORTANT: Unfortunately Heroes Unleashed only works in single-player missions. I tried testing it under multiplayer and it crashed the game! So unless I can find a fix, there will sadly be no multiplayer matches with HU support.

- New units! JvC includes many new soldiers and Jedi created or ported specifically for this release: 501st Clone Sniper, 501st Clone Commander, Twilek Jedi, Agen Kolar, Kit Fisto, Red Royal Guard, Shaak-Ti, Cin Drallig, and much more. Many of these units come with new weapons and Force abilities too!

- I have spent a huge amount of time fixing SOME of the collision problems with the Jedi Temple map. Gamers will now be able to fight on the second floor of the library for the first time! Also, I fixed the collision on the floor of the main hallway so that your feet do not sink below the floor and I added some collision to the walls in the war room so that if you use force push in there, your unit doesn't accidentally get pushed beyond the walls and off the map into a death region.  I did not fix everything simply because of how incredibly time consuming and tedious it was, so I focused only on the areas which I thought were most important. The computer room is still not totally fixed but I did put in a few new collision zones in a few places so that you can't just run straight through all the computer cores.

- localization has also been added to the Jedi Temple map so that the CPs now have actual names (e.g. "Jedi Council Chambers", "Meditation Chamber", "Computer Room", etc).

NEW FOR version 1.0 final: (these changes were made as a result of feedback for the beta 2.0 release in Apr 2008)

- the clonetrooper's thermal detonator now explodes a little sooner than before in order to give Jedi less time to run away
- Tactical Ops clonetrooper (pilot) now can see most, if not all, of the enemy units on the map; has also been given more ammo for his blaster rifle.
- Jedi Healer/Pilot now has 5 instead of 3 homing lightsabers BUT I have increased the reload time from 1.5 seconds to 3.5 seconds (I want to encourage gamers to not camp near the ammo droid)
- the Needlespray Cannon has been altered to fire more often, but do less damage; a new sound effect is used when the cannon is fired
- Darth Sidious's Force Lightning has been modified so that gamers can't fire it continuously to quickly wipe out other players. Now if you fire it for too long, the lightning will "overheat" and require you to wait a long time before you can use it again. This should encourage gamers to fire bursts of lightning instead of spraying it constantly non-stop. The damage each lightning blast has also been weakened so that Sidious can't easily wipe out huge numbers of enemies as quickly (to be fairer to the other team in multiplayer matches).
- Mace Windu's Force Quake has been tweaked so that you cannot repeatedly fire it at enemies to quickly wipe them out. If you overuse it, the Force Quake will overheat and require you to wait a long time before it can be fired again.
- reinforcement bleeding has been added to the multiplayer missions (single player missions still do not bleed reinforcements)
- additional credits added; small changes to the description of the units in this file (to reflect the 1.0 modifications)
- Yoda has been modified from beta2. He now leaps faster and for a farther distance BUT the recharge time for his jumps is slower. The gamer can use the force jump to get to his destination faster (since Yoda does run quite slow) or reserve his jumps for emergencies like dodging enemy grenades and beam attacks. The idea is to now make the gamer think carefully about using their force jump - if you use up all of it to reach your enemy target faster, you may have no quick way to jump far enough away from an enemy grenade when it is tossed at you.  This also gives the clonetrooper team a fair chance to kill the Yoda unit as well (since his deflect-attack saber is quite powerful as a weapon for both defence and attack).  I've also increased Yoda's speed and acceleration in this release.

Yoda has also been given an additional weapon: the weak force push (same power as seen in the Padawan unit). The push does little damage to the enemy but it topples them down onto the ground where they stand and gives Yoda the time to run over and slash them. Or, you can use it as part of a cool combo attack: force push the enemy down and immediately throw Yoda's saber to kill them from afar. So unlike in beta2, the enemy can't easily dodge the saber throw since they are disoriented from Yoda's force push (and hopefully this will resolve any complaints about the saber throw being too slow that the enemy can see it coming and jump out of the way). The force push will also cause the jettrooper to fall out of the sky and land on the ground where you can now attack him.

The difference between the regular Yoda and the Unleashed Yoda unit: the unleashed unit has unlimited saber throws and a more powerful force push that does damage to enemies.

- if you are playing single-player (i.e. playing against AI bots) I recommend that you play on the Medium difficulty setting. This is because on Hard, I've noticed that the clones are able to fire more rapidly and far too accurately that the Jedi team has no fair chance to use their force powers before they are mowed down. I designed the missions in my mod with the Medium difficulty setting in mind.
- however if you do want to play on Hard I recommend the Temple Assault (2) mission (CW era) and playing as the Yoda unit. Yoda is probably the only Jedi unit that the gamer can play as who has a chance at surviving on the Hard setting and winning against the clones. You'll need to use the force jump often since the clones toss grenades at Yoda like crazy. As well, don't forget that as you leap and are in mid-air, swinging your saber while near an enemy even before your feet have touched the ground will still kill them. And of course, keep your crosshairs pointed at the clones so that when you auto-deflect their shots, the deflected bolts have a better chance at hitting the enemy back.


(Here are the maps you also need to install to use my mission map)

Released Maps and Mods / Empire vs Clones 1.0 final
August 04, 2009, 12:14:38 PM
local link;sa=view;down=590

This is a collection of 12 maps that allow the gamer to carry out a hypothetical battle between the Empire and the Grand Army of the Republic. If you have played any of my previous mods, you will recognize many of the units and their weapons. These are of course clones from the 212th Attack Battalion, Shocktroopers, the 41st Elite and the 501st Legion. I also included many never-before seen units and weapons too such as the Royal Guard, Death Star Trooper, Clone Commander, and more.

(EvC was originally released back in Aug 2007. This upload is the same as the 2007 release so if you have EvC already, you don't need to grab this one again... Filefront has deleted my files from its server and so I'm reupping them yet one more time. Hopefully rapidshare will retain them for a lot longer.)

Each map has 2 different missions which you can choose from (each mission can be chosen as an era, e.g. mission 1c = "Clone Wars" era, mission 1a = "Galactic Civil War" era). So that means there are 24 different missions that you can play for EvC! Here is a list of all the missions and the factions which are used for each one:


1c. Mos Eisley - Sandtroopers vs 501st Legion
1a. Mos Eisley - Sandtroopers vs Shocktroopers

2c. Dune Sea - Sandtroopers vs 501st Legion vs 212th Attack Battalion (locals)
2a. Dune Sea - Sandtroopers vs 501st Legion vs Tusken Raiders (locals)

Note: I gave the 501st Legion some extra reinforcements to balance out the fact that they are weaker against the Sandtrooper forces (which have the far more powerful AT-ST vehicles). I have also reduced the normal number of locals (Tuskens/212th) so that team1 isn't outnumbered by simultaneous attacks from two enemy teams.

3c. Bespin Platforms - 212th Attack Battalion vs Empire (Bespin-theme)
3a. Bespin Platforms - 501st Legion vs Empire (Bespin-theme)

4c. Bespin Cloud City - 212th Attack Battalion vs Empire (Bespin-theme)
4a. Bespin Cloud City - Arctroopers (and eps2 clonetroopers) vs Empire (Bespin-theme)

5c. Endor - 41st Elite vs Empire (Endor-theme)
5a. Endor - 41st Elite vs mix of Sandtroopers and Empire (Endor-theme), no AT-STs allowed.

6c. Geonosis - eps2 clonetroopers vs eps3 clonetroopers (the eps3 clones use Imperial vehicles like AT-AT)
6a. Geonosis - eps2 clonetroopers vs eps3 clonetroopers (same, but no AT-AT or any vehicles at all)

7c. Geonosis - Shocktroopers vs Sandtroopers (Geonosians are allied with the Empire)
7a. Geonosis - 212th Attack Battalion vs Empire (Endor-themed, with Darktrooper)

8c. Kashyyyk Docks - 41st Elite vs Empire (Endor-theme)
8a. Kashyyyk Docks - Shocktroopers vs Expanded Universe Imperials (e.g. Blackhole Stormtrooper, Shadow Stormtrooper, Magma Stormtrooper...)

9c. Kamino - Expanded Universe Imperials vs Arctroopers (and eps2 clonetroopers)
9a. Kamino - 501st Legion vs Arctroopers (and eps2 clonetroopers)

BONUS MAPS!!!! These maps are special bonus maps included with this release. These were originally going to be released in another mod project but I decided to include them here as early previews:

DEA09c - Death Star - Darth Vader's "Black" Imperials vs Emperor's "White" Imperials; 500 units / side, 55 units on-map at a time. Intended for Instant Action gamers
DEA09a - same as DEA09c but Boba Fett now replaced by Imperial Sniper; Royal Guard replaced by Sandtrooper Squad Leader.

The DEA09c and a maps are only playable for single player Instant Action (since it crashes in MP)

DEA10c - this is a new map which should work fine for both SP and MP with no crashing. There was no way to fix the apparent crash which is somehow related to the hero units so I removed both Vader and the Emperor. Also, to reduce memory consumption, I reduced the reinforcements and on-map units from what you get in DEA09c.
DEA10a - this is the same as DEA09a but again, with no Vader or Emperor heroes and fewer reinforcements. Playable in both SP and MP.

NOTE: There is a difference from the DEA1 map in that I have added a new CP for each team. These two new CPs are NOT capturable, but don't worry -- so long as you capture the other enemy CPs, you will still win the game. The reason for these new CPs is to try and fix a problem in DEA1 where the AI bots almost never meet and fight. So what I did is that if the units spawn from the new CP it will put them in areas on the DEA map that they never walk to (due to a bug in the pathing) and this forces them to meet the enemy team more often, resulting in more battles.

IMPORTANT: You must install the DEA1 (Death Star) map released by imp_strikeforce and rebel_scum into your Addon folder if you want to play DEA09 or DEA10. Otherwise they do not work properly. You can download DEA1 from the MacXGamers website.

BONUS MAP 2: Originally planned to be in my Galactic Marines mod, here is a preview version of that mod:

HOTH07c - Galactic Marines vs Snowtroopers; the Imperials attack, Galactic Marines must defend Echo Base.
HOTH07a - Snowtroopers vs Galactic Marines: the Marines attack, the Empire must defend Echo Base.

NOTE: The AT-TEs are sometimes positioned in what is an awkward spot e.g. behind a trench, making it hard to move them out into the open field to engage the AT-ATs or AT-STs. I will likely fix this in the eventual GMarines mod but not here...

You will also see that some of the maps I've made small changes to (added new local units, changed the weather conditions, altered the map props, etc).


(And this is the map you will need to install if you want to play the Death Star missions)

Thanks JK, I may end up taking you up on that offer down the road but for now I'd like to test out rapidshare just to see if I can use it to host other stuff in the future too (non-game mod stuff).  Other than the fact it can be somewhat slow, I just want to get an idea of its retention times and if there are any other issues that I'm not already aware of.

Am also going to start using photobucket from now on to host mod pics (as imagevenue is now resorting to adult-oriented popups apparently).
Hey guys,

I'll reupload all of my maps and mods over the course of this month. Sorry, I know I promised to do this months ago but my mother had to have surgery to get a tumor removed from her lung (they ended up taking out half her lung since the tumor had spread so far) and things have been downhill ever since. 

I'm in the process of uploading EvC 1.0 to my rapidshare account as I type this. I've given up on Filefront since they continue to delete my stuff without the supposed email alert giving me a chance to stop it.  After it's all up on rapidshare, if someone wants to also reupload any or all of my stuff here, I'm fine with that.  Just want to make sure it's the complete version with all the docs and sides and install notes.

Interesting... thanks guys  :tu:  I will play around with this and see if I can get it working.  If it does, I'll release a 1.1 version with some more fixes.
Quote from: Hardcore on July 10, 2009, 01:37:08 PM
Ah, i guess i didn't say it quite right, on the models i was more meaning that some of the units (Alderaan troops) don't have arms and the guns just float in first person- And I do understand why the Jedi and R2 are better without first person cause yes the Light saber does look rather silly when you see it in first :)

Oh, I see... yes, you're right. I never did figure out how to do custom 1st person views. I did try a long time ago but I still ended up with missing arms in the actual game.  If someone knows of a tutorial for SWBF1, do point to me to it and I'll see about fixing that in the future.

@JK: I think Khyler meant to say "Napseeker, you never fail to amaze me."  :tu: as opposed to "Napseeker, you fail to amaze me." :td: At least I hope that's what he meant   ???

Quote from: Hardcore on July 10, 2009, 12:36:46 PM
I played Hard mode last night (Sadly i forgot to enable heros) but i found it was as hard as Nap says, i ended up playing as Obi Wan and deflecting fire rather then actually trying to fight, the nades blow up so fast its hard to dodge :) in anycase it was quite a battle to hold the empire off!

Only things i noticed are small things, like no first person models for some models, along with the beam rifle on the Clone looks as if its being shot from the head rather then the gun.

Otherwise the mod is great!! map is also very well done in terms of collision errors, and fixes!

Hey HC, you're right - I did disable the first person view for some of the characters... I should probably explain that anytime you have a unit who wields a lightsaber, the 1st person view for him is a bit screwey looking because the lightsaber was never intended to be seen from that viewpoint, so it looks glitchy and obstructive. Rather than confuse the gamer, I just turned off the viewpoint (I think they do the same thing for the Jedi units in SWBF2 also).  R2 also doesn't have a 1st person view but that was more due to laziness on my part in trying to guess what camera settings to use for a lower viewpoint...  although whenever you fire his foam weapon, it blocks your entire sight anyway, so 1st person is kinda useless there...

All the soldier units should have 1st person though, if not report that as a bug to me and I'll fix it for sure.

The beam rifle does fire from the wrong spot too - I forgot about that.  I just copied over the beam fx from another weapon and obviously the beam emits from someplace different on that weapon.  Particle editor is a bit confusing to situate stuff but I should make a note to go back and try and fix this for a future release.

Part of the reason why it is extra hard to play as the Jedi team is sadly due to the pathing problem.  The longer you play, if you don't capture and hold some CPs for the Jedi, then all the units end up respawning at the top-rightmost CP.  They then try to run to the other CPs but due to the pathing problem they end up all clumped at the entrance to one of the narrow corridors. So over time, the Jedi units are unable to spread themselves over the map to help you - and you ultimately find yourself more and more fighting alone against all the shocktroopers!  As they are all trapped together in one spot, all it takes is for one shocktrooper to toss his grenade and wham, a ton of your troops die in one blast.  Plus of course, since the REPs hold almost all the CPs but one, you begin bleeding reinforcements too (although I set the bleed to be very slow to be fair).

TIP: when you start the game, play as R2 and fly over to the top-leftmost enemy CP by exiting through the hangar and flying over the alien landscape.  Capture that CP and you've surrounded the REPs; the REPs seem to have a somewhat tougher time recapturing that CP and so you give the Jedi team improved odds at not respawning in that narrow corridor zone.

A big thanks to Battlebelk from me in regards to making this mod map possible... JediKiller and I can both attest to how hard it is to convert Polis Massa to SWBF1 as the collision issues are quite tedious to fix.  

I pm'd BB to say thanks and he mentioned that he'd like to port ALL the SWBF2 maps to SWBF1 eventually - so yeah, I'm excited to be able to play Tantive and Kashyyyk someday on BF1.  I've been playing those maps on SWBF2 on my new PC and they are tons of fun on BF2 but I still prefer BF1 in terms of gameplay.

These teams were originally intended for a Tantive IV mission map since I noticed there were 3 people all trying to port that map and assumed eventually somebody would do it... but lo and behold we got Polis instead first.  :)

Try playing this map on "hard" (although if you do, I noticed that R2 is probably the best unit to play as... the Shocktroopers are quite tough).  There are currently two places on the map where units tend to clump up and not move, similar to the pathing problems with strike/scum's Death Star map.  This can be quite frustrating for single player play - I actually spawn as Obi-Wan and use my force push to shove the units over this invisible boundary that the units seem to be unwilling to cross over.  Once the units are pushed over, you can then order them to follow you and get past the blockage.

I've also included a mapinfo.txt file this time.  I have no idea what this is for, some MP thing I assume, but if it helps the MP gameplay, it's there.

...oh forgot to mention, when you do play on "hard", the Flametrooper uses his flamethrower a bit more regularly.  He rarely seemed to use it when playing on "medium" difficulty.  R2 also seems to use his foam spray more often with the higher difficulty setting too.

Polis Masa: Dark Lord Rising (DLR) 1.0 for SWBF1 - by Napseeker Productions

IMPORTANT: Before you can play this mission map, you MUST install the Polis Masa: Medical Facility map by Battlebelk.  Polis Masa: Medical Facility was ported from SWBF2 to SWBF1 by Battlebelk and can be found on his website here:

local link:;sa=view;down=366

The name of the file (at the time of this writing) is

This map should be installed to your /addon/ map folder, creating a new map folder called /pol1/

Once you've done that, you can install the Polis Masa: Dark Lord Rising mission map to /addon/ which will create a new map folder called /pol07/.

Both /pol1/ and /pol07/ must ALWAYS be in the /addon/ folder if you want to play DLR.  If you contact me with problems and did not follow these instructions, I _will_ yell at you!  Have fun :)

Battlebelk also said he plans to finish porting Polis Masa and fix some of the AI pathing issues and terrain paint.


Newly encased in his life-saving armor, Darth Vader pursues Obi-Wan to Polis Masa where he locates his wife, Padme. Obi-Wan and Yoda must protect Padme and prevent the twins from falling into the clutches of the evil Sith lord!


- if you choose the "Clone Wars" era, there are two teams: Jedi and Republic (or Empire if you prefer). Yoda and Vader are the heroes of each team. The goal is simple, wipe out the other side!  As the Republic, seize control of the medical facility (and Padme) or as the Jedi team, stop the invading Shocktrooper forces led by Darth Vader.

- if you choose the "Galactic Civil War" era, the mission is the same as "Clone Wars" except that for the Republic team you can now actually play as Darth Vader. The Shocktrooper Clone Commander becomes the hero unit.


- Bail Organa (as sniper)

- Alderaan Officer (based on the Captain Antilles character from RotS) with heavy assault weapons

- Shocktrooper Clone Commander (based on the Hasbro action figure in the Order66 two-pack)

- pregnant Padme (non-playable): you can find her lying down in one of the birthing rooms!

- Obi-Wan unit now has the "skirt" part of his Jedi wardrobe! :)



local link:;sa=view;down=387

SWBF1 Modding / Re: WIP: SWBF BUILD v1
June 20, 2009, 07:33:03 AM
Wait - MHG, before you get too far into this project....  I don't know if you are aware of this already but I did a dispensible object experiment quite some time ago (as part of the JvC release) and while fun, any map that relies on this feature will simply crash in multiplayer AFAIK.   Also in my SP maps I don't believe I've ever seen any AI bot use the dispense feature for itself so basically it relegates any maps to SP only and human gamer usage only.

If that's what you want, then that's fine but if you didn't know about this already, I wanted to warn you before you invest too much time in the idea.  I'd at least suggest running your map in MP for yourself before progressing any further.
A definite sticky IMO.  Thanks for writing this up too - hopefully other people will take advantage of this tutorial and experiment with some new missions.  I want to add that this is actually a different approach from how I do my own mission maps but if it works, that's what matters.

I think people should actually post their questions to this thread so everyone can benefit from any explanations.  There are also still more interesting places you can go with mission maps beyond just side modding pre-existing maps, but it requires a lot more work and experimentation.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Getting BF2 Maps into BF1?
March 27, 2009, 08:49:53 AM
@ggctuk: I do have the snail tank in my modded KDocks map, but I don't remember if the treads worked or not (probably not, I don't think I spent much time porting it other than just to get the weapons working properly).  The Spider Droid was also there courtesy of psychofred, but unless I did something wrong, it's an incredibly slow moving vehicle regardless of what speed I set it to in the ODF.  Overall, mine is probably more simplistic than yours is - I just wanted the beach battle so I blocked off the upper part of the beach (where the huts are) with some cover and had everybody spawning on the beach only.  

Never released it mainly because I rotated the walkways to the platforms just a little and found that I couldn't tweak the paths for the AI to match the rotated walkway (the AI miss the entry point and fall off into the water below). Or wait, was it the barriers that I had trouble rotating to match?  It's been a while... can't remember which, just _something_ in ZE was near impossible to adjust to keep those bots from falling off; it would look like I got it rotated correctly from one angle, then totally "off" from another angle in the editor.  Quite tedious to have to munge the map, play it to find the tweak didn't work, then go back to edit, munge, play, repeat.  SWBF needs a built-in map editor in the game so you can make those tweaks without leaving the game itself.

@Mav: yeah, I meant just "fun to play" or at least, whatever maps people find themselves coming back to play over and over again for whatever reason.  Mos Eisley is pretty enjoyable too, although I found Jabba's palace to be a bit too claustrophobic for my tastes!
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Getting BF2 Maps into BF1?
March 26, 2009, 03:37:33 PM
I'd actually like to see BF2 Kashyyyk playable on BF1 too, but more as a novelty than anything else.  From what I've seen of the map (from within ZE2), the design of that map looks like the weakest out of all the BF2 maps.  

I made a modified version of Kashyyyk Docks last year using some of the BF2 Kashyyyk assets in order to recreate the RotS beach battle more faithfully, and one thing I noticed right away is that whoever made the BF2 Kashyyyyk models really did a so-so job at texturing them; the BF1 assets are so much better looking. I had to drop using some models because they didn't blend well at all with the better BF1 pieces.

I'd be curious to know from any BF2 gamers how they'd rank the standard maps, I'd guess that Mustafar, Utapau, Tantive, and the Jedi Temple would rank near the top, while Kashyyyk, Polis, Kamino and possibly Dagobah would be near the bottom.
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Getting BF2 Maps into BF1?
March 24, 2009, 07:37:25 PM
It was probably ZE2 used to load the asset maps, strip away the non-compatible BF1 features, and possibly reload it into ZE1 for munging I'd wager.  Of course, another way possibly would be to take the map placement of all map objects and just copy/paste that into a ZE1-created dummy project (all x,y,z coordinates are stored in a plain text file, not binary, so you can just load up the file into Notepad and see where everything is placed).

The problems would still remain with BF2 maps that use terrain or have collisions that don't work for BF1 for some reason. Polis Massa being a good example, you'd need to stick invisible collision objects in quite a few places to keep units from falling thru the ground to their deaths.  I'd like to still see someone do the never-done/never-finished BF2 maps (Tantive, Felucia, Kamino2, etc), as I don't know if there's as much of a wow factor in replicating any of the maps already done by strike/scum as they did a pretty decent job given how tedious it was.  Especially Felucia... I still have my 327th Star Corps units somewhere on my HD but never got around to trying to do a Felucia port myself.  Not to mention a great map to have for a TFU mod project too.