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Topics - (DW)skelltor

Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005 Original) / wepon help
January 08, 2010, 01:18:12 PM
i am not quite sure how to make it do what i want it to
do i want it to look like a torpedo lancher and it dose
but the units holding it by the but of it and the barrols pointing straght down and i want it to fire det packs that move quit fast and have no gravity but right now they just slowly drop and flote down here are the odfs

rail det


ClassParent = "com_weap_inf_detpack"
GeometryName = "com_weap_inf_torpedo.msh"

GeometryName = "com_weap_inf_torpedo"
HighResGeometry = "com_1st_weap_inf_torpedo"
HUDTag = "hud_vehicle_torpedo"
OrdnanceName = "imp_weap_inf_raildetonator_ord"

RoundsPerClip = "1"
ShotDelay = "0.1"
ReloadTime = "0.1"
InitialSalvoDelay = "0.25"

TriggerAll = "1"

AnimationBank = "rifle"

OffhandWeapon = 1
TrackingSound = ""

MaxItems = "1"

RefillFromItem = "0"

AutoAimSize = "1.0"

MaxPressedTime = "0.5"
MinStrength = "0.2"
MaxStrength = "1.0"

TargetEnemy = "1"
TargetNeutral = "0"
TargetFriendly = "0"

TargetPerson = "1"
TargetAnimal = "1"
TargetDroid = "1"
TargetVehicle = "1"
TargetBuilding = "1"
TargetMine = "1"

//*********** HUD & CONTROLLER VALUES *********

ScopeTexture = "weapon_scope2"

MuzzleFlash = "small_muzzle_flash"
FlashColor = "255 198 62"
FlashLength = "0.075"
FlashLightColor = "255 198 62 175"

FlashLightRadius = "5.0"
FlashLightDuration = "0.25"
Discharge = "small_smoke_effect"

//******************* SOUND *****************

FireSound = "imp_weap_inf_rocket_launcher_fire"
FireEmptySound = "com_weap_inf_ammo_empty"
FireLoopSound = ""
ReloadSound = "com_weap_inf_reload_lg"
ChargeSound = "imp_weap_inf_rocket_launcher_tracking"
ChangeModeSound = "com_weap_inf_equip_lg"
WeaponChangeSound = "com_weap_inf_equip_lg"
JumpSound = "com_weap_inf_bazooka_mvt_jump"
LandSound = "com_weap_inf_bazooka_mvt_land"
RollSound = "com_weap_inf_bazooka_mvt_roll"
//ProneSound = "com_weap_inf_bazooka_mvt_lie"
SquatSound = "com_weap_inf_bazooka_mvt_squat"
//StandSound = "com_weap_inf_bazooka_mvt_getup"

rail det ord

ClassParent = "com_weap_inf_detpack_ord"
GeometryName = "com_weap_inf_detpack.msh"

TrailEffect = "com_sfx_mineblink_red"
LightColor = "250 50 50 150"
LightRadius = "3.0"

GeometryName = "com_weap_inf_detpack"

LifeSpan = "60.0"
NoLifeSpanDisplay = "1"

Velocity = "2000.0"
Gravity = "0.2"
Rebound = "0.0
Friction = "0.0

MaxHealth = "200"

StickPerson = 1
StickAnimal = 1
StickDroid = 1
StickVehicle = 1
StickBuilding = 1
StickBuildingDead = 1
StickBuildingUnbuilt= 1
StickTerrain = 1

CollisionSound = "com_sticky_stick"

ExplosionTrigger = "imp_weap_inf_raildetonator_exp"
ExplosionExpire = "imp_weap_inf_detpack_destroyed_exp"
ExplosionDeath = "imp_weap_inf_detpack_destroyed_exp"

det pack (parent odf)

ClassLabel = "detonator"

HUDTag = "com_weap_inf_detpack"

RoundsPerClip = "1"
ShotDelay = "0.5"
ReloadTime = "3.0"
InitialSalvoDelay = "0.25"

TriggerAll = "1"

//AnimationBank = "grenade"

OffhandWeapon = 1
TrackingSound = ""

MaxItems = "1.0"

RefillFromItem = "0"

AutoAimSize = "1.0"

MaxPressedTime = "0.5"
MinStrength = "0.2"
MaxStrength = "1.0"

TargetEnemy = "1"
TargetNeutral = "0"
TargetFriendly = "0"

TargetPerson = "0"
TargetAnimal = "0"
TargetDroid = "0"
TargetVehicle = "1"
TargetBuilding = "1"
TargetMine = "0"

det pack ord (parent ord)

ClassLabel = "mine"
GeometryName = "com_weap_inf_detpack.msh"

TrailEffect = "com_sfx_mineblink_red"
LightColor = "250 50 50 150"
LightRadius = "3.0"

GeometryName = "com_weap_inf_detpack"

LifeSpan = "60.0"
NoLifeSpanDisplay = "1"

Velocity = "0.0"
Gravity = "1.0"
Rebound = "0.0
Friction = "1.0

MaxHealth = "20"

StickPerson = 1
StickAnimal = 1
StickDroid = 1
StickVehicle = 1
StickBuilding = 1
StickBuildingDead = 1
StickBuildingUnbuilt= 1
StickTerrain = 1

CollisionSound = "com_sticky_stick"

any help woulde be awesome if u need the exp or the unit odfs let me know please

thanks skelltor
SWBF1 Modding / how do i make new wepons/skellitions
January 01, 2010, 01:43:48 PM
how do i make new wepons/skellitions i have seen pic of a program but dont know what it is could somone give me a link or something
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005 Original) / not changing
December 31, 2009, 12:01:30 PM
i am using the bfx assests but i have some problems like i mod the cis piolets odf to be that of the airdroids odf but it dosent change the piolet also when i edit the recon droid no matter what i change nothing is different in game other changes work but not all any ideas??
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005 Original) / bigger unit??
December 30, 2009, 11:15:38 PM
how can i make a unit bigger i want to make a stage 3 dark trooper and wanted to know if there was a way to just make the basic one twice as big.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005 Original) / closes out
December 26, 2009, 10:27:32 PM
i just downloded swbf2 from d2d whenevery i start a map it just closes out and exits swbf2 help please
SWBF1 Modding / odf help
December 23, 2009, 09:27:13 PM
how do i make a new wepon odf when i try to make a new file thing the onaly option are rich text text and unicode text all i want to do is make a advanced sniper rifle it can use the same ord file but i want to make it fire faster but also keep the old sniper rifle also how do i get one sides wepons in to another side ant help woulde be great

thanks skelltor
SWBF1 Modding / melee
December 18, 2009, 01:09:48 AM
i want to mae a melee sniper rifle but there is a lightsaber fire sticking out the end of it when i use it how do i get ride of that???

here is the odf


ClassLabel          = "melee"

IconTexture      = "IMP_sniperrifle_icon"

GeometryName       = "rep_weap_inf_sniperrifle"
HighResGeometry         = "rep_1st_weap_inf_sniperrifle"
AnimationBank       = "lightsabre"

MuzzleFlash         = ""
Discharge         = ""

RoundsPerClip       = "0"
ReloadTime          = "0.0"

HeatPerShot         = "0.0"
HeatRecoverRate         = "0.0"
HeatThreshold         = "0.0"

//ReloadSound       = "laserreload"
//ChangeModeSound   = "com_weap_inf_blaster_rifle_modechange"
HitSound            = "imp_weap_lightsabre_hit"
//DeflectSound        = "imp_weap_lightsabre_deflect"
//WeaponChangeSound     = "com_weap_inf_laser_weaponchange"

LockOnRange         = "60.0"
LockTime            = "0.4"
AutoAimSize         = "1.0"

Damage              = "250.0"

MinRange            = "0"
OptimalRange        = "2.0"
MaxRange            = "4"

FirePointName      = "hp_fire"

SwingTime           = "0.7 0.5 imp_weap_lightsabre"
Texture = "yellowlightsabre"

SWBF1 Modding / mod making help
December 15, 2009, 04:00:12 PM
ok so i am using mpm assests for a mod i am making but for the gcw sides for some reson my imp sniper rifle imp torpedo lancher all shotgun and all spyrifle are not working all the time some time they dont shoot when i click but the ammo gos down and they never shoot fast anuff (i have anothe mod that they work fine on but wanted to use the mpmassests for the flamthrower and skins i can put some odfs if that would help also btw can i just make a new wepon in the odfs like a conncusion granade lancher or do i need to mod the reguler granade lancher or what??

help plese

here is the imp sniper rifle odf

unit who uses the sniper rifle

ClassLabel = "soldier"
GeometryName = "imp_inf_scout.msh"

FootWaterSplashEffect = "watersplash_sm"
WaterSplashEffect = "watersplash_md"
WakeWaterSplashEffect = "watersplash_wade"

Label = "Imperial Scout"
UnitType = "Scout"
IconTexture = "imp_scout_icon"
MapTexture = "troop_icon"
MapScale = 1.4

GeometryName = "imp_inf_scout"
GeometryLowRes = "imp_inf_scout_low1"
AnimationName = "all_inf_snowtrooper"
FirstPerson = "IMP\impscout;imp_1st_scout"
FirstPersonFOV = "70"
ThirdPersonFOV = "65"

HealthType = "person"
MaxHealth = 250.0
AddHealth                     = 8.0

Acceleraton = 70.0
MaxSpeed = 7.5
MaxStrafeSpeed = 4.5
MaxTurnSpeed = 4.0

WeaponName1 = "imp_weap_inf_sniperrifle"
WeaponAmmo1 = 5
WeaponName2 = "imp_weap_inf_flamethrower"
WeaponAmmo2 = 0
WeaponName3 = "imp_weap_inf_thermaldetonator"
WeaponAmmo3 = 20
WeaponChannel3 = 1
WeaponName4 = "imp_weap_inf_remotedroid"
WeaponAmmo4 = 4
WeaponChannel4 = 1

AimFactorPostureSpecial = 10
AimFactorPostureStand = 10
AimFactorPostureCrouch = 10
AimFactorPostureProne = 10
AimFactorStrafe = 10
AimFactorMove = 10


EyePointOffset = "0.0 1.8 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 1.8 0.0
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.0 3.5"
TiltValue = "5.0"


EyePointOffset = "0.0 1.8 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 1.8 0.0
TrackOffset = "0.4 0.05 2.8"
TiltValue = "3.5"


EyePointOffset = "0.0 1.3 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 1.3 0.0
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.15 3.5"
TiltValue = "5.0"


EyePointOffset = "0.0 1.3 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 1.3 0.0
TrackOffset = "0.4 0.2 2.8"
TiltValue = "3.5"


EyePointOffset = "0.0 0.5 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 0.5 0.0"
TrackOffset = "0.0 0.0 3.0"
TiltValue = "5.0"


EyePointOffset = "0.0 0.5 0.0"
TrackCenter = "0.0 0.5 0.0"
TrackOffset = "0.4 0.2 2.8"
TiltValue = "3.5"

AimValue = "1.0"

HurtSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_wound"
DeathSound              = "imp_inf_com_chatter_death"
AcquiredTargetSound     = "imp_inf_com_chatter_acquired"
HidingSound             = "imp_inf_com_chatter_hide"
ApproachingTargetSound  = "imp_inf_com_chatter_approach"
FleeSound               = "imp_inf_com_chatter_flee"
PreparingForDamageSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_predamage"
HeardEnemySound         = "imp_inf_com_chatter_heard"
ShockFadeOutTime        = ""
ShockFadeInTime         = ""
ShockFadeOutGain        = ""
ShockSound              = ""
ClothingRustleSound     = ""
LowHealthSound          = ""
LowHealthThreshold      = ".25"
FoleyFXClass            = "imp_inf_trooper"

// squad command VO
SCFieldMoveOutSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
SCFieldHoldSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_hold"
SCFieldFollowSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_follow"
SCDriverGetInSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_needgunner"
SCDriverGetOutSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
SCPassengerMoveOutSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_spreadout"
SCPassengerStopSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_stop"
SCPassengerGetInSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_needgunner"
SCPassengerGetOutSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
SCGunnerAllClearSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_allclear"
SCGunnerSteadySound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_stop"
SCGunnerGetInSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_needgunner"
SCGunnerGetOutSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
SCResponseYessirSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_yes"
SCResponseNosirSound = "imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_no"

// AI squad command VO
AISCFieldMoveOutSound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
AISCFieldHoldSound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_hold"
AISCFieldFollowSound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_follow"
AISCDriverGetInSound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_needgunner"
AISCDriverGetOutSound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
AISCPassengerMoveOutSound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_spreadout"
AISCPassengerStopSound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_stop"
AISCPassengerGetInSound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_needgunner"
AISCPassengerGetOutSound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
AISCGunnerAllClearSound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_allclear"
AISCGunnerSteadySound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_stop"
AISCGunnerGetInSound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_needgunner"
AISCGunnerGetOutSound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_moveout"
AISCResponseYessirSound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_yes"
AISCResponseNosirSound = "ai_imp_inf_com_chatter_tac_no"

AISizeType = "SOLDIER"

DropItemClass = "com_item_powerup_ammo"
DropItemProbability = 0.05
NextDropItem = "-"
DropItemClass = "com_item_powerup_health25"
DropItemProbability = 0.10
NextDropItem = "-"
DropItemClass = "com_item_powerup_health100"
DropItemProbability = 0.10

sniper rifle

ClassLabel       = "cannon"

AnimationBank      = "rifle"
GeometryName       = "imp_weap_inf_sniperrifle"
HighResGeometry         = "imp_1st_weap_inf_sniperrifle"

//*************   TARGET & RANGE VALUES  **********

TargetEnemy      = "1"
TargetNeutral      = "0"
TargetFriendly      = "0"

TargetPerson      = "1"
TargetAnimal      = "1"
TargetDroid      = "1"
TargetVehicle      = "0"
TargetBuilding      = "0"

MinRange      = "32"
OptimalRange      = "64"
MaxRange      = "128"

LockOnRange      = "0.0"
LockTime       = "0.0"
LockOnAngle      = "1.0"

SniperScope      = 1
ZoomFirstPerson      = 1
ZoomMin         = "6.0"
ZoomMax         = "25.0"
ZoomRate      = "0.0"

YawSpread      = "0.0"
PitchSpread      = "0.0"

KickStrength      = "0.4"

SpreadPerShot      = "1.1"
SpreadRecoverRate   = "4.8"
SpreadThreshold      = "1.6"
SpreadLimit      = "6.0"

StandStillSpread   = "0.0"
StandMoveSpread      = "0.0"
CrouchStillSpread   = "0.0"
CrouchMoveSpread   = "0.0"
ProneStillSpread   = "0.0"
ProneMoveSpread      = "0.0"

//*********** WEAPON PERFORMANCE VALUES *********

RoundsPerClip       = "60"
ReloadTime       = "3.0"
ShotDelay       = "0.1"
TriggerSingle      = "1"
MaxPressedTime      = "0.0"

SalvoCount      = "1"
SalvoDelay      = "0.0"
InitialSalvoDelay   = "0.0"
SalvoTime      = "0.0"

OrdnanceName       = "imp_weap_inf_sniperrifle_ord"
FirePointName      = "hp_fire"

//***********  HUD & CONTROLLER VALUES  *********

IconTexture      = "IMP_sniperrifle_icon"
ModeTexture      = "HUD_weap_semiauto"
ReticuleTexture      = "reticule_sniper"
ScopeTexture   = "weapon_scope3"

MuzzleFlash      = "small_muzzle_flash"
FlashColor       = "255 80 80 255"
FlashLength       = 0.025
FlashLightColor    = "255 192 192 175"
FlashLightRadius    = "2.0"
FlashLightDuration    = "0.25"
Discharge      = "small_smoke_effect"

//***************   SOUND      ****************

FireSound          = "imp_weap_inf_rifle_fire"
ReloadSound        = "imp_weap_inf_reload_med"
ChangeModeSound    = "imp_weap_inf_equip_med"
FireEmptySound      = "com_weap_inf_ammo_empty"
WeaponChangeSound    = "imp_weap_inf_equip_med"
ClankLeftWalkSound  = ""
ClankRightWalkSound = ""
ClankLeftRunSound   = ""
ClankRightRunSound  = ""
JumpSound           = "imp_weap_inf_rifle_mvt_jump"
LandSound           = "imp_weap_inf_rifle_mvt_land"
RollSound           = "imp_weap_inf_rifle_mvt_roll"
ProneSound          = "imp_weap_inf_rifle_mvt_squat"
SquatSound          = "imp_weap_inf_rifle_mvt_lie"
StandSound          = "imp_weap_inf_rifle_mvt_getup"

sniper rifle ord

//This area defines the ordnances class and the effects associated with it.
ClassLabel = "bolt"

ImpactEffectWater = "watersplash_ord"

LaserTexture = "greenlaser_d"
LaserGlowColor = "64 224 64 100"
LightColor              = "64 224 64 150"
LightRadius             = "4.0"

LaserLength = "20.0"
LaserWidth = "0.15"
GlowLength = "24"
BlurLength = "32"
FadeOutTime = "1"

ImpactEffectSoft = "ord_explosion"
ImpactEffectRigid = "ord_explosion"
ImpactEffectStatic = "ord_explosion"
ImpactEffectTerrain = "ord_explosion"
ImpactEffectWater = "watersplash_ord"
ImpactEffectShield = "ord_explosion"

ExpireEffect = "ord_explosion"

LifeSpan = "1.15"
Velocity = "2000.0"
Gravity = "1.0"
Rebound = "0.0"

MaxDamage = "140.0"

VehicleScale = "0.0"
ShieldScale = "1.0"
PersonScale = "1.0"
DroidScale = "1.0"
BuildingScale = "0.1"

OrdnanceSound = "com_weap_inf_ord_hum_sm"

SWBF1 Modding / radation granades
December 15, 2009, 12:16:15 AM
recently i modded the cis crack granades to become radation granades but they dont explode on impact. anyone know how to make them do that??
SWBF1 Modding / recon droide
December 14, 2009, 03:55:40 PM
today i trired to chang the cis recon droide into a fully armed battle droid it worked untill it was killed then the game crashed if somone could tell me if there is a way to make it not crash or has any suggustions on how to make it please tell me asap


SWBF1 Modding / dual sided lightsaber
December 13, 2009, 10:52:31 PM
dose anyone have an dual sided light saber file or know where to get one???
SWBF1 Modding / time bomb
December 13, 2009, 10:19:34 PM
i was wondering if anyone knew how to mod the time bomb so that you can place like 1-15 and make them have no time limet but go off when relode is pressed i saw it in the elite sides mod so i know it can be done i am just wondering how

Welcome Center / hi all
December 02, 2009, 09:01:07 PM
hi all i am skelltor and have been playing starwars battlefront for a wile now and am getting into playing mods and maps and recantly started to try to play around modding myself
SWBF1 Modding / bfbuilder pro help
December 01, 2009, 09:07:57 PM
sorry if this in the wrong place but i am new here

when i try to use bfbuilder pro i get a error message that says path not found any help would be great


edit i got it fixed!!!! yay can i still leave this open for my Qs