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Messages - (DW)skelltor

thank you for adding credits imo the clones were a bit to close to each other (how most of them had shot guns)
oh ok thx i found a tut thogh but cant understand part of it
where is gcw?
um y is there no gcw downlode??
my name is like always skelltor
Other Games / Re: "Moral" Issue
January 19, 2010, 03:46:06 PM
well the reson she bought it for u was to get u something u would enjoy playing i think that if u would never play it she would rather u use that money for something u would really like and enjoy in my opinion at least
i made copyed them from the det pack odfs and i had the ordinance velocity up a lot highter but it dident chang so i put it back down i got it to work but he is still holding the torpedo lancher by the but/stock any ideas??
Welcome Center / Re: Hi there!
January 12, 2010, 01:53:35 PM
hi welcome to mpc
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005 Original) / wepon help
January 08, 2010, 01:18:12 PM
i am not quite sure how to make it do what i want it to
do i want it to look like a torpedo lancher and it dose
but the units holding it by the but of it and the barrols pointing straght down and i want it to fire det packs that move quit fast and have no gravity but right now they just slowly drop and flote down here are the odfs

rail det


ClassParent = "com_weap_inf_detpack"
GeometryName = "com_weap_inf_torpedo.msh"

GeometryName = "com_weap_inf_torpedo"
HighResGeometry = "com_1st_weap_inf_torpedo"
HUDTag = "hud_vehicle_torpedo"
OrdnanceName = "imp_weap_inf_raildetonator_ord"

RoundsPerClip = "1"
ShotDelay = "0.1"
ReloadTime = "0.1"
InitialSalvoDelay = "0.25"

TriggerAll = "1"

AnimationBank = "rifle"

OffhandWeapon = 1
TrackingSound = ""

MaxItems = "1"

RefillFromItem = "0"

AutoAimSize = "1.0"

MaxPressedTime = "0.5"
MinStrength = "0.2"
MaxStrength = "1.0"

TargetEnemy = "1"
TargetNeutral = "0"
TargetFriendly = "0"

TargetPerson = "1"
TargetAnimal = "1"
TargetDroid = "1"
TargetVehicle = "1"
TargetBuilding = "1"
TargetMine = "1"

//*********** HUD & CONTROLLER VALUES *********

ScopeTexture = "weapon_scope2"

MuzzleFlash = "small_muzzle_flash"
FlashColor = "255 198 62"
FlashLength = "0.075"
FlashLightColor = "255 198 62 175"

FlashLightRadius = "5.0"
FlashLightDuration = "0.25"
Discharge = "small_smoke_effect"

//******************* SOUND *****************

FireSound = "imp_weap_inf_rocket_launcher_fire"
FireEmptySound = "com_weap_inf_ammo_empty"
FireLoopSound = ""
ReloadSound = "com_weap_inf_reload_lg"
ChargeSound = "imp_weap_inf_rocket_launcher_tracking"
ChangeModeSound = "com_weap_inf_equip_lg"
WeaponChangeSound = "com_weap_inf_equip_lg"
JumpSound = "com_weap_inf_bazooka_mvt_jump"
LandSound = "com_weap_inf_bazooka_mvt_land"
RollSound = "com_weap_inf_bazooka_mvt_roll"
//ProneSound = "com_weap_inf_bazooka_mvt_lie"
SquatSound = "com_weap_inf_bazooka_mvt_squat"
//StandSound = "com_weap_inf_bazooka_mvt_getup"

rail det ord

ClassParent = "com_weap_inf_detpack_ord"
GeometryName = "com_weap_inf_detpack.msh"

TrailEffect = "com_sfx_mineblink_red"
LightColor = "250 50 50 150"
LightRadius = "3.0"

GeometryName = "com_weap_inf_detpack"

LifeSpan = "60.0"
NoLifeSpanDisplay = "1"

Velocity = "2000.0"
Gravity = "0.2"
Rebound = "0.0
Friction = "0.0

MaxHealth = "200"

StickPerson = 1
StickAnimal = 1
StickDroid = 1
StickVehicle = 1
StickBuilding = 1
StickBuildingDead = 1
StickBuildingUnbuilt= 1
StickTerrain = 1

CollisionSound = "com_sticky_stick"

ExplosionTrigger = "imp_weap_inf_raildetonator_exp"
ExplosionExpire = "imp_weap_inf_detpack_destroyed_exp"
ExplosionDeath = "imp_weap_inf_detpack_destroyed_exp"

det pack (parent odf)

ClassLabel = "detonator"

HUDTag = "com_weap_inf_detpack"

RoundsPerClip = "1"
ShotDelay = "0.5"
ReloadTime = "3.0"
InitialSalvoDelay = "0.25"

TriggerAll = "1"

//AnimationBank = "grenade"

OffhandWeapon = 1
TrackingSound = ""

MaxItems = "1.0"

RefillFromItem = "0"

AutoAimSize = "1.0"

MaxPressedTime = "0.5"
MinStrength = "0.2"
MaxStrength = "1.0"

TargetEnemy = "1"
TargetNeutral = "0"
TargetFriendly = "0"

TargetPerson = "0"
TargetAnimal = "0"
TargetDroid = "0"
TargetVehicle = "1"
TargetBuilding = "1"
TargetMine = "0"

det pack ord (parent ord)

ClassLabel = "mine"
GeometryName = "com_weap_inf_detpack.msh"

TrailEffect = "com_sfx_mineblink_red"
LightColor = "250 50 50 150"
LightRadius = "3.0"

GeometryName = "com_weap_inf_detpack"

LifeSpan = "60.0"
NoLifeSpanDisplay = "1"

Velocity = "0.0"
Gravity = "1.0"
Rebound = "0.0
Friction = "1.0

MaxHealth = "20"

StickPerson = 1
StickAnimal = 1
StickDroid = 1
StickVehicle = 1
StickBuilding = 1
StickBuildingDead = 1
StickBuildingUnbuilt= 1
StickTerrain = 1

CollisionSound = "com_sticky_stick"

any help woulde be awesome if u need the exp or the unit odfs let me know please

thanks skelltor
Requests / Re: Autoturrets?
January 04, 2010, 05:55:54 PM
what line did u add??
wich option file i found them but do i change

or a different one ??
ummm i am not quite sure how this helps me there are no assests??
umm wampa beta??
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Redemtion Mod Final 2010
January 02, 2010, 09:33:35 AM
cool maby change the
GlowLength      = "0.75"
BlurLength      = "0.75"
so that it looks more naturural
SWBF1 Modding / Re: Redemtion Mod Final 2010
January 01, 2010, 09:59:31 PM
omg the old one was my fav swbf1 mod ever

ideas the jettrooper and geonosian seemed a bit over powerd and 4 some reson the basic clone troopers skin just dident look like it fit in