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Topics - Led

Forum News and Forum Rules / old PMs will be deleted
August 31, 2019, 05:57:18 AM
Notice:  PMs older that two years will be deleted during the website move.

You can export your data through the GDPR tool.

profile/modify profile/export data
1000 records at a time
Forum News and Forum Rules / Can't download a file?
August 30, 2019, 08:14:40 PM
We are in the process of updating our file storage system.  If you need a particular file and you get a file not found error, reply to this message and we will get it fixed.    :cheers:
General / slow loading
August 23, 2019, 04:09:31 AM
Our site is slow to load this morning.  I will check again in the evening and send in a support ticket if needed.
Forum News and Forum Rules / MS needs a restart
August 21, 2019, 10:48:04 AM
Due to maintenance at NFO, our master server needs to be restarted.  We will get to it tonight if not sooner.   :cheers:
Forum News and Forum Rules / Chicago crashed
August 18, 2019, 03:29:00 PM
Our Chicago server has crashed.  I need to reinstall the OS, game servers and DNS server.  It will be a little while.

General / Xbox
August 11, 2019, 06:56:48 PM
So, if I were to get an xbox these days, what should I get? 

Anything I need to watch out for?

General / filefront password compromised
August 07, 2019, 05:00:37 PM
remember the old filefront?

Someone has been busy looking at old password for filefront has been compromised and emailed to me in an extortion attempt.

That was the only account I used with that password.
Hi--this is Buckler aka Led from

You are receiving this email since you are registered at our website and have elected to receive the occasional email.

Star Wars: Battlefront is celebrating 15 years of gaming in December this year.

I wanted to make you aware of some new developments for the original Star Wars: Battlefront (SWBF) and Star Wars Battlefront II (SWBF2) for the PC and PS2 player communities.

We host games for the PC and PS2 community of SWBF and SWBF2 players.  (For more information about the PS2 community, see: )

Gamespy no longer works, but we have a replacement master server called GameMaster that is has the exact same functionality as Gamespy.  Our version of Gamemaster is called  With a simple file replacement, we are playing SWBF and SWBF2 (non-GoG) online again.

The patch and installation instructions are available at right here at this link:

We miss the old days when a lot of people filled the SWBF servers.  We invite you to find your old game disk or purchase on Steam, patch SWBF and SWBF2 for new online play and join us each Friday evening and Saturday afternoon (US - Eastern time) to play, and culminating for a weekend of gaming on December 7th to celebrate the 15 year anniversary of this great game.

If you need the game, you can buy a set of SWBF disks through ebay, or it is now available through Steam and GoG (multiplayer patch required).

If you just like single player, you will be amazed at some of the new mod maps available--particularly those created by Sereja in our downloads section:;cat=25

We hope to see you on the front.

All the best,

temporary or permanent?  anyone know?
Other Games / Obduction free on GoG
May 30, 2019, 03:46:15 PM
Free game:  Obduction on Gog
For our new visitors, I feel I need to explain some of history around SWBFspy and the one that calls himself SWBFspy Founder and CEO--a player that uses the playing names of Phobos and Rage.

This person had been a member of this community from 2009-2017.  He was always a difficult to work with, but made some useful contributions to using Tunngle and made some mod maps.

Gamespy shutdown for SWBF1 in 2012, leaving few options for on-line multiplayer.  A group in Germany led by Kalle created an opensource emulator for Gamespy called Gamemaster in 2014.  In 2016, I bought the domain name (and later and working through Anyder and with Jedikiller, Kalle set up the Gamemaster service for us on the SWBFspy domain.

By 2017, Phobos had purchased the domain name and started setting up false websites, copied websites, and false identities for on various social media platforms, and was then banned from this community and eventually banned from hosting games on the master server.

Since then, I, and many members of this community, have endured harassment in various forms which continues to this day.  His favorite tactic is to copy something, change the names and or dates, and then make it look like he did something first.

Attached to this post are a few screen shots of him in his own words from over the years that will calibrate the situation.

He is a next-level troll.  It is so outrageous that most people would find it hard to believe someone would do this.  But done this he has.

edit:  He is lashing out again, "banning" a lot of people from his "".  I cannot verify if his service ever worked.

Please note that this has nothing to do with be able to play on the original servers hosted by

Forum News and Forum Rules / May the Fourth
May 04, 2019, 04:47:00 AM
Happy May the Fourth  :cheers:

The big news is that SWBF (2004) has finally released on Steam and GoG.

If you are a Steam user that is visiting us, welcome to the site.  We host  (not to be confused with and the the drama associated with that...) which is the GameMaster based replacement for GameSpy that allows us to play the original SWBF and SWBF2 on-line.

Here is the download you need to get online:
Use this for Steam/GoG SWBF1

We also host multiplayer game servers around the world.

With a quick and easy registration, please feel free to download some of our mod maps--such as the the incredible ones from Sereja:;cat=25
who is the most detailed and best SWBF modder in the world.

You can also download the mod tools package:;sa=view;down=1219

and get started with our modding tutorial

and ask questions. 

This game is approaching its 15th anniversary, and we have our domains and services scheduled to still be active well past 2035.  So, stick around with us and let us know if we can help you with anything  :cheers: