Rumor: SWBF Online

Started by aeria., January 29, 2010, 08:46:47 AM

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January 29, 2010, 08:46:47 AM Last Edit: January 29, 2010, 09:16:00 AM by Pink AG
Now this is an interesting one! What we have ourselves here is Star Wars: Battlefront Online. Seeing how SWBFIII is pretty much dead, this could be the reboot that the series needs (Rebellion needs to die).
According to Kotaku's sources, LucasArts is currently working with Slant Six Games (SOCOM Confrontation, the upcoming SOCOM Fire Team Bravo 3) on a Battlefront Online title. Reported to be in pre-production, the title would online only, and would hit shelves in 2011.

While it's still a rumor (and still in pre-production), this is very great news. A SWBF game that DEVELOPED for online play. Let's hope this becomes a reality.


and also, please move this topic to the SWBF section, I accidentally posted it in the Tourney section.


Eh, lucasarts has been known to screw things over before so I'm not that positive about it. Although I'm glad Rebellion isn't making the game, so maybe there's some hope.
Raoul Duke: feels redneck
Raoul Duke: have to bring the family tree when looking for women

Lilly Satou: also oh my god
Lilly Satou: fried chicken in the lingo is the best thing ever

Cool! I'd buy it! :tu: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out.


Revival for the battlefront series. SWBF2 is gonna be dead by spring of '10, I garauntee it. The members of its community are ripping each other apart, clans are dying left and right, competitive play rules are super strict, (when I was playing swbf2 a few months back, you could barely win a just-for-fun clan war without getting called nooby cheaters.) and besides that, the game gets really old.

And people have completely forgotten about goold old 2003 SWBF1, despite the fact that it's a great game.

February 02, 2010, 01:37:09 AM #4 Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 01:39:16 AM by ggctuk
Well, I have not forgotten about BF1, I think all us SWBF mods have made it better. As for BF2 ripping itself to pieces... I haven't seen that. In fact, I'm still curious for modding it, although if I do, I'll just be modding the PSP version to have a minor version of the Main Play Mod.

No way would I buy this title. Online-only sucks in my opinion - there's no room for a deep enough storyline mode, like the one BF2 has. BF was all about the dual singleplayer/multiplayer experience. Take away the single player and you've basically ruined the game's ideas.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Yeah this would ruin all chances of having a decent campaign for once :-/

MP-only games work sometimes. Example, Team Fortress 2 works without a SP, but SWBF has always had SP/MP, and if they cut it i t jut wouldn't be SWBF.

Well, if it's high-tech enough, I might take a look. Online only though generally ruins a game in my opinion. I hate having to wait on other people to play a game (SWBF MP doesn't count 'cause I've got SP)

You do have a point, but BF2's campaign was pretty good IMO. Analyzing campaigns:

BF1: Pretty laaaaaaaaame. All you have to do is win the map, you might as well go to Instant Action.

BF2: Better. You have actual orders now, and the only way you can win is to complete all objectives, and if you lose, you actually lose a LOT of work unlike BF1. Also, more campaign missions and you get into story a little bit. Many missions are challenging and require specific unit choices to succeed in your efforts.

Anyway, I personally don't see too much of a problem with this, but I would like for there to be a SP mode. I don't see how it would "ruin" the series, but I would rather there be a SP mode. But if it comes out, I'll probably buy it.

The only issue with it for me is the single-player as well, I think the campaign in battlefront two is what makes it a great game and I think it's more fun than the Multiplayer. I don't think the game will be as complete without the option to play by yourself. If this is only multiplayer, it better be an incredible multiplayer game.

I just hope they don't allow playable jedi, if they do they need to be toned down from SWBF2. The jedi mauled over everybody in SWBF2, it pretty much ruined the gameplay.
Raoul Duke: feels redneck
Raoul Duke: have to bring the family tree when looking for women

Lilly Satou: also oh my god
Lilly Satou: fried chicken in the lingo is the best thing ever

Quote from: Zephyr on February 02, 2010, 03:47:54 PM
I just hope they don't allow playable jedi, if they do they need to be toned down from SWBF2. The jedi mauled over everybody in SWBF2, it pretty much ruined the gameplay.

The Jedi in Renegade Squadron and Elite Squadron, by comparison, were clunky and difficult to use. So if they include Heroes, they should meet at halfway between BF2 and Renegade/Elite Squadron.
In Progress:
--Phantom Menace Celebration Maps
--SWBFEA Demakes

--Star Wars: Battlefront - Anniversary Edition (formerly Star Wars: Battlefront - Legacy)

On Hold:
--Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron For SWBF1

Good point. Hero noobs in SWBF2 just completely decimated any heroes on the map. Jedis could run at like 50 MPH, and way faster than most vehicles. Lightsabers killed in 1-2 slashes on normal units, but on air attacks and dash attacks they were 1-hit kills on normal infantry.
and then there's the  :censored: force. Push, choke, and pull are almost always completely abused by most people in MP. Even on Mos Eisley Assault, noobs would REFUSE to attack unless you were on the ground and they weren't. On the rare occasions I managed to sneak up on the force noobs, I would take 1 slash at them, and they would run away to their mommies by jumping across rooftops and sprinting. Thanks Mos Eisley. Stupid buildings. To make matters worse, some people hacked into their game to make them unstoppable on Mos Eisley assault. One such noob went by the name of "Jason."

Like, he made his push have a MUCH longer range. He also made himself invulnerable to pushes of your own. Very few people ever managed to kill this idiot, he'd have like 90 kills, 1 or 2 deaths. The rest of us, kills: 20 deaths: 32

But back to SWBFO, I think it would be OK, but the SP of SWBF has always been super fun, and a big component would be missing from the game.